Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand and eighty-four, the Skrulls' strategy

Chapter 1023 The Skrulls’ Plot

For a time, the crowd was excited again.

Cecilia is a god of the Skrulls, so of course they have to bear the blame.

But the representative of the Bald Eagle tribe thought a little deeper - should the nine survivors of the Skrull tribe present also be killed?

Just now, each of their tribes discussed killing one of them, but they just discussed and couldn't find a reasonable excuse.

Now there is an excuse. The Skrulls are responsible for these 50 lives. They killed these 9 Skrulls purely for revenge. Is it reasonable?

So the representative of the Bald Eagle clan raised his head and said seriously: "Everyone, since the Skrulls are responsible for this incident, should we start with these 9 Skrull survivors?

They are also Skrulls, so let's use their bodies as the first step to take revenge on the Skrulls! "

"!!!" Upon hearing this, the Skrull survivors in the protective shield were shocked.

what's the situation? Do you want to kill us first? We are also victims, okay!

"Hey, hey, hey! By the way, are you making a mistake?" The Skrull who just communicated with the leader of the Crown Bird clan shouted excitedly.

Survivors of other ethnic groups in the shield also echoed: "That's right, why do you want to kill them?"

"They are also victims. They also narrowly escaped death under the threat of Cecilia. They are not Cecilia's accomplices."

"If we want to ask for an explanation, we should go to the Skrull coalition government! Don't you need to vent your anger on these people?"

The other 41 survivors had some comradeship with these Skrull survivors, and everyone was indeed in the same situation, so they took the initiative to speak for them.

Even Frank, the European server player, said a few words for the Skrulls.

But what surprised them was that the representatives of the various tribes did not listen to them, but praised the words of the representatives of the Bald Eagle tribe!

The representative of the mermaid tribe grasped the long-handled sea fork: "The Bald Eagle is right, we should start with these 9 Skrulls."

The Sea Giant representative waved his fist as big as a locomotive: "Yes, kill these 9 Skrulls first, and then let the other Skrulls pay the price!"

The three-headed giant snake clan representative's scales the size of a millstone shone in the hot sun: "Then let's start taking action now. One of the top nine major clans is not allowed to shirk the blame."




"We'll do it when the protective shield disappears."

Listening to the words of these representatives, the survivors of all ethnic groups looked confused and couldn't believe it.

Why are such outrageous statements by representatives of the Bald Eagle tribe supported by representatives of all ethnic groups? Where is everyone's sanity?

"Senior Cao Cao..." Frank was a little anxious and looked at Prime Minister Cao.

Prime Minister Cao pressed his hand on him: "Stop talking, just wait and see what happens."

"Okay." Frank could only swallow his words.

"???!!!" At this time, the nine Skrull survivors panicked.

These ethnic group representatives are serious! Actually want to kill them.

Where is our god level? Help me, please help me!

The nine survivors quickly looked around.

But after scanning around, they didn't find the god-level Skrulls nearby.

"Where is our god-level powerhouse?!"

"Where is Lord Plante? Where is Lord Manina III?"

"Damn it! What happened? Why isn't our god-level expert here?"

"Just because our god-level experts are not here, do they dare to bully us wantonly?"

Now these 9 Skrull survivors were completely panicked!

Ruined! Their god level is no longer there, are they really going to die here? !

In the secret realm, they managed to escape Cecilia's pursuit. Who would have thought that they would die after leaving the secret realm!

Is it really impossible to escape this disaster today?

Seeing their miserable condition, Frank wanted to offer some words of comfort.

But seeing the demons representing various races dancing wildly outside the protective shield, he didn't know what to say for a while.

However, at this moment, a light blue portal suddenly appeared in the sky.

When Prime Minister Cao saw this portal, the first thing he thought of was Su Yu! Because this portal is exactly the same as the one Su Yu often uses!

But when I thought about it, I immediately felt something was wrong. This couldn't be Su Yu.

This is Planet Scrooge, and Su Yu has been on Blue Star from beginning to end and has never come over. How could the portal belong to him?

But who could it be if it wasn't Su Yu?

Just when Prime Minister Cao was puzzled, a human woman wearing pure white robes and light blue skin walked out of the portal.

That's right, this is none other than Mona, the peak god-level expert of the Holy Silver Human Race!

