Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand one hundred and fifty-five,

Latest website: Perrin Doyle and Angst Mohammed are the only two European and American players who are organized by the Cloud Shepherd to raid the Disintegration Ray Tower team.

The two of them have one thing in common, that is, they have a serious tendency to lose.

In their hearts, they believed that Blue Star would lose.

No matter how fast the Blue Star side progresses and how powerful the Blue Star side becomes, they always think that the Blue Star people are the ultimate losers of the war, as if they have been "stamped with ideological stamps".

Any form of psychological treatment is ineffective, and this leaves them suffering internally.

Unexpectedly, Yunzhong Mu En was also like this.

Yunzhong Mu En lowered his head and murmured: "I also have a serious 'defeat tendency' in my heart. I know that the coalition government has made very full preparations for the war, and I also know that we are no longer inferior to the Skrulls in terms of high-end combat effectiveness... But for some reason, I always felt like we were going to lose.”

Yun Zhongmu Di held his head and held his hair tightly with his fingers.

Looking at his expression, Su Yu could clearly feel his pain.

Su Yu said helplessly: "But have you ever thought about it. We can really win? Why are we not willing to give humans more confidence?"

"I want to, but..."

Yunzhong Mudi paused when he said this. He really didn't know how to describe his conflicting mood.

Su Yu didn't say anything and waited quietly for him to calm down.

After about a minute, the enemy in the cloud in the video screen got better.

He said to Su Yu: "Mr. Ke, my tendency to defeat is incurable, and I have never revealed it to anyone before.

Just now, I took a risk and formulated a bold plan to 'raid the cracking ray tower'. This was originally a suicide plan. I wanted to escape reality by committing suicide. But as you can see, I didn’t die..."

"So you want to commit suicide again, right?" Su Yu asked. No wonder Yunzhong Mu En would apply for the queen's throne.

"...Yes, this can be considered a contribution to Blue Star humanity."

The animal husbandry in the cloud looked at Su Yu with dull eyes.

Su Yu thought about it seriously, and finally sighed and said: "Okay, I promise you to be the queen and let you sacrifice gloriously for the cause of mankind."

Su Yu knew that many people in Blue Star had a "defeat tendency" like Yunzhong Mu En. This was a very large group. After seeing the technological gap between Skrull and Blue Star, many people did not believe that Blue Star could win.

Repeated treatments for this kind of mental illness have no effect, and even if Blue Star can be cured, there are not so many resources to invest in it.

So if the enemy in Yunzhong wants to take the throne, let him go! A glorious sacrifice is also a release from torture.

Su Yu gave him a last deep look and said, "Old Yun, then you can go with peace of mind. When the day comes when mankind wins, I will be the first to resurrect you, and then we will go together to welcome the new future world. !”

"Thank you, Mr. Ke!" Yunzhong Mudi bowed deeply to Su Yu.

At the same time, he reached for the button to end the call. Now that his wish has been fulfilled, there is no need to disturb Mr. Ke anymore.

But at this moment, Su Yu thought of another thing.

So he immediately stopped him and said, "Wait a minute, Lao Yun, don't turn off the phone yet!"

"What, is there anything else?" Yunzhong Mudi raised his head and looked at him.

Su Yu nodded and said: "Yes, there is another thing - there are still a few days before you go to the rear, and you must not be idle during these few days.

The Blue Whale failed just now, and no one is taking care of the "Sea Planting Project". Then it will be up to you to manage the "Sea Planting Project" between the "First Ring Road" and the "Second Ring Road" in the past few days! "

The "Sea Planting Project" is a super project led by AI Blue Whale.

The content of this project is actually very simple, that is - to plant [demonized plants] on the land of Neon Country, and through planning, the flora can exert its maximum blocking power.

Speaking of [Demonized Plants], let’s start with the legendary follower [Crazy Dave] in Su Yu’s game territory.

The biggest function of [Crazy Dave], besides mass-producing [Sunshine] to increase everyone's level, is that it can mass-produce golden [Demonized Plants].

These [Demonized Plants] can exert powerful combat power when planted in the real world.

Blue Star humans have used [Demonized Plants] in the past. For example, in the "Gravity Funnel" incident, Blue Star humans planted [Demonized Plants] on the coast of Busan and achieved good results.

Same thing this time.

After more than two months of implementation of the "Sea Planting Project", Blue Star humans have planted [Demonized Plants] on Neon Island.

[Peashooter], [Sunflower], [Wall of Nuts], [Corn Pitcher], [Corn Cannon]...etc. are everywhere.

Blue Star humans have used all available golden seeds, and 83% of the land and 70% of the water on Neon Island have been covered with [Demonized Plants].

Although the individual combat capabilities of these [Demonized Plants] are very weak, most of them are only at the second level, and a few can reach the third level.

But there are so many of them! It’s densely packed everywhere! Together they can greatly impact the Skrull's advancement.

Plants can not only block the Skrulls' ground troops, [Pea Shooters], [Ice Shooters], [Clovers]... and other plants can also block the Skrulls' flying battleships!

Su Yu once tried it. A 5-man sixth-level team would encounter great resistance when passing through the flora. Once the number of plants increased, the effect they exerted was quite powerful.

Moreover, the "Sea Planting Project" is also the most important part of the Blue Star army's gradual retreat outside the tower defense network.

Without the obstruction of [Demonized Plants] all over the mountains and plains, it would be really difficult for the Blue Star people to retreat smoothly!

This project is very important and is also the most important project that AI Blue Whale is responsible for.

Now that the AI ​​Blue Whale upgrade cannot be used, and there is a lack of manpower to advance this project, Su Yu simply hands over the part between the "first ring" and the "second ring" of the project to Yunzhong Mudi, since he has nothing to do these days anyway.

As for the "first ring" and "second ring" in Su Yu's words, find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com refers to the first line of defense and the second line of defense, which is what everyone is calling them these days.

Hearing Su Yu's words, Yunzhong Mu Di was surprised: "What? The Blue Whale can't be used?"

He doesn't know about it yet.

"Well, actually this matter is quite complicated..."

Su Yu recounted what had just happened, and finally said: "The Blue Whale cannot be used now, but someone still needs to be responsible for the 'sea planting project'. You happen to be idle these days, so you might as well go to the rear to take care of the plants! There are plants Maybe you’ll feel better with some company.”

The enemy in the cloud sighed: "Alas! We Blue Star humans really have a greater chance of losing. Even the Psalm is against us."

He raised his head and said, "Okay, I'm going to take care of the plants. Being with such a cute plant like [Sunflower], I should be able to forget all my worries."

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