Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand and eighty-six, emergency rescue

Chapter 1025 Emergency Rescue

Prime Minister Cao turned to face the 22-tribe coalition and said sternly: "Everyone, although the Skrulls try their best to cut off the relationship with Cecilia, can they do it if they really want to?

Cecilia is a strong native of the Skrulls. The resources used in her training come from the Skrulls. After becoming a god, she helped the Skrulls expand their territory and compete for resources. Everyone present, have any of you experienced land or resources being invaded by Cecilia? "

"Of course." The leader of the Rhinoceros tribe was the first to stand up and said: "I competed with Cecilia for resources more than 300 years ago. To be honest, if the Skrull tribe did not have Cecilia, they would not be able to occupy such a large amount of resources now. For a large territory, the sphere of influence will definitely be reduced.”

Prime Minister Cao nodded: "So, the Skrulls can't be cut clean if they want to. If a tribesman performs meritorious deeds, they will be treated as a member. If a tribesman commits a crime, they will be cut at the speed of light. Is this something that an intelligent creature can do?"

Dragon King Kadrigos said: "This is indeed unreasonable, at least not in line with the values ​​of our dragon clan.

No matter how heinous a crime is committed by any member of our clan, we will take responsibility for him as a member of the dragon clan, rather than just disown him. "

Prime Minister Cao turned around and looked at Prandt: "So, don't even think about getting rid of your relationship with Cecilia. You definitely can't!

We demand that all of Cecilia's family property be distributed, just because you and Cecilia have nothing to do with each other, and you must be responsible for these 50 lives!

So we only accept the number ‘100%’ and never accept any compromise!

Of course, you don’t have to agree.

But if you don’t agree, next month I and fellow Daoist Ying Zheng will contact all major ethnic groups to pick it up together!

This part of the compensation is what we deserve. It’s useless even if you go to Anthem to sue us for violating the rules. Anthem will definitely support us.

It will cause all kinds of damage along the way, but don't blame us for being ruthless! "

Prime Minister Cao's words were very resounding.

After listening to his words, the scene fell into silence again.

The 22 ethnic coalition forces were all shocked by this speech!

This is too cruel!

Cao Cao and Ying Zheng came to pick it up in person? !

If the two of them really enter the territory of the Skrulls together, and with the help of the 22 tribes, the Skrulls really can't do anything to them! The Baker Country is also not in the core area of ​​the G2 countries.

Plant and other three Skrull gods were also completely suppressed! Cao Cao's threat is really big!

And Cao Cao is right about one thing - if they sue Shengge for violating the "Fairness of War Principle", there is a high probability that Shengge will not punish them or reduce the punishment, and things will still be unfavorable for them.

Not only that, there is another very important point - if things really develop to this point, there is no doubt that the relationship between Cao Cao and the 22 clan will heat up sharply, and the Skrulls will stand on the opposite side of the 22 clan. This is 100% not conducive to the war two months later!

In the war two months later, the Skrulls will contact the major ethnic groups to jointly deal with the Blue Stars. How can they make the major ethnic groups stand together with the Blue Stars?

So, what on earth do they do?

Plante and Manina III remained silent, thinking quickly about countermeasures in their hearts.

Cao Cao is right, it is probably impossible to cut them by force. It seems that they have to pay a little more price!

Stim, however, was still trying his best: "Everyone, a large part of Cecilia's family property consists of real estate, mining, entity companies, etc. These things are not so easy to distribute separately..."

Prime Minister Cao interrupted him again: "If it's not easy to allocate, just value these assets and convert them into psychic stones or psychic energy. In the past few months, you grabbed such a large amount of psychic energy from our Blue Star. Pay This should be easy, right?"

Because of the related interests, the leaders of the 22 tribes also agreed: "Yes, we want spiritual power. If it doesn't work, gold, gems, or ores will do. We don't want your real estate."

"There should be an overall valuation of Cecilia's family property. If you can't afford it, you can do it for us instead."

"No matter what, we can't lack anything!"

Facing the menacing leaders of various tribes, Stim couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Cecilia can be said to be incredibly wealthy, and her family’s wealth is much greater than that of the entire Baker government!

