Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand one hundred and twelve, one-time vision

Latest website: However, there are too many "little black spots".

All the high-level players worked on their own and tried their best to improve the spell coverage, but there were still many things that slipped through the net.

Moreover, the detectors and robots released by the Skrulls are not ordinary. Many of them have a lot of magic resistance added based on the spell characteristics of the Blue Star people, so many "little black dots" can withstand spell damage and drag down Flying away quickly with his broken body.

At the same time, Su Yu and others were also using their mental power to quickly communicate what to do.

Su Yu grabbed an intact miniature detection robot, and while forcefully dismantling it to view the internal structure, he used his mental power to communicate with others:

"According to my observation, the Skrulls release some detection devices, which contain several imagers, sensors and optical signal transmission devices. They have almost no other function except detection, and they have no attack capabilities."

Prime Minister Cao quickly replied: "Of course it will not have the ability to attack. If the Skrulls dare to release devices capable of attacking, it will be against the iron law.

It seems that the Skrulls want to use the reconnaissance device to explore the situation of our Blue Star one last time before the tower defense network is closed. "

Speaker Hu Jing agreed: "There is a high probability that this is the case."

"But the magic resistance of these detectors is very high!" Zhong Feng on the side said in surprise: "I see that there are many area-of-effect spells thrown by sixth-level legal professions, but they can't destroy these detectors! The magic resistance is not high, but the resistance to objects is not It’s so tall that a sixth-level archer can shoot down a bunch of them with one arrow.”

"Maybe it's because the physical profession can't attack in a wide range, so everyone in Skrull should focus on improving the magic resistance of these things." Su Yu finally said: "Everyone spread out, especially those at level seven and above, and try to spread out these things." Catch everything in one go.”


Blue Star's high-level experts spread out and continued to encircle and suppress these detectors and robots.

A large number of detectors fell from the sky, and thick smoke from the explosion billowed across the sky.

However, there are still a few reconnaissance devices and micro-robots that have escaped the encirclement and suppression, flying in all directions with their extremely fast speed.

Neon Island is very small, and it didn’t take long for it to fly out of the island.

It didn't take long for the Skrulls to receive light signals from the surviving reconnaissance devices and robots.

Using these messages, they once again gained Blue Star's vision, but this vision was slightly short-lived.

Pieces of useful information were gathered at the spring of Mount Fuji. The intelligence personnel in the spring simply sorted and summarized it and then sent it to the superiors. The superiors reported it to the two Speakers and six god-level experts.

Looking at the latest information in his hand, Sun Emperor Manina narrowed his eyes slightly.

Among the information received, the most valuable is of course the 10 lines of defense deployed by Blue Star humans.

According to the video provided by the reconnaissance device, they could clearly see the Blue Star people's defense layout.

"I didn't expect Blue Star humans to build so many lines of defense." Manina said with emotion in the video conference room: "And each line of defense has many of our defense weapons. As far as I can see, laser weapons and anti-matter orbits There are a lot of cannons.”

There are only three people in the video conference room: Manina, Speaker Lenkert Kusman, and the god-level powerhouse Heber. The others are all in Blue Star.

After hearing Manina's speech, Kusman agreed: "Yes, there are many of our defensive weapons. Judging by their appearance and model, they are obviously dismantled and reinstalled from our base."

"But some have been changed." Heber sent many pictures in the video conference room, each picture is a large defensive weapon.

"The Blue Star people erased the psychic imprints of these defensive weapons, and also modified many devices privately, and even the appearance of many of them changed. However, it is not yet clear what the specific effects of the modifications will be."

"Psychic Mark" is a mark imposed by the Skrulls on large defensive weapons, which can assist low-level controllers to better use defensive weapons. This is also a permission, and it is almost impossible to control this defensive weapon without using the "psionic mark".

But among the Blue Stars, the "psionic imprint" of the defensive weapons has been erased, and there have been quite a few modifications. God knows what the Blue Stars have changed.

"We will discuss this later." Manina finally said: "Anyway, we have obtained the specific image information, and let the professionals handle the rest."


Through reconnaissance aircraft and robots, various information is still being collected by the Skrulls.

What the Skrulls are most concerned about is the 10 lines of defense built by the Blue Stars.

These 10 lines of defense covered the entire neon Honshu Island, which they couldn't help but ignore.

And now, the 10 lines of defense have been completed to a very high degree. All buildings and other infrastructure have been completed. Only the base's defense system has not been completely completed.

The 10 lines of defense combined with the giant golden net above the head should be all the cards in Blue Star's hand.

But gradually, as the detectors and robots flew deeper and deeper, the attention of the three Maninas gradually shifted to the Asian continent behind, especially the Chinese country.

In the video conference room, Manina said seriously: "The Asian continent has not deployed defenses. It can be seen that the Blue Star people probably want to use this golden giant network as the last line of defense."

"That should be right." Kusman nodded.

At the same time, Kusman added: "However, this golden giant network is indeed suitable for Blue Star humans to use as the last trump card. After all, it is a creation of the Holy Silver Federation. We have no way at the moment."

"Yes." Manina agreed casually.

But at this moment, Manina suddenly saw a video, which made his face darken.

The video was filmed by a tiny robot that has flown over Seoul.

Since Seoul is particularly close to Neon Country, the mountainous area southeast of Seoul has become the largest training base for Blue Star humans.

In the picture of the military training base captured by the micro-robot, thousands of humans are training "little three-piece suits". Find Shuyuan

These humans are generally only in the third or fourth level, holding laser guns, wearing tactical coats, and sprint leggings tied to their legs.

The heavily armed Blue Star people moved around in a small area, practicing mobile shooting hard.

These contents cannot be completed in the game, so you can only practice more in the real world.

In addition, Manina also saw that there were many "big three-piece suits" idle in the training base, but the soldiers had not started practicing yet.

As for why Manina's face turned gloomy, it was mainly because he knew all the weapons in the hands of these Blue Star humans!

Not only did he know them, but he could also be said to be very familiar with them, because after a quick glance, he discovered that most of them were actually weapons from the Lieyang Empire, and there were not many from other countries.

This made him look very ugly.

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