Mona is a teacher of the Holy Silver Secret Court, and the "Evolution" game is a major innovative research project of the Secret Court, so the [Portal] she uses is exactly the same as Su Yu.

Behind Mona was a petite little lolita wearing light green leather armor. Of course, this little lolita was Alice!

After walking out of the portal, Alice glanced around at the representatives of various races present.

Seeing the different shapes and appearances of the representatives of each ethnic group, she suddenly felt very strange.

She reached out and pulled Mona's sleeve: "Sister Mona, is this a wild continent? There are so many strange species!"

"Yes, Alice." Mona stretched out her hand and gently rubbed Alice's little head, and said dotingly: "This is the entrance to the secret realm of the end, right in the center of the wild continent. Sister, do something serious first, and we'll do it later. Can I accompany you to play somewhere else?"

"Okay." Alice nodded obediently.

Seeing the light blue portal and Mona appearing, all the ethnic group representatives present were instantly shocked! The scene fell into silence once again.

This is actually the Skrulls' plan, and this is exactly the effect they want to achieve.

With the end of the secret realm at the end, it is of course impossible for the Skrulls not to send god-level people over.

There are 18 Skrull sixth-level geniuses in the secret realm. If the god-level ones are not sent over, the other ethnic groups will inevitably have their minds twisted.

Moreover, it is not a waste of time for god-level experts to make a trip. They have no reason not to come.

Originally, Plante and Manina III wanted to go there in person, because only by coming could they compete with Prime Minister Cao and the First Emperor. And they are indeed very free, so a trip is nothing.

But just the day before yesterday, Emperor Manina of the Burning Sun made a bold suggestion to them - asking Mona to come to the secret realm of the end to take their genius back!

Mona is a noble Holy Silver human. In front of her, regardless of any race, they must humble themselves and dare not infringe at all. The best effect is to let her come.

Not to mention that Mona's strength is at the peak of the god level, even if she is just an ordinary Holy Silver person, everyone must be kind to her.

Ten months ago, sixth-level holy silver person Donna came to Scrooge to purchase souvenirs. Scrooge sent a god-level to entertain her, smiling all the way, and trying to meet her every need.

The Holy Silver people are one level above all other creatures on the planet Skrull.

Manina asked Mona to come over, on the one hand to show their special relationship with the Holy Silver people, and on the other hand, he also wanted to give these intelligent people a show of strength.

The effect of Mona coming over is much better than that of Plant.

And it wasn’t easy for Manina to get Mona to come over.

Mona had never agreed to any of Manina's requests before. Even when the Skrull personnel were in desperate need of Manina's pleading, she ignored them and couldn't move at all.

This time it was because of the arrival of Alice. After seeing the cute Alice, Mona liked it very much and was in a good mood!

Seizing the opportunity, Manina made a request to Mona.

Mona wanted to subconsciously refuse, but Alice was very interested and wanted to see the wild continent. For the sake of Alice, Mona agreed to Manina and was willing to help.

Mona's arrival has had a great effect! Representatives of all ethnic groups present were shocked! They didn't expect the Holy Silver Man to come at all.

Mona stood high in the air and looked down at the representatives of each ethnic group.

Finally, her eyes fell on Prime Minister Cao. After all, Prime Minister Cao is the strongest being here, and he is also a Blue Star person.

"Ahem." Mona coughed twice, cleared her throat, and said, "I heard that you want to kill these 9 Skrulls? I don't agree with this! I'm here to send them back to the Skrulls safely. Is there anyone who objects to the human race’s territory?”

Mona already knew what happened here before she came.

The leader of the Crown Bird Clan is timid and afraid of getting into trouble. He did not join the action proposed by Prime Minister Cao just now.

Not only that, it also used secret information channels to pass on everything that happened at the scene to the Skrulls, and urged the Skrulls to come quickly.

Because of this news channel, Mona knows everything that happens here.

In order to finish things early and go to the wild continent with Alice to play, she certainly did not allow representatives of these ethnic groups to kill 9 Skrull geniuses.

And she also believes that as long as she is here, representatives of these ethnic groups will not dare to take action!

The truth was just as she thought.

As soon as she said this, the representatives of the various ethnic groups below immediately withered, even the representatives of the Bald Eagle tribe were no exception.

