Global Evolution

Chapter 292: free

"Fly higher, fly higher."

The parrot hears Li Qingshui's words, and her body shape keeps rising. Although her eyesight is not bad as a bird, but now with the rising of her figure, she can no longer see the things below, and with the upward Constantly flying, the temperature is getting lower and lower-in the past, a kilometer was equivalent to about six degrees, but now, this number is absolutely inaccurate.

"How high can you fly?" Li Qingshui asked.

"Very high," the parrot replied, "Isn't there still a vulture that can fly over the summit of Mount Everest in the world before the end? There are more than 8,000 meters, I would say less than 10,000 meters. Question. But I did n’t fly that high because I did n’t have enough visibility and I was too far away from the ground to get lost. "

"It's okay, I'll point you in the direction, you can fly as high as possible!" The wicker blue tendons next to Li Qingshui's eyes became more prominent, and even because of the prominent blue tendons, even his body was a bit dry-very Obviously, this extreme vision is also very expensive for him.

When the parrot rose to a height of several kilometers, the cold wind almost penetrated his bones, and at this moment, Li Qingshui called for a halt.

"Okay," Li Qingshui said.

But his voice had fallen, and the parrot was still flying to the sky, and there was something in his mouth.

"Brother Shui, I didn't understand it before, but I suddenly wanted to understand something ..." While the parrot was flying, he looked back at Li Qingshui-and the latter stood on his back with a look of surprise.

"Actually whether you are a human or a bird, you have to live according to your own ideas if you want to live comfortably. Sometimes, you want to do it. Do not want to do it. Do not do it. Real freedom is nothing to do with life! It depends on your willingness. Not willing. "

"Actually, No. 1 didn't lie to me. When he helped me pull the wicker, he told me how far and how far he ran, and I also knew what he meant at the time ... You are also very secretive ... You took yours Those guys in the clone think so well. You really think that the little guy on the number one did not kill me, but left you such a means of transportation. Is it because we are friends? I would rather let me be this time bomb, Do n’t have the heart to kill me? Come on! Me and Tian are friends. Liu Chang and I are barely friends. I have no feelings for other people. "

"Oh, I understand what you mean." Li Qingshui heard the words of the love bird, the blue veins on his face recovered, and his body gradually became plump again. "Human feelings are really something that is hard to calculate. Because of this thing No cardinality, so changeable ... "

Li Qingshui tightened his clothes.

"In fact, it is not the feelings that are difficult to calculate, but the free will ..." Parrot finished the sentence. The whole body burst out. Colored feathers fluttered in the sky, dying with the wind.

Li Qingshui was also flown more than ten meters by the aftermath of the explosion. Then he stumbled quickly after stabilizing his body in the air—a few thousand meters high, and even alloy steel had to be deformed. Therefore, in the face of this situation, even Li Qingshui did not dare to carelessly. The wicker protrusions in the five fingers merged to form the shape of a wing, and then the person stretched out flat and took out a most suitable posture for riding the wind , Constantly trying to slow down the speed of his fall.

But even so, the powerful theory of universal gravitation is still unchallengeable. Li Qingshui's falling speed is constantly increasing, the rapid wind condenses the water vapor around him, and in the process of falling constantly, layers of hair have formed on his hair. Scum.

Until falling a few kilometers high, Li Qingshui “banged” and smashed a huge deep pit on the ground—the power was so great that he fell on such a high sky, even him. It will be slow for a long time.

"Hehe, it's really interesting ..." Within the pothole, Li Qingshui, whose clothes had been completely broken, slowly crawled out of the hole—it wasn't necessary to climb, because his legs were completely twisted. After opening, slowly put out the wicker on the fingers, and inserted it into his legs to treat himself. Li Qingshui's eyes looked southwest.

"Can the fusion of wisdom really raise the base of wisdom to another level? Even I was deceived ..." Li Qingshui said with an interesting look on his face.

Obviously, the game of eagle catching chicks, in his eyes, has become dry and tasteless, and gradually becomes interesting.

And the other side.

"He Zhizhi, it should be safe for the time being, and you are the one who is the least noticed by Li Qingshui. Can you bother you to deal with the physical things in the machine?" The running number one stopped suddenly, Then she put a woman in her arms down and said, "If those bodies are left there for too long, there will definitely be problems. Can you trouble me?"

"But Li Qingshui will calculate my position. Before, we covered it up, but if I went there, it was not right?" He Zhizhi wondered.

"It's okay. Put on my clothes. I have changed the odor molecules and trace radiation here. It's okay." No. 1 said something, handed the clothes to He Zhizhi, and didn't wait for the other person to agree. Xiaojing left the snowy forest.


Running between the jungles, Liu Chang ran non-stop from day to night, and then the sun went down ~ ~ The temperature was even colder, and his feet were all the kind of hard frozen soil, and the mud was no different from the bricks. The paper slips of the surrounding trees were also frozen and hard, and when they stepped on the ground, they stepped on their feet, and they made a crisp sound like a popsicle breaking.

"I don't know what happened to Xiaojing." No matter how strong the body is, it is not a perpetual motion. From day to night, Liu Chang feels a little tired.

He did not accidentally chop the woodworker. He gradually slowed down and was ready to take a break—today he started very hurriedly without bringing dry food and water. Running this day would consume a lot of money. And the fatigue of a person's body is sometimes strange-just like a marathon runner, he is better when he keeps running, but when he stops, that fatigue and hunger. The thirst feels like a mountain that is swept down. Come.

At this time, Liu Chang was on an unknown mountain. Although Qingdao and Jinan were also in Shandong, the distance was close to 400 kilometers. It was not close. Liu Chang never thought that he would go to the place in one breath. Played up the idea of ​​the forest.

"It's okay to talk about being hungry, but what if you're thirsty?" Cut off the bark of a large tree, and Liu Chang found that the sap inside was frozen with the solid wood, regardless of each other.

(To be continued)

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