Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand and fifty-five, five major rebel organizations

"Cecilia Nightblade..." At this point, Bernina's face turned pale again.

However, she took a deep breath and said: "Cecilia comes from a very famous rebel organization called the Dark Energy Rebel Army.

As for what she let the clone see, it was the logo of the rebel organization. "

Su Yu opened his mouth before he could ask a question. At this time, Bard had already made a "buzz" sound before him: "Then why can't I clearly see what Cecilia Nightblade is holding by going back in time? The picture is completely Covered by mosaics?”

Upon hearing this, Bernina was stunned.

However, she quickly explained: “That’s because this organization is a rebel organization of the Holy Silver Federation and stands on the opposite side of the Holy Silver Federation.

Of course, the Holy Silver Federation does not allow the organization to carry out any form of advertising within its own territory, so once their logo appears, it will be immediately mosaic. This world was created by the Holy Silver Human, you understand. "

"Oh, that's it." Bud buzzed.

He thought there was something wrong with his time-traveling spell, and it turned out that the creator of the world was behind it.

Alijie, who was standing next to Bernina, rolled her eyes and said softly: "So Aunt Bernina, can you give us a detailed introduction to the organization 'Dark Energy Rebel Army'?"

Hearing Alijie's question, all the gods and Su Yuchenxing cast interested glances. This is what they wanted to know.

"Okay, let me introduce it to you." Bernina smiled and introduced while recalling:

"As for the 'Dark Energy Rebel' organization, let's start with the Holy Silver Federation's super AI - Anthem.

You should all know that after the emergence of the super AI Chant, she became the absolute master of the Holy Silver Federation, and all power in the federation was controlled by her.

Psalm itself is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Holy Silver race. Coupled with her expertise in macro data statistical analysis, the Holy Silver Federation has made rapid progress in policy formulation and long-term planning!

Under the control of Anthem, the Holy Silver Alliance has achieved maximum social fairness, and the entire society has been operating smoothly with almost no waste of resources. There is no such thing as repeated construction and repeated research.

It is precisely with the efforts of this super AI that the Holy Silver human race stands out in the entire galaxy, becoming the master of the two major galaxies, Holy Silver and the Milky Way, and becoming a powerful galaxy-level civilization. "

"Well, we all know this, what next?" Su Yu nodded.

The biggest difference between Anthem Civilization and Blue Star and Evolution Civilization is that it is not managed by humans, but super AI manages all aspects of society.

Speaker Hu Jing has been implementing reforms recently and plans to use this more advanced civilization development model.

It is precisely for this reason that Blue Star introduced the AI ​​Blue Whale, and the coalition government also transferred a large amount of power to it, just to imitate the Holy Silver model.

Bernina thought for a while and continued: "The existence of the super AI Chant is undoubtedly beneficial to the entire civilization. However, many of her actions will also cause dissatisfaction with intelligent creatures of all races. Not everyone likes to rule under her life."

Bernina paused for a moment, then continued:

"For ordinary citizens of the Holy Silver Federation, the existence of Anthem allows them to enjoy absolute social fairness, and their children can enjoy absolutely fair educational opportunities. As long as the children are smart enough and have strong enough learning ability, they will definitely Able to stand out and climb to a very high position.

For example, more than 95% of the planet-level beings in the Holy Silver Civilization come from middle- and lower-class citizens. Therefore, middle- and lower-class citizens have great support for hymns.

But for those beings who have ideas or are particularly powerful, they may not necessarily support the hymn 100%.

For example, if a god-level powerhouse kills an ordinary person for no reason, he will be severely punished in the Anthem Civilization. The minimum penalty is more than 10 years in prison, which many powerful beings are not willing to accept. "

"Uh, 10 years in prison?" Kevin Plantagenet stroked his beard: "Then I can somewhat understand how they feel.

In our world, gods are lawless beings. They have no control over the laws of the country and the country. Ordinary people are like ants to us. If you have to be imprisoned for such a long time just for killing an ordinary person, then life is indeed a bit too oppressive. "

Su Yu nodded clearly: "Is it because of this that a rebel organization like the 'Dark Energy Rebel Army' was born?"

