Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand one hundred and forty-seven, fireworks blooming in the cold wind

Latest website: "The principle of fairness in war?" Morgan Lieyang was slightly stunned.

Not only him, but Manina, who was observing the situation at the headquarters, was also stunned.

Manina and Morgan Lieyang never considered this issue at all.

They knew that international students had mastered the "splitting ray" technology, so they used it. As for whether it violated the principle of fairness of war, they really hadn't thought about it.

"But now that I think about it, it does violate the principle of fairness in war." Manina communicated with Lan Qi beside him.

"Your Majesty, I think so too." Lan Qi agreed: "After all, this is technology from the Holy Silver Federation, which is beyond the technological control of our civilization.

Thinking about it from another perspective, if the Blue Star people obtained such advanced technology from the Holy Silver Federation, we would definitely be dissatisfied. "

Manina and Lanqi admitted that they had crossed the line, but opposite the enemy in the cloud, Morgan Lieyang argued:

"What violates the principle of fairness in war? This is a technology that our Skrull international students have mastered. What's unfair about it?"

"Haha." Yunzhong Mudi folded his arms and shook his head: "Whether it violates the principle of fairness of war is not up to you to decide. This will be judged by the hymn."

He turned to face the Xuanwu node and shouted to Su Yu's position: "Mr. Ke, if you don't want our death to be in vain, remember to complain to them!"

"Don't worry, I will do it." Su Yu said solemnly at the top of Xuanwu Node City.

Although Su Yu's voice was not loud, it quickly spread throughout the battlefield.

At the same time, Su Yu ordered the AI ​​Blue Whale: "Blue Whale, inform Donna, tell her exactly what happened, and start prosecuting the Skrulls now."

"Understood." AI Blue Whale replied.

Su Yu and other Blue Star eighth-level beings are also paying attention to the situation on the Yunzhong Mu Enemy side.

But because the battlefield was obscured by purple-black manic psychic energy, space cracks, and a large number of Skrull warships, they could only see a vague outline.

Now, whether it is Su Yu, Prime Minister Cao, the First Emperor, or Zhong Feng, everyone is very helpless, because this plan failed completely, and they brought in 8 high-level mages in vain.

Fortunately, we now know that the Skrulls have the means to detect invisibility, and they can also sue the Skrulls. The sacrifices of the Cloud Shepherds and their enemies will not be in vain.

Now Morgan Lieyang is very unhappy.

Originally, he wanted to humiliate and ridicule Yunzhong Mu's enemies to boost his own morale.

But in a few words, he seemed to be at a disadvantage! How does this work?

He decided not to give Yunzhong Mu’s enemies a chance to speak, and said sternly: “Sue if you are willing to sue, and I believe that Shenge will definitely give us a fair verdict.

Let's all work together to eliminate these Blue Star bugs without wasting the anti-invisibility circle I set up. "

Morgan Lieyang deployed an anti-stealth circle in the Skrull base more than a month ago. It was also this magic circle that successfully discovered the traces of Mu Di and others in Yun Zhong.

This magic circle was originally intended to target Su Yu.

Morgan Lieyang knows that Su Yu especially likes to use [Invisibility Technique] to sneak into the enemy to cause trouble. Once the anti-invisibility magic circle takes effect and catches Su Yu, it will definitely be a great achievement!

However, Su Yu never came.

They didn't catch Su Yu, but they caught Yunzhong Mu and his friends by mistake!

"A seventh-level peak plus seven sixth-level mages, this kind of lineup is not a small fish, right?"

Morgan Lieyang comforted himself in his heart, and at the same time led the high-level experts around him to rush toward the enemy in the cloud.

Seeing the rapidly approaching Skrull army, they knew in their hearts that they were not far from the end.

But they all know that there is one person who may be able to escape, and that is their captain - Yunzhong Mu En.

"President, drink that bottle of divine potion quickly! It's too late!" Pastoral urged using his mental power.

As early as on the way here, Yunzhong Mu En told them about the god-level invisibility potion and did not hide it.

The seven sixth-level mages had no objection to the cloud pastor holding this bottle of god-level potion. After all, if the enemy in the cloud can escape, it will definitely be a great thing for mankind!

Now that the enemy is approaching, it's time to use this potion.

Yunzhong Mu En didn't hesitate much.

He gritted his teeth and quickly took out the potion and drank it in one gulp, while releasing the [Powerful Invisibility Technique] again.

With the blessing of [Powerful Invisibility Technique] and potions, his body quickly became invisible, and his breath and spiritual energy fluctuations around his body also quickly disappeared.

"Don't worry, after the war is over, I will definitely let Mr. Ke give priority to resurrecting everyone. I guarantee it with my personality!"

This is the last spiritual power passed down by Yunzhong Mu to the seven high-level mages.

Then, his body completely disappeared without a trace.

The seven mages including Pastoral Song and Eriko Sato were excited at this moment.

Their excitement was not due to the mental power of the enemy in the cloud, but because they had reached this point, fear was definitely useless, so they might as well fight vigorously!

"Come on, Skrulls, try my forbidden spells!" Principle Suzuki drank three bottles of the highest-grade explosive potion in a row, and all his equipment and all his explosive skills were turned on. Layers of colorful halos covered his entire body. Covered tightly.

Thanks to the huge attribute gain, he temporarily has the ability to cast forbidden spells instantly.

[Forbidden·Ten Thousand Miles of Ice Prison] This ice-based forbidden spell that was close to a super forbidden spell whizzed away from the top of his staff, and the clear sky was frozen into solid ice by him.

Several other mages also burst out their greatest energy at the end of their lives!

They also activated all their burst skills, used all one-time boosters, and threw their most powerful spells towards the enemy's position.

The magical aura that fills the sky not only threatens the Skrulls, but also provides maximum protection to the invisible Cloud Shepherd enemies.

Everyone hopes that he can escape smoothly and let the human side reduce losses.

The human mages showed their talents, and their beauty was like fireworks blooming in the cold wind.

But the Skrulls are not vegetarians either. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com

They were already prepared for the Blue Star people's deadly counterattack.

Haydn Lieyang led three seventh-level practitioners at the front. They worked together to create a gray defensive force field and tried their best to block all the burst damage of the seven Blue Star mages.

The strength of these seven Blue Star mages is still too poor.

Although they have tried their best to deal as much damage as possible.

But their levels are there after all.

The huge gap between level six and level seven cannot be bridged by a few bottles of medicine, a few pieces of equipment, and a few props.

Under the strict defense of the 4th level Skrull cultivators, the Blue Star mages failed to achieve much results.

Apart from single-digit kills, it did not cause much damage to the Skrull army.

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