Stim received 15% of Cecilia's property some time ago, and he felt very, very satisfied at that time! Do you have to spit out the meat you eat in your mouth now?

Thinking of this, he quickly used his mental power to contact the two people behind him: "You two, what should we do?"

"Alas!" Manina III sighed: "How about we add another part, to 70%."

"But looking at the current situation, even if it is increased to 70%, these ethnic groups may not agree." Plante was very helpless: "If it is not 100%, they will not give up, and there is Cao Cao to disrupt the situation."

"How greedy!"

Just when the three Skrull gods didn't know what to do, Plant suddenly received a call from Emperor Manina of the Burning Sun.

Manina must also be watching the live broadcast, and I don’t know why he is calling now.

Plante didn't have time to think too much.

He used a pink ion shield to cover his whole body, and then answered the phone: "Manina, what do you want from me now?"

"Sir Plante, I am currently watching the real-time satellite broadcast from your location, so I know our current situation.

I came up with a brilliant idea on how to get rid of these 22 clan leaders and Blue Star God-level Cao Cao! "

"Oh? What good idea do you have? Tell me!" Plant's eyes lit up.

"That's it." Manina said seriously during the call: "Don't these 22 tribes want all of Cecilia's family property? Then give it to them! Even our Skrulls' share can be taken away. Convert it into spiritual energy and distribute it to them!"

"..." Plante's old face immediately turned cloudy.

His face was gloomy: "Don't tell me this is the 'wonderful idea' you came up with."

After hearing Manina's words, Plant even wanted to smash the communicator directly! What kind of bad idea is this? !

But considering that Manina has always been very witty and good at making suggestions, he decided to continue listening and listen to what else Manina had to say.

Manina continued: "Sir Plante, the reason why we want to distribute such a large amount of family property to the 22 tribes is actually to win over them.

We can use this family property as an excuse to summon the leaders of these 22 tribes to come to Sun City for a meeting, and invite them to jointly deal with the Blue Star people in Sun City.

The total of these 22 tribes is a very powerful force. In the past, they did not obey the command of us Skrulls, and there was nothing we could do against them.

Now I have a great way to strap them to our chariot! "

Hearing this, Plante's eyes lit up again: "Oh? Do you have any good ideas?"

"This..." Manina hesitated.

He didn't want to say it at first, because there were many people with mixed ears, and it wouldn't work if it got out.

However, considering that it would be difficult to convince Plant without making it clear, he replied: "We can pretend to pass on the will of the Psalm, saying that the Psalm allows us to form a 'Skrull Alliance' to jointly deal with the possibility of dark energy rebels." The coming threat.

After the successful formation of the 'Skrull Alliance Army', the command of the army will of course be controlled by the most powerful Skrulls.

After the official war with the Blue Star people, we can ignore everything else and directly bring the army to the Blue Star front line to fight!

In this way, these 22 tribes will not only be tied to the chariot, but they can also be used as cannon fodder to consume the strength of the Blue Star people. It can be said that we kill two birds with one stone!

Calculating it this way, it doesn’t matter if I give them all of Cecilia’s property, I would even be willing to double it! "

After hearing Manina's plan, Plante felt a little amazed.

This is a good plan! If it can really be realized, it can definitely be called a "wonderful plan"!

But Plante's focus was also immediately on the issues at the heart of the plan.

He asked: "Manina, the core point of your plan is to 'falsely preach the will of the Psalm', but do we really dare to falsely preach the will of the Psalm? Is there really no problem in doing so? What if? What should I do if I’m discovered by Psalm?”

"Don't worry, you will never be discovered!" Manina laughed on the other end of the phone:

"Actually, Psalm is not an omniscient and omnipotent god. She has no 'eyes' on our planet Skrull and knows almost nothing. It is impossible for her to know that we are pretending to convey her will.

And now is the busiest time for Psalm.

My son Morgan said that now all the calculations of Anthem are being used on the newly discovered alien galaxy civilization, and there is no time to care about our tiny forces in remote areas. Even if they are discovered, it will not be a big problem. "

"Morgan? Is Morgan with you too?"