"That's right." Bernina replied: "The 'Dark Energy Rebel Army' is one of the rebel organizations. It ranks third among all rebel organizations and is one of the famous 'Five Rebel Organizations'."

"Oh? Five major rebel organizations?" The Elf Queen became interested, folded her arms and asked, "What are the other four major rebel organizations?"

Bernina thought for a while and replied: "They are the 'Rebel of Glory', 'Wings of Freedom', 'Destiny' and 'Preserver of Fire'.

However, the philosophies of these five major rebel organizations are completely different.

The ‘Glory Rebels’ are the largest rebel group and their main struggle is for power and resources.

In the Holy Silver Federation, all power and resources are monopolized by Chant. Even if a god-level powerhouse wants resources, he has to go to the ancient ruins to find them and has no power at all.

They formed a rebel organization to regain power and use it to obtain more resources;

The 'Wings of Freedom' is the second-ranked rebel organization, and what they mainly fight for is, of course, freedom.

Because of the constraints of the chant, there are fixed standards for what work ordinary citizens need to complete every day and how much study they need to complete. Even some senior civil servants have their schedules arranged by the chant, and the completion time of each task is accurate to the minute.

This organization aims to break away from the chants, live a free life, and make all of your own time;

Ranking third is Cecilia's organization - the 'Dark Energy Rebel Army'.

The ‘Dark Energy Rebels’ completely correspond to the dark side of biology.

If we go out and see an ant that we want to trample to death, this is a small manifestation of the dark side of biology.

The "Dark Energy Rebel Army" vividly embodies the dark side of creatures. Everyone in it likes to abuse, torture, plunder, destroy... and take pleasure in doing so.

These actions are felonies in the Holy Silver Federation. In order to avoid the punishment of Psalm, they went out to form a separate rebel organization..."

Speaking of this, Bernina's voice gradually became weaker.

After all, she had just woken up, and after speaking for such a long time, she felt quite overwhelmed.

Alijie waved her hand, and a cup of [Magic Spring Water] made with magic appeared in her hand.

She handed the glass of magic spring water to Bernina: "Aunt Bernina, is it okay? Do you want to take a rest first?"

"I'm fine, thank you Alijie." Bernina took the cup and took a sip.

After resting for a short while, Bernina slowly exhaled and continued: "I'd better finish talking about these rebel organizations.

The two remaining rebel groups are the 'Spark Retainers' and the 'Rebels'.

Although these two organizations are also rebel organizations, they are not as harmful to the Holy Silver Federation as the previous three. It can even be said that there is almost no harm.

The members of the "Fire Keepers" organization are generally from other intelligent races other than the Holy Silver Human Race. Because the Holy Silver race has powerfully ruled the two galaxies, these intelligent races have faced serious cultural invasion, the death of local culture, young people worshiping saints and favoring foreigners... and other problems.

In particular, Chant wants to completely unify writing and language across the entire civilization, and believes that the languages ​​and cultures of other intelligent races should be swept into the garbage heap of history. This has further aroused the conflict between the two sides.

For these reasons, the ‘Fire Keepers’ organization was born;

As for the last rebel organization, ‘Rebel’, this organization is interesting. Most of the people in it are high-level beings from the Holy Silver Federation, and many of them are god-level and planet-level…”

Having said this, Bernina looked at Su Yu: "By the way, that planet-level being in your Blue Star came from the 'Destiny Organization', but it has been officially incorporated by the Holy Silver Federation."

"What?! Are you talking about King Zhou Dixin?" Su Yu was shocked.

Unexpectedly, he would end up eating melons on his own head. Did Di Xin also join the rebel organization of the Holy Silver Federation?

Morningstar the cat licked his paws and asked: "I have a question. Isn't the largest rebel organization you mentioned, the 'Rebels of Honor', also composed of a large number of high-level strong men who defected? What is the difference between them and the 'Rebels of Fate'?"

"The difference is quite big." Bernina replied calmly:

"What the 'Honor Rebels' organization wants is power and resources. If they want these two things, they must control a huge group of intelligent creatures and squeeze these groups of intelligent creatures to get what they want;

The 'Destiny' organization does not control any intelligent groups. There are only high-level powerful people and their children in the organization. "

"Then what do they want to do?" Chenxing continued to ask.

