Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand and ninety, forged orders

Latest website: Morgan faced the leaders of the various clans and said seriously: "The reason why I am willing to return to the mother star is because the war between the mother star and Blue Star is coming.

For us Skrulls outside, if our tribe is wiped out by Blue Star humans, then we will become rootless grass and windless grass. We absolutely cannot accept this!

In addition, to be honest, I can also gain a lot of benefits from participating in this war.

It is precisely because of these two reasons that I decided to return to my home planet, and I am able to stand here and talk to you today.

Regarding international students of all ethnic groups, if you want them to come back, you might as well use these two reasons of mine to persuade them.

Especially those who did not do well in the Holy Silver Federation. I heard that participating in the war can get a lot of psychic resources. I think they will come back. "

The entire subspace was originally quiet, and Morgan's voice echoed in the subspace, making the already quiet space even more unusually quiet.

After listening to Morgan's speech, many leaders of the ethnic groups were a little moved, and then suddenly realized that something was wrong.

After a while, the Mermaid Queen gently tapped the water of the psychic pool with her beautiful fish tail, and said doubtfully: "That's not right, Prince Morgan, our family has no intention of participating in the war between the nobles and the Blue Stars. How could we do this?" How about convincing overseas students to return and join the war?”

"Nalisa is right." Dragon King Kadrigos said: "Not only do we not intend to participate in the war, but even if the Blue Star people win and attack our Scruu Planet, I believe that the Blue Star humans will not respond to anyone except Groups other than the Skrulls took action.

Our tribe will not be wiped out by the Blue Star people, so what is there to worry about? "

"His Majesty the Dragon King is right!"

"That's right."

"We are not participating in the war. What happens is between you and the Blue Star people. Don't get us involved!"

The leaders of various tribes responded loudly.

Now they finally figured it out - the Skrulls called them here for a meeting, and it turned out they wanted them to join the war and invade Blue Star!

There are actually many ethnic groups among various tribes who want to join the war, such as the mermaid tribe, the crowned bird tribe, the three-headed giant snake tribe...

But wanting to join the war doesn't mean they have to agree to the Skrulls immediately. They have to sit back and raise the price now, and wait for the Skrulls to give a satisfactory price before considering joining the war.

As a result, the leaders of each ethnic group agreed and were unwilling to participate in the war.

Morgan had long expected that the leaders of the various clans would say this, and was not surprised at all.

He smiled slightly and said: "Everyone, you may not want to participate in the attack on Blue Star, we can understand this.

But what about the dark energy rebels?

Can you still ignore this threat? "

"Dark Energy Rebel Army..."

Upon hearing this word, the atmosphere in the subspace immediately solidified, and even the temperature immediately dropped below the freezing point. The faces of many group leaders began to become stiff.

Manina said: "In fact, calling everyone here this time is not to drag everyone into dealing with the Blue Star people. Our real enemy is the dark energy rebels.

Regarding the Dark Energy Rebel Army, I have sent you the relevant information half a month ago. I believe everyone has studied it carefully, right? "

"Hmm..." The clan leaders nodded.

Of course, they studied the information about the dark energy rebels immediately, and came to the conclusion that it was impossible to deal with them.

Facing such a powerful existence, they were as helpless as little ants trying to block the elephant's progress.

Manina continued: "Regarding the dark energy rebels, first of all, Anthem will send a planet-level powerhouse over, and this planet-level powerhouse is our greatest reliance;

Secondly, I just received an order from the Anthem. The Anthem orders all races on the planet Skrull to jointly form the "Skrull Defense Force" to actively deal with the possible threats posed by the dark energy rebels. "

After speaking, Manina winked at Morgan, who quickly took out his communication terminal and made the order document sent by Psalm public.

This so-called "order document" was of course forged by Morgan himself. He pieced together this "order document" casually using materials found on the Holy Silver Federation network.

But the leaders of the various tribes never thought that the order document would be forged, nor did they expect that Morgan would dare to forge the order of Psalm!

So as soon as they saw this order document, the leaders of various tribes immediately believed it 99% of the time!

Anthem actually wants all their races to unite to form the "Skrull Defense Force"?

It seems that when it comes to dealing with the dark energy rebels, they must also come to an end, instead of just standing aside and watching the show.

None of the leaders of the clans thought of refusing.

Refuse the command of Psalm?

Just kidding, even if you give them 100 courages, they won’t dare!

The order document Morgan showed immediately caused shock in the room.

The leaders of the major ethnic groups were busy with their hands and feet, and quickly used their mental power to communicate with each other and discuss what to do.

Manina smiled and continued: "Everyone, I won't ask for your opinion on whether to form a 'Skrull Defense Force', because you have to agree even if you don't agree!

We mainly discuss two things in this meeting.

First, we have to find a way to bring back the international students studying at the Holy Silver Federation, which we have just mentioned..."

Manina looked at Morgan, who said: "Father is right, we want international students to come back as much as possible.

Yesterday I counted, there are 68 seventh-level cultivators and 554 sixth-level cultivators among the international students. Together they are a very powerful force! At the critical moment of life and death for our planet Skrull, we must find a way to return some of this power!

If we want international students to come back, it will definitely not work if we tell them about the emergence of dark energy rebels. No fool will come back because of the emergence of dark energy rebels.

What we want to tell these international students is that there are a lot of psychic powers and other resources on Blue Star, and they can get a lot of benefits in the war when they come back, so that they are willing to come back.

I have said all this for the sake of our planet and to better complete the mission of Anthem. I hope everyone can understand. "

After listening to Morgan's words, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.comm. The leaders of all the clans were silent.

Since Anthem intends for them to participate in the war with the dark energy rebels, they must be fully prepared even to protect themselves.

It seems that it is indeed necessary to trick those international students back.

The leader of the Bald Eagle clan nodded heavily: "Okay, I will try my best to persuade the foreign students of my clan to come back."

"Me too."

"The same goes for our clan."

"All the international students in our clan have lost contact. I will try my best to contact them."

The heads of each clan responded one after another.

The Sea Giant Emperor let out a long sigh of relief and asked, "Prince Morgan, what does the 'second thing' mean?"

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