The representatives of these ethnic groups actually wanted to gather together to seek some benefits while the God-level Skrull was away. Prime Minister Cao's "law does not punish the crowd" really penetrated into the hearts of each of them.

But now that Mona is here, how could they openly go against the Holy Silver people for a 10% discount?

So after Mona said this, no ethnic group representative dared to object.

Mona's eyes swept over the faces of all the ethnic group representatives one by one. Wherever she looked, the representatives of each ethnic group lowered their heads, not daring to meet her eyes.

Alice couldn't help but giggle when she saw how timid these ethnic group representatives were.

Seeing Alice happy made Mona feel happy.

After scanning around, her eyes fell on Prime Minister Cao, and her eyes seemed to say - How is it? Are you convinced?

Prime Minister Cao was quite calm at the moment.

He looked at Mona calmly, his eyes unwavering.

In fact, Prime Minister Cao was also surprised. He didn't expect Mona to come, and he didn't expect the Skrulls to be able to invite her.

But he also knew what to do.

Since Mona has said so, let’s just let these 9 Skrull geniuses go!

Prime Minister Cao is no match for Mona + Alice, and there is no need to offend the Holy Silver people for these nine sixth-level Skrulls.

He smiled and said: "Since you said so, for your sake, I will let these Skrull geniuses go. But..."

Prime Minister Cao lengthened his voice and continued: "But I will never compromise with the Skrulls about the 50 lives in the final secret realm!"

He turned around and looked at the representatives of each race: "Everyone, no matter what, we must go to the Skrulls for an explanation!

A full 50 lives! Are these all the geniuses of our tribe? Who doesn’t feel bad?

I'm going to the Skrull gathering area now. Who wants to go with me? "

"I, I am willing to go with you!" The representative of the Bald Eagle tribe was the first to respond.

"I am willing to go too." The representative of the sea giant clan narrowed his eyes slightly: "You are right, someone must be responsible for these 50 lives. The genius of our clan cannot die in vain!"

"Let's all go together! The more Clans we go to, the easier it will be for the Skrulls to compromise!"

"Let's go together, we won't suffer this disadvantage!"

For a moment, the scene was filled with excitement again!

Everyone still felt guilty about killing those 9 Skrull geniuses. After all, it was wrong to do so;

But they have no qualms about asking the Skrulls for explanations!

So not long after, representatives of all the ethnic groups present expressed their intention to go to the Skrulls for an explanation. Even the timid and fearful leader of the Crown Bird tribe volunteered to join!

Taking advantage of the current situation, Prime Minister Cao said to everyone: "In this case, let's gather here after we send the geniuses in the clan back, and let's go to the Sun Empire to find the Skrulls together!"

Then Prime Minister Cao turned to look at Mona: "Your Excellency Mona, you won't stop this, right?"

"Of course I won't stop it, I don't have that free time." Mona crossed her arms and said nonchalantly: "Wait a minute I will use the portal to send these Skrull cubs away. You can do whatever you want, even go and take the Skrulls away." I don’t care if the Lu people are exterminated.”

After saying that, she turned around and ignored the barbarians from these remote planets, went to Shuyuan and concentrated on chatting with Alice.

Half an hour later, Prime Minister Cao led the "22 Allied Forces" to approach the northern frontier of the Lieyang Empire.

They have now reached the border, and beyond that are the towns of the Lieyang Empire.

After the Blue Star players used the talismans to return to Blue Star, Prime Minister Cao began to organize a "coalition force".

Various ethnic groups enthusiastically joined the "alliance", and in just ten minutes a team of three to four hundred high-level beings was organized, and the lineup was luxurious!

There are 6 god-level players in the "United Army" team!

Prime Minister Cao, the Bald Eagle Emperor, the Mermaid Sea Emperor, the Sea Giant King, and the leader of the Rhinoceros Clan were all present. In addition, there was also a "special guest", which was the Dragon King Kadrigos.

The Dragon Clan has never sent any genius within the clan to enter the final secret realm. It is not because they cannot grab the spot, but because the number of Dragon Clan is too small and they are afraid of losing something in the secret realm.

However, after receiving the news from Prime Minister Cao, Dragon King Kadrigos came resolutely to help the "United Forces of the Twenty-Two Clans" seek justice!

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