Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One hundred and six, sneaking into the Duke's manor

After upgrading his skills, Su Yu began to continue the main mission.

Summoned Dima and headed towards Fish Tail Alley in the south of the city.

Duke Cypher's manor is located at the end of Fishtail Lane in the south of the city. According to the map of Maple Leaf City, this manor occupies a very large area, occupying almost half of the southern part of the city.

So Su Yu found this manor easily.

But to be careful, he found a [Disguise Master] again when he went there to disguise him as an ordinary warrior mercenary.

Arriving at the entrance of the manor, Su Yu hid under the eaves on the side and observed secretly.

Standing at the entrance of the manor were two guards wearing iron full-body armor. Although the weather was hot now, the guard stood motionless.

Su Yu released [Invisibility Technique] and slowly moved toward the door.

But just when he was still thirty meters away from the gate, the two guards moved!

They drew their sharp swords and looked towards Su Yu warily.

Obviously, they have discovered Su Yu.

Su Yu had no choice but to turn around and leave.

Since the gate could not be broken through, Su Yu could only attack the walls around the manor.

He wanted to find a gap in the wall and climb in.

But after walking a few hundred meters along the wall, Su Yu found that the entire manor seemed to be shrouded in a huge magic barrier.

With his current strength, there is no way he can pass through the barrier without attracting the attention of the people inside.

The plan failed again.

But Su Yu was not discouraged.

After all, this is a main mission. As long as it is a mission, there will definitely be a way to break the situation. He must be patient and find it slowly.

There was no breakthrough in the Duke's Manor itself. Su Yu had an idea and started looking for clues in the residences around the manor.

Fishtail Alley, in particular, was a key area for him to search for clues.

"Hey, this aunt, I want to ask you some news..."

"Go, go, don't you see I'm busy?"

"Look, this is 30 psychic coins..."

NPC aunt: "!! If you have any questions, just ask, I have plenty of time!"

"I would like to ask you if anything strange has happened here recently?"

"Anecdotes? There are so many! Let me tell you..."

The NPC aunt started talking nonstop.

Su Yu activated his "money power" and inquired about the news in Yuwei Alley.

Of course, most of it is useless information.

What Su Yu has to do is to filter out the information he wants from a large amount of useless information.

Finally, while asking for information from the fourth NPC, a passage from the NPC caught his attention.

This is an NPC old man.

The old man smiled and said: "Speaking of anecdotes, yesterday I saw the Duke and Viscount Carter's wife together. Viscount Carter's wife has a great figure! Her buttocks twist when she walks, it's really disappointing. People are greedy!”

Su Yu: "???"

He found something wrong in the old man's words - if the Duke was bringing guests, he would definitely take a carriage, right? How did the old man see the way they walked?

So Su Yu quickly asked: "Where did you see them?"

The old man replied immediately without thinking: "Of course I saw it in front of Pim Hunter's house!"

"Pim Hunter is a beautician. Every once in a while, the Duke will visit him with several beautiful women, most of whom are the wives of other nobles... This is no secret in Fishtail Alley. .”

"Oh, that's it." Su Yu nodded calmly.

He suddenly realized that this was the information he wanted.

Why did Duke Cypher visit the beautician so many times?

To please those noble wives?

Not necessarily, he is a Duke after all.

"Anyway, let's go to his house and have a look first. Maybe we can gain something." Su Yu thought to himself.


Five minutes later, Su Yu appeared under the eaves of Pim Hunter's house.

Pim Hunt's house is a three-story pure white villa with exquisite exterior sculptures and a huge yard.

At first glance, it looks like a wealthy family!

Two guards in leather armor stood in front of the door of the house.

However, these two guards were far inferior to those at the gate of the Duke's manor. They seemed to be careless, and their strength was only at the first level.

Su Yu released the [Invisibility Technique] and walked in through the gate easily.

After the successful intrusion, he began to search Pim Hunter's house.

Hard work pays off.


In the woodshed in the backyard of Pim Hunter's house, Su Yu finally found what he wanted - a secret passage.

There is no firewood in the woodshed.

After lifting up the wooden planks on the floor of the woodshed, Su Yu discovered this secret passage.

This secret passage leads all the way to the west, and 500 meters to the west is the Duke's manor.

If expected, this secret passage should lead directly to the Duke's Manor!

"As expected!" Su Yu raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

As for what happened just now, he also figured it out:

If a duke has an affair with the wife of another noble, he must avoid the repercussions and cannot directly bring other people's wives into his home.

So they came to the beautician's house and entered the manor through this secret passage, which would be good for both parties' reputations.

Now that you have found the secret passage, you must enter it.

But just when Su Yu was about to leave, a blue and white figure suddenly flew into the woodshed.

Su Yu was startled.

But after seeing it clearly, he immediately felt relieved.

Because what appeared in front of him was the cat Chenxing.

"Why are you here?" Su Yu asked softly.

"I... ah no, it was Alijie who was worried about you and asked me to come over to help. I tracked your breath and came here."

Chenxing jumped onto Su Yu's shoulders.

She also noticed the uncovered floor of the woodshed and the dark underground secret passage, and wondered: "This is this?"

"This is the secret passage leading to the Duke's manor..."

Su Yu briefly recounted what had just happened.

"Oh, that's it." Chenxing nodded slightly: "Then let's go in. With me escorting you, this mission will be no problem!"

"Okay." Su Yu didn't say anything.

After closing the woodshed door, he jumped into the underground secret passage.

The first ten meters of the secret passage are very narrow.

But as I walked, my eyes suddenly opened up!

He and Chenxing came to a huge underground cavity!

There are luminous stones on the walls of this underground cavity, which illuminate the place like daylight.

Looking around, Su Yu saw that the cavity was about 1,600 square meters in size and was a regular square.

This square is divided into eight vertical and eight horizontal grids, a total of 64 grids, each grid has a side length of 5 meters.

These grids are painted with black or white paint and are staggered one after another.

There are also huge statues placed in many grids, some of which look like arrow towers, and some of which look like horse heads.

The entire underground cavity was actually arranged into an enlarged version of a chess board!

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