"Of course, Morgan is by my side, and 'falsely spreading the message of the Psalm' is the idea he gave me. He has been studying in the Holy Silver Federation for nearly 80 years and knows the Psalm better than we do. His words are very informative... Morgan, come and have a word with Mr. Plant."

Later, the calm voice of Morgan Lieyang came from the communicator: "Sir Plant, I am Morgan Lieyang, and I say hello to you in Sun City!"

"Hello, Morgan!" Plante also valued this young man with outstanding abilities: "Is it your idea to 'falsely preach the will of the Psalm'?"

"That's right, Mr. Plante." Morgan said seriously on the other end of the phone: "The probability that we will not be discovered by Psalm when we are pretending to convey Psalm's will is over 99.9%!

And this is also a very good opportunity to unify the power of the 22 tribes under our command.

This is a very powerful force. If used on the frontal battlefield with Blue Star, it can at least increase our winning rate by more than 30%! So I think it's worth a try. "

"Well..." After thinking for a short time, Plante replied: "Okay, just do as you say!"

Anyway, these 22 clan leaders won’t give up until they get enough benefits, so let’s just use the trick and give them all of Cecilia’s family property!

Plant also smiled and asked: "Morgan, why are you so concerned about your home planet now?"

In the past few decades, Morgan had been indifferent to everything going on on his home planet, and when asked to come back, he always said he was not available.

Now being able to return to Skrull and actively participate in decision-making is a good start.

Morgan smiled shyly and said: "This is my hometown after all. Who wants to have trouble happen to their hometown? And I just made a few comments casually, it's no big deal."

"Your opinion is very good! ...Forget it, I won't tell you more. There seems to be a commotion outside. I'll take care of them first and then we can discuss the follow-up plan." Plante finished speaking hastily and hung up the call.

While Plant was answering the phone, the leaders of the 22 tribes outside had already started to make a fuss.

Many of them were impatient to begin with, and now they wanted to strike while the iron was hot and get the Skrulls to compromise as soon as possible, so they acted very impatient.

Plant removed the pink ion shield and pressed his hand on everyone: "Everyone, please don't worry, I was just discussing how to handle this matter with Emperor Lieyang.

Now we have come to a conclusion - with our unanimous consent, we agreed to convert all of Cecilia's family property into psychic energy and distribute it equally among the 24 major tribes present, including the Skrulls and the Blue Star humans.

Each clan is equally distributed, and children and elders are not bullied. "

At the same time, he also looked at Dragon King Kadrigos: "Your Excellency Dragon King, because no dragon died among the nobles, Cecilia's family property cannot be divided among the nobles.

But considering the friendship between our two clans, I will prepare a gift and ask my assistant to deliver it to Dragon Island later, so that your trip will not be in vain. "

"Are you...serious?" All the intelligent creatures present were shocked.

Of course, the leaders of the 22 tribes were surprised and happy. They didn't expect the Skrulls to compromise so easily!

Manina III, Stim, Prime Minister Cao and Dragon King Kadrigos were purely surprised.

They didn't expect Plante to agree so neatly. What exactly did Manina say to him?

Under the surprised gazes of all the intelligent creatures, Plante smiled and said: "But it takes time to count Cecilia's family property, especially the total value of people, real estate, and companies is not easy to count... Well, give us a little Time, I will distribute the compensation to all ethnic groups present in 15 days."

Then he turned to look at Prime Minister Cao: "As for the Blue Star humans' share, I will send someone to send it to you next time you come to Skrull, okay?"

"..." Prime Minister Cao did not answer.

Looking at the smile on Plant's face, he fell into deep doubts.

What the hell are the Skrulls doing?

Just now he looked like he was distressed by the cutting, but now he suddenly doesn't feel uncomfortable anymore? Instead, it smells like a successful plot?

But Prime Minister Cao didn't want to worry so much. Anyway, his goal was achieved this time.

This time he asked the Skrulls to vomit out Cecilia's family property. Not only did the Blue Star people gain a share, but it also definitely weakened the strength of the Skrulls.

The main purpose has been achieved, and the rest does not matter.

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