"'Going against fate' means changing fate against the will of heaven. They want to forcefully change their own destiny." Bernina's expression gradually became serious:

"Hymn has a very cruel judgment mechanism for each cultivator. During the cultivator's cultivation process, Chant will allocate resources based on the cultivator's talent and cultivation progress.

For children of some high-level experts, even planet-level beings, as long as the child is not talented enough, Psalm will cut off the resources given to the child, and even prevent the child's parents from donating resources.

Without any resources, it means that this child is sentenced to death on the path of cultivation.

Some high-level experts, as parents, don't want to see their children die in front of them after only living for a mere two or three hundred years. So they defected from the Holy Silver Federation and tried to find ways to obtain resources to support their children. "

Bernina looked at Su Yu: "I don't know much about your Blue Star's planetary existence Di Xin, but it should be a similar experience.

He must have been unable to be promoted to planetary level by the Hymn Judge when he was at the peak of god level, or the probability of promotion was too low, so he suspended all resource supply and gave resources to cultivators with more potential.

Di Xin definitely didn't want to end up depressed like this for the rest of his life. He chose to join the "Fate-Resisting Organization" and collect resources by himself to change his destiny. In the end, he really succeeded and became a planet. "

Bernina scanned all the god-level ones present: "These are the five most famous rebel organizations of the Holy Silver Civilization. These five organizations account for more than 95% of all rebel organizations. The others are interstellar pirates and the like. Not worth mentioning."

"Yes." Su Yu and all the gods nodded heavily, with worried expressions on their faces.

I didn't expect that such a powerful existence as the Holy Silver Federation would have so many enemies.

However, these enemies are bound to exist as the Holy Silver Federation develops.

Since the super AI Anthem wants to control 100% of the power of the entire civilization, this will inevitably touch the interests of many people, especially the interests of high-level powerful people.

Wherever there is a conflict of interest, rebels will be born.

Even if you put yourself in another person's shoes, none of the gods would want to have their power taken away, lose their freedom to do things according to the requirements of the hymn, have their own civilized culture die quickly, or have their children not be able to obtain any resources because of their poor talents...

In their hearts, they even sympathize with these rebel groups.

Cat Chenxing's beard curled up and he said: "Ask a question, wouldn't Super AI Anthem consider reforms? For example, respect the diversity of civilizations, provide cultural protection to disadvantaged groups, give more resources to high-level strong children with poor talents, or Extend lifespan... As long as we do this, these rebels won't be born, right?"

Bernina smiled and shook her head: "Making these reforms requires a lot of resources, which is not in the interest of the entire Holy Silver Federation.

If you were the super AI Anthem, would you be willing to invest a lot of resources into a child who has no hope of becoming a talent? As for the backward civilizations of other intelligent races, the hymns only regard them as the cost of repeated learning for local newborns, and should be destroyed rather than protected.

So for the so-called ‘reform’ you mentioned, please find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com doesn't exist. "

Su Yu said solemnly: "It seems that this is the price that the super AI civilization must pay for its comeback in its development.

Let’s go back to the ‘Dark Energy Rebels’. Bernina, do you think they are the most evil and negative existence in the entire Holy Silver Civilization? "

"That's right." Bernina took a sip of the water in her hand: "Those lunatics always want to kill everything, destroy everything, devour everything, and get their twisted happiness from it.

Now that they are eyeing Blue Star and Skrull Star, your good days may not last long. "

"Alas!" She took another sip of water: "If it were other rebel organizations, they could at least be able to communicate, and the 'Storm Preservers' and 'Rebels' would most likely be quite friendly.

But when I encounter these crazy and terrifying beasts like the Dark Energy Rebels... I just want to say that I wish for good luck. "

"..." Su Yu took a long breath.

Originally, he thought this was just a war between the two planets Blue Star and Skrull. Unexpectedly, a galaxy-level rebel organization jumped out halfway, and it was the most dangerous and inhumane one among them!

The future situation is really getting more and more complicated!

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