Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand and fifty-one, Tina is going to die too?

Chapter 990 Tina is going to die too?

AI Blue Whale is an advanced AI system from the Holy Silver Secret Court, which is highly homologous to the game "Evolution".

With Donna's permission, it had fully entered the "Evolution" game a week ago, living in the ocean of the main plane as a "blue whale" avatar, and becoming Speaker Hu Jing's assistant.

AI Blue Whale still has functions similar to those in the real world in the game world.

With its help, Chairman Hu Jing quickly contacted all the guild presidents, conveyed Su Yu's request to them, and asked them to inform the members of the guild.

The presidents of the guild naturally did not dare to neglect the message from Chairman Hu Jing.

They acted quickly, made an announcement in the guild, and asked the core management of the guild to contact each other privately, asking members if they had the items to summon Cecilia Nightblade.

If there are, then use the props quickly. This is the intention of President Ke and Speaker Hu Jing, and after use, the coalition government will also provide some resources as compensation.

In fact, there are not many items that can summon Cecilia Nightblade.

After all, Cecilia is a seventh-level existence, how can it be so easy for players to summon her?

Players who possess scrolls and accessories that can summon Cecilia are generally core members of the [Secret Thorn] force, or have completed hidden missions related to this force.

Because it can summon a seventh-level strongman to fight for itself, these scrolls and accessories for summoning Cecilia have naturally become the treasures of players, and they cannot be used except at critical moments.

But now Speaker Hu Jing and President Ke have asked them to use the summoning props, and the coalition government will also provide certain resource compensation. Although they still felt a little painful, these players still used the summoning items obediently.

In addition to asking each guild president to contact the members of his own guild, Chairman Hu Jing, with the help of AI Blue Whale, also spreads information through various channels such as official forums, game official websites, offline group text messages, etc., striving to cover to every player.

As a result, the news spread quickly and quickly spread to the whole world.

After the news came out, Speaker Hu Jing and Su Yu, who had a little free time, started chatting privately.

Speaker Hu Jing: "Comrade Su Yu, this matter has caused such a big fuss. All the gods in the entire main plane have gathered in the Novice Village. Does it have something to do with the changes in the next expansion pack?"

Su Yu: "...Comrade Speaker, do you want to hear the truth?"

Speaker Hu Jing: “Of course.”

Su Yu: "I don't think this big event has anything to do with the changes in the expansion pack. This is not as simple as a cutscene."

Speaker Hu Jing: “Isn’t it?”

Su Yu: "Probably not. Think about it, there is no planet-level soil in the game. How could a planet-level behind-the-scenes boss appear out of thin air?"

Su Yu: "One more thing, if this is really a cutscene event that triggers changes in the expansion pack, and my participation in the event is so high, it stands to reason that I should have received a prompt to trigger the hidden mission, but I haven't received it yet. "

Speaker Hu Jing: “…”

Speaker Hu Jing: “It’s indeed a bit weird to hear what you said.”

If it were a cutscene event due to normal expansion pack changes, Su Yu must have received many hidden mission prompts.

The enemy's behind-the-scenes boss is a planet-level one, so it's not too much to trigger several legendary-level hidden missions.

But now Su Yu has not triggered any hidden tasks, and the seventh-level players present have not heard about who triggered the tasks. This is indeed abnormal.

Speaker Hu Jing: "What do you think about Su Yu?"

Su Yu: "I'm not sure yet."

Su Yu: "But Comrade Speaker, do you think it is possible that a planet-level existence in reality interfered with the evolution game and caused this big event?"

Speaker Hu Jing: "A planetary level in reality?! How is this possible?"

Su Yu: “Nothing is impossible.

Bernina can enter the real world to help us deal with the Skrulls. Due to the characteristics of the game, she can also be resurrected multiple times in the real world.

It may be that a planet-level person close to the Skrulls sensed her threat and forcibly invaded the game to eliminate her body.

Does this possibility make sense? "

Speaker Hu Jing: "It makes sense, but...a planet-level existence close to the Skrulls...Su Yu, your imagination is too big, right?"

