Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand one hundred and three, the Skrulls are in action

Latest website: In the game "Evolution", all the people of Blue Star are practicing.

But it's different outside the game.

Outside the game, there is no facility like the [Mage Tower] to quickly increase your strength. If you want to improve your cultivation, you can only forcibly absorb spiritual energy.

However, the effect of absorbing spiritual energy is very limited, and the cultivation speed is less than one-twentieth of burning materials in the game.

Therefore, Blue Star players do not practice in the real world, and all the psychic energy in the real world is used to make large-scale psychic weapons.

But the 12 hours a day in the real world cannot be idle.

Under the leadership of the Blue Star coalition government, people all over the world, especially the Chinese people, began a "full military training" campaign.

Since each human being has different embodied powers, AI Blue Whale reasonably matched each person's attributes to create "battle groups" of 50 people, and distributed weapons and equipment to everyone in the group, allowing everyone to Learn the most basic combat coordination with a "battle group" as a unit.

After a long period of military training in the battle group, and the fact that every Blue Star human has a strength of level three or above, most people have the most basic combat capabilities.

Not only can it protect itself, but it can also be used on the battlefield when forced, and it can also have a certain combat effectiveness on the battlefield, so as not to be helpless and become cannon fodder.

For the Blue Star Army, which is about to go to the battlefield for the first time, it needs to conduct more rigorous and efficient new military training.

In the current situation, the old-fashioned combat methods of tanks, aircraft and artillery are completely useless.

In order to adapt to the war needs of the new era, the Blue Star coalition government purchased the "small three-piece set" (laser gun, sprint jacket, tactical leggings) and the "big three-piece set" (floating tank, mecha, and drone) purchased from Skrull. All the manned and aircraft groups were brought out to conduct large-scale military training on the southeastern coast of China.

At present, the number of Blue Star's "small three-piece sets" and "large three-piece sets" is still relatively small.

There are only 200,000 "small three-piece sets", most of which were stolen by Su Yu from G2's warehouse when he went to Planet Scrooge;

There are 2,100 "big three-piece suits" in total, most of which were seized directly from Blue Star's Skrull Spring Base. Xiaotian also brought back a batch from Planet Scrooge last time, but the quantity of that batch was quite limited, only 50 sets.

The amount of armaments is completely insufficient for the equipment and consumption of the Blue Star army. This requires acquiring another batch during the next two trips to Skrull, at least doubling the quantity, in order to barely meet human needs.

Su Yu already has a solution for the quantity of armaments. As for training, it starts now!

In the past, the Skrulls' spy satellites could monitor the world. The Blue Stars did not dare to carry out large-scale military training, and they had to hide all their weapons to avoid being discovered by the Skrulls.

But now with the "Sky Shield", the Skrulls have no vision on Blue Star, and the Blue Star people can safely and boldly take out all their armaments and weapons for large-scale training.

This can quickly improve the combat capabilities of the Blue Star army, and also quickly become familiar with the enemy's most commonly used combat methods, so as to learn from the barbarians and use their skills to defeat the barbarians.

As for the Skrulls, the Skrulls are also actively preparing for war.

What the Skrull Coalition Government needs to do most is to integrate the resources of the entire planet.

There are a total of 132 countries in the Skrull race. In the past, the Skrull coalition government only governed 52 countries, and the remaining 80 countries were in a state of laissez-faire.

But now as the balance of war tilts more and more towards Blue Star humans, the Skrull coalition government has to consider pooling the resources of these 80 countries for war.

On April 10th, the Skrulls sent four god-level and more than thirty seventh-level experts to "visit" these 80 countries and order them to join the war.

How dare these small countries refuse to agree?

On the day the high-level experts arrived, these countries immediately agreed to join the war and contribute all their domestic military strength, without exception.

The largest among the 80 countries is Cindy Doppler’s Baker Country.

Baker Country was no exception. When the god-level strongman Stim arrived in Baker City, Cindy Doppler personally came to greet him and expressed his willingness to join the war unconditionally.

The Baker Country is having a very difficult time right now.

Since Cecilia's fall, Cindy Doppler has lost her biggest supporter.

Although the cooperation with Blue Star is still going on secretly, at least on the surface, he can only choose to surrender to G2 and join this war.

If he didn't choose to surrender, he might die suddenly in a dark corner of Baker City that night, without any objection from him.

Senior Zhu Yuanzhang of the Makaton Kingdom is in a similar situation. He temporarily succumbs to g2 and observes the changes in the situation before making further plans.

In just three or four days, the Skrull coalition government integrated the power of the entire Skrull race, and all military forces were under the control of the coalition government.

In addition to the Skrulls, the Skrull coalition government of other ethnic groups will certainly not let them go.

The arrival of King Zhou Di Xin some time ago frightened all the major ethnic groups out of their courage.

After the clan leaders of Mermaid, Crown Bird and other clans who originally wanted to participate in the war returned to their clans, they immediately announced that they would no longer participate in the war between Blue Star and Skrull Star, fearing that King Zhou and Emperor Xin Qiu would settle the score.

But even if they don't want to participate, the Skrulls will force them to.

The Skrulls themselves are on the verge of life and death, so there is no need to save face for these groups.

Take the mermaid tribe for example.

After the Mermaid Queen returned to the tribe, she immediately held a meeting of elders to discuss whether to join the war.

After a vote by the Council of Elders, the mermaid tribe withdrew from the war with the Blue Star humans with 8 votes for "not participating in the war" and 5 votes for "participating in the war".

But just three days later, on April 20, the god-level peak powerhouse Plante came to the door and directly ordered them to join the war. If they don't join the war, they will kill the mermaids!

As the only god-level member of the tribe, the Mermaid Queen is only as powerful as a lower-level god. Faced with Plant's strong pressure, she could only tremble and was forced to agree, completely unable to resist.

Not only the mermaid tribe, but also various other tribes such as the Crown Bird were also patronized by the gods of the Skrull tribe and forced them to participate in the war.

Facing the powerful Skrull race, the leaders of all races had no choice but to agree.

Moreover, the Skrulls also understand the principle of "stick and carrot" and will not push these groups too hard. Only by giving up some benefits when coercing can these groups be played with applause.

In order to achieve this effect, the Skrulls adopted two strategies:

One is to only force those ethnic groups who have a good relationship with the Skrulls to join the war, and temporarily let go of those who have a bad relationship with the Bald Eagles, which is easier to control;

The other is to stabilize these groups by giving them a large amount of psychic energy, returning their sacred objects, and promising more benefits after victory.

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