Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand one hundred and forty-two. Frequency of fragmentation rays

Latest website: According to Morgan Sun's estimate, with all the materials used, they can probably build 4 to 5 disintegration ray flood towers.

A Hongbo Tower can shoot out a disintegrating ray in two hours, which can consume the Blue Star humans first.

When all 4 to 5 cracking ray towers are built and switched to psychic charging mode, an average of 5 cracking rays can be fired every 20 minutes!

Three rounds of volleys in an hour, coupled with the full attack of the Skrull fleet and the god-level powerhouses, he did not believe that the Blue Star people could hold this line of defense!

Manina obviously thought of this too.

He happily patted his son on the shoulder: "Very good, your International Students Association will now start building the Cracking Ray Hongbo Tower! Tell the international students that when the Hongbo Tower is completed, the first step to break the first line of defense will be yours. !”

"Okay, Father." Morgan smiled and nodded.

The first achievement means a high reward, which they deserve.

Manina thought for a while and then asked: "How long will it take to build all the Hongbo Towers?"

Morgan Lieyang replied: "It will take about 7 days."

"Very good!" Manina Longyan said happily: "Today, seven days later, let's witness the destruction of the Blue Star people's first line of defense!"

The news that the Skrulls had built a disintegration ray tower spread throughout the human world of Blue Star along with official news.

Chang Rui, Lin Meng and people around the world were horrified when they saw the emergency news again on the TV.

"The trump card the Skrulls have come up with is quite powerful!" Looking at the news footage, Lin Meng sat uneasily on the sofa, gnawing his nails anxiously.

"Yes." Chang Rui also felt itchy on his scalp and kept scratching his head: "One cracking ray is equivalent to a full blow from a peak god-level expert. This is too terrifying!"

"How about... let's go to work?" Lin Meng picked up his phone. There was a very conspicuous incoming call notification on his phone.

This call came from Lao Zhang, their direct leader at the power plant.

Originally, he and Chang Rui planned to go to work at the power plant today, but after something like this happened, they haven't gone out until now. They even just found something to eat in the refrigerator for breakfast.

Lao Zhang had called the two of them several times, but neither of them answered.

It's already this time, how can they still think about going to work?

Now that he saw Lao Zhang's call again, Lin Meng mentioned it.

"I'm not going to work!" Chang Rui looked at Lin Meng with an extremely determined look on his face: "How can we think about going to work at this time? Even if we go to class, we will definitely make mistakes frequently. It's better to stay at home at this time. Waiting for news, waiting for news from the front line to arrive.”

"Okay, pretty much what I thought."

Lin Meng didn't want to go to work in the first place.

So the two of them continued to sit on the sofa, turned on the TV and watched old movies made a few years ago, slowly killing time.

As for the call from Lao Zhang... let it go.

The panic and fear will slowly dissipate over time.

There has been no latest news from the front line, which made Chang Rui and Lin Meng dissipate a lot of fear in their hearts.

It wasn't until two hours later that they saw the latest news on the official website:

"Quick report, three minutes ago, at 10:06, Blue Star's first line of defense was once again attacked by the cracking ray tower! Because the attack direction of the cracking ray is uncertain, we cannot block it in advance. This time the cracking ray is still Successfully penetrated the Longyuan Four Symbol Formation and caused a large number of casualties.

However, this time the coalition defense officers evacuated the personnel in the node, so the number of casualties is lower than last time. It is initially estimated to be around 150 people..."

Seeing this news, Chang Rui and Lin Meng looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although about 150 soldiers still died this time, the frequency of the fission ray has given them a lot of peace of mind.

"Well, it just arrived at 10 o'clock...a ray occurred in two hours. It seems that we don't need to panic too much." Lin Meng wiped his forehead.

Although there was no cold sweat on his forehead, he still reached out and wiped it to at least calm down his emotions.

"Yes." Chang Rui also agreed: "The power of the cracking ray is so great. If it takes 10 minutes, it will indeed be a huge blow to the front line. But now it feels good to take two hours together."

"Two hours together, the front line should be able to handle it easily, right?"

"Youke is always here, I believe he can handle it easily."

"Yes, after all, Mr. Ke is in command, I believe there will be no problem."

The two brothers comforted each other and collapsed on the sofa.

At the same time, the noise outside the window started again, and the voices of neighbors entered their homes through the windows or through the floor slabs.

Now it's not just Chang Rui and Lin Meng who are paralyzed at home, many people are also doing nothing like them, waiting for news in fear at home.

However, this time the noise was not as sharp and desperate as last time, but instead gave people a very reassuring feeling.

And it didn't take long for the noise to gradually dissipate, and it was obvious that everyone felt much more settled.

"Oh, let's go to work." Lin Meng stood up from the sofa. There was another incoming call notification on the mobile phone in his hand, which was still from Lao Zhang.

"Okay, let's go to work." Chang Rui stood up from the sofa unsteadily: "Lao Zhang needs us, and we can't continue to be paralyzed like this."

"Okay, let's go!"

"I hope President Ke and the soldiers on the front line can cheer up."

"Come on!"

The two brothers supported each other and embarked on their way to work at the power plant.

But what they didn't know was that at the same time, Su Yu on the front line was frowning.

The second cracking ray hit the Longyuan Four-Elephant Formation a minute ago, and the hit location was the southwest corner of the Four-Elephant Formation.

This ray was just as Su Yu expected. Because it had too many turns and was irregular, it was almost impossible to determine where it would land, so they could not arrange defense in advance.

In the past two hours, I have been looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyun. com Su Yu once considered letting the First Emperor defend the cracking ray full-time.

Although the intensity of the disintegrating ray is comparable to a full-strength strike from a peak god-level warrior, the First Emperor is also a peak god-level warrior, so blocking this blow can be said to be easy.

But now it seems that even if the First Emperor is sent, it will be difficult to stop this cracking ray.

The fission ray was extremely fast and turned erratically, and the First Emperor was unable to reach the location quickly and stop it.

Perhaps only someone like Su Yu, who could use space teleportation based on distance, could stop it, but Su Yu couldn't take action.

Helpless, they could only let Long Yuan's Four Symbols Formation bear it, but there was no other way.

Tina was standing next to Su Yu. She had been assisting Su Yu in commanding the entire army.

Seeing Su Yu's frown, she said, "Nemesis, it seems that this disintegration ray should not be underestimated!"

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