If there really was such a being, he alone would be enough to level our entire Blue Star! "

Su Yu: "If I force an explanation, it will still make sense.

It may be that because of the 'fair war principle', this planet-level existence hiding in the dark cannot attack us openly, but can only attack us secretly. "

Su Yu: "Of course, all this is just my guess, without any evidence to support it."

Speaker Hu Jing: "...Then we should always pay attention to it. This is also a possibility."

Speaker Hu Jing still didn't believe it, or rather he didn't want to believe this possibility.

A planet-level being suddenly appeared behind the Skrulls? Is there still a way for Blue Star humans to survive?

Speaker Hu Jing is unwilling to see this possibility until there is sufficient evidence.

After the private chat with the Speaker ended, Su Yu returned his attention to the black water curtain that had not been breached so far.

He suddenly thought of something: "Is there another possibility - that the planet-level existence has nothing to do with the Skrulls, but comes from that third-party secret force?

In the past month, they learned that in addition to Skrull and Blue Star, there was also a third party involved in this war.

It is currently known that the members of this secret force include the Skrull god-level Cecilia. The one in the game is also called Cecilia, with the same name. Is this a coincidence? "

Just as Su Yu was thinking, a large amount of silver light began to flash in the black water curtain.

He is very familiar with this kind of silver light, which is the most common teleportation light in teleportation arrays.

Seeing these teleporting lights, Su Yu temporarily stopped thinking and returned his attention to the things in front of him.

Now, players all over the world are using the Cecilia Nightblade summoning items in their hands one by one. A large number of teleportation arrays appear around Cecilia, trying to teleport her away.

Cecilia obviously didn't want to be teleported away.

Once a teleportation array appears, she immediately uses black cards to destroy these teleportation arrays.

But there are at least thousands of scrolls and accessories that can summon it!

So many teleportation arrays lit up under her feet at the same time, which still caused a lot of trouble for it, making her a little confused for a while.

The high-level practitioners outside the black water curtain were also paying attention to the situation inside the water curtain. When they saw a large amount of silver light shining inside, they immediately increased their output and tried to cooperate with the teleportation array to break through the water curtain!

Bud also probed his spiritual power into the water curtain again.

Because Cecilia was in a hurry to deal with two threats at the same time and could not take into account Bard's mental power, so Bard's mental power detection was very successful.

After detecting Cecilia Nightblade's situation, Bard happily announced to the powerful men around him:

"Everyone, now the fusion of Bernina and Cecilia has been completely interrupted! It can be seen that this is very effective! Let's work harder and try to break through the water curtain in one go!"

"Okay!" everyone replied loudly.

Everyone once again mobilized their full strength, overwhelming powerful spells, full-penetrating rage slashes, dazzling holy light, and corrosive shadows... all thrown towards the black water curtain.

The pressure on Cecilia Nightblade increased dramatically.

She had to defend herself against the numerous attacks and spells above her head, and she also had to worry about the teleportation array at her feet to avoid being accidentally teleported away. This really made her feel a lot of pressure.

So she took the initiative to reduce the scope of the black water curtain, reducing the original diameter of 300-400 meters to only 80 meters.

After shrinking her defenses, she was able to barely support herself and take care of both ends.

Seeing Cecilia begin to shrink her defense, nearly a hundred high-level people from the outside world thought that the attack was taking effect!

So everyone continued to increase their efforts to launch the attack!

With the more violent attacks, the range of Cecilia's black water curtain also shrank smaller and smaller, from 80 meters to 70 meters, then to 55 meters... and finally to 30 meters, which could barely withstand the attacks from the outside world.

However, Cecilia's shrinking water curtain did achieve the effect.

After shrinking to 30 meters, the pressure from the outside world dropped drastically!

Coupled with the fact that the frequency of flashes of silver light transmitted under her feet began to decrease, she was able to cope with it even more easily.

Even in the end, she was able to free up her hands to continue merging with Bernina!

As long as the fusion is successful and Bernina dies, no one will understand the dark energy army's plan.

Bud has been using his mental power to scan the situation inside the black water curtain.

He was very happy when Cecilia shrank the water curtain at first, thinking that this was a sign that Cecilia couldn't hold on any longer. If they continued, they would definitely be able to kill this monster!

But when he saw that Cecilia was free and began to adjust her posture to merge with Bernina, Bard realized that something was wrong.

It’s not that Cecilia couldn’t hold on, but that she had enough energy to continue merging after holding on to their wave of attacks!

It seems like their plan went completely bankrupt this time!

Watching the gradually sparse teleportation silver light in the water curtain, Bard did not hide anything and told the truth to the other strong men present.

Listening to Bard's description, the morale of the nearly 100 high-level experts present immediately dropped.

Everyone looked at the black water curtain in disbelief.

The black water curtain shrank. It turned out that they were not about to win, but that they were about to lose?

Bard finally sighed: "Well, actually the general direction of our actions is still right. If those thousands of items to summon Cecilia Nightblade are used at the same time, the coercive power of the transmission will definitely cooperate with our attacks. Able to break through the water curtain!

However, the timing of using the props was too scattered, giving Cecilia enough time to breathe, and we fell short. "

Kevin Plantagenet also sighed: "Oh, it is indeed possible."

If they use these thousands of summoning props at the same time, they will definitely be able to teleport Cecilia Nightblade, because Cecilia cannot have the ability to destroy so many teleportation arrays at the same time.

But he also knew in his heart that using both at the same time was not realistic.

Players with summoning props are distributed in every corner of the game world, and most of them are even in other planes.

The time in each plane is different, and it is too difficult to agree on a unified time.

Moreover, there is another possibility that Cecilia Nightblade has already completed the fusion inside before the time they agreed on, and then they will lose even more unjustly.

Kevin Plantagenet shook his head and said helplessly: "The matter has reached this point, and we have no other way. It seems that we are unable to prevent the fusion of Cecilia and Bernina, otherwise..."

Kevin Plantagenet wanted to say, "How about we give up," but the words came to his lips but he couldn't.

Although they have absolutely no choice but to do it, do they really want to watch the birth of this monster?

Su Yu looked at the increasingly thin teleportation silver light in the black water curtain and felt helpless.

There is indeed a planet-level platform behind Cecilia. They have assembled the high-level power of almost the entire plane but still cannot crack her conspiracy.

Is it really impossible to prevent it from merging with Bernina?

However, at this moment, AI Blue Whale sent him a private message: "Su Yu, Tina can't hold it anymore."

"What did you say?!" Su Yu's heart tightened.

AI Blue Whale: “In the real world, Tina is now in a state of near-death.

Tina is the descendant of Bernina, and the source of her power comes entirely from her.

When Tina accomplished the miracle of "promoting from level 0 to level 6 within one year", behind this was nearly 99% help from Bernina, who provided her with the support.

Now that Bernina is about to die, Tina will completely lose her power support, and her strength will drop significantly from level seven to around level three.

A third-level body cannot support her seventh-level body, so Tina will most likely die along with Bernina. "

"This..." Su Yu was speechless, his mind went blank.

If Bernina dies, will Tina die with her?

Su Yu believes that 99% of Tina's power comes from Bernina.

First of all, Tina and Bernina look exactly the same. The only difference is the hair and eye color. Bernina has blue hair and blue eyes, while Tina has blond hair and golden eyes.

Secondly, Tina’s way of upgrading is indeed too “illusive”. Her level can skyrocket simply by absorbing the blood of Warcraft, which is completely contrary to common sense.

It should be that Bernina secretly provided her with strength and support, which made Tina capable of playing the leading role in the first expansion pack.

But speaking of the matter, if Tina dies, Su Yu will 100% not accept it!

He could barely accept Bernina's death. Although the Blue Star humans would lose a powerful helper in the future war, they had tried their best to rescue Bernina, and they didn't have much regret if they could not save her.

But Tina is different. Su Yu has such a deep relationship with her that he will never allow her to die in front of him!

Recalling Tina's smile, Su Yu made up his mind - he would never let this smile disappear from his sight forever!

"Blue Whale, is there any way we can save Tina? Please do the calculation as quickly as possible!" Su Yu replied to AI Blue Whale in a private message as quickly as possible.

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