Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand one hundred and sixty-six, 2 months later (6,000-word chapter)

Latest website: It took more than two months like this. On August 21, the Skrulls occupied all nine lines of defense. loving

Occupying 9 lines of defense means that the Skrulls occupy the entire Neon Kingdom's Honshu Island and the nearby waters. Beyond that is the Blue Star people's last line of defense - the tower defense network.

Now, the Blue Star human troops have withdrawn outside the tower defense network.

Relying on the defensive capabilities of the defense network, the Blue Star people will make the final resistance outside the defense network.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon on August 21, in the Blue Star Human Base behind the southern hole of the Tower Fire Defense Network, Chairman Hu Jing was chatting with Su Yu wordlessly.

Speaker Hu Jing is responsible for the logistics of the entire war. He is so busy that he has not slept for more than two months;

Su Yu was responsible for commanding the entire war, and he hadn't slept for more than two months. loving

But Su Yu is a peak god-level expert after all, and he is still in high spirits even if he hasn't slept.

Inside the headquarters, Chairman Hu Jing watched the flashing red dots on the screen. This was the latest update on the Skrull army's attack.

Currently, the Skrull army has fully entered the ninth line of defense.

When the Skrulls finish resting, the war between the two sides will officially begin!

"The Skrulls are quite fast, but this is much better than we planned!" Speaker Hu Jing smiled at Su Yu: "It has been 82 days since the war started, and it is only now that the Skrulls are approaching the tower defense network. This is a big relief for us!”

"Yes! Thanks to the 'Sea Planting Project'." Su Yu said with a smile.

In these two months, the magical flora planted by the "Sea Planting Project" have really helped! loving

According to Su Yu's estimation, without the "Sea Planting Project", it would only take the Skrulls 20 days at most to break through the nine lines of defense, and the troops would be directed towards the tower defense network!

But now, with the massive amount of demonized plants in the "Sea Planting Project", they delayed it for 82 days!

These are quite precious two months.

In the two months since they were dragged out, they have made more complete preparations. They have done better in terms of military dispatch on the front line and resource supply in the rear, and they are more confident in dealing with the Skrulls.

"Yes, thanks to the demonized flora, we have been able to fight for more than two months." Speaker Hu Jing folded his arms slightly relaxedly and leaned gently on the comfortable gray leather chair: "Because these two months , now the public sentiment around the world has stabilized a lot, which makes our logistics work less passive."

"Indeed." Su Yu nodded in agreement.

Although Su Yu focused most of his energy on combat command on the front line, he also had some knowledge of the sentiments of the people at the rear. loving

Two months have passed, and the mood of ordinary people in society is still very stable.

Everyone was very panicked in the first few days.

In the first few days of the war, the streets were filled with fearful people, public security was chaotic, and the crime rate soared.

But now, the public has clearly seen the Skrulls pulling their hips. It takes more than two months to clean up the demonized plants. The Blue Star United Defense Force has not suffered any major losses, and people's emotions are naturally much more stable.

Now, human society in the rear is prosperous.

Because of technological advancements such as breakthroughs in controllable nuclear fusion, people's living standards have improved by leaps and bounds, and everyone can enjoy a very superior life.

It's just that the wartime system is still in place, and ordinary residents still have to provide most of their production output to the front line. Otherwise, the lives of the people in the rear are no less than paradise. loving

But even though most of the production output has been sent to the front lines, people's lives are still very good, especially much better than before the war started.

So the social level is very stable, and there is peace and tranquility everywhere.

A stable social environment also makes Speaker Hu Jing's logistical work easier. After all, it is much better than a turbulent society.

"I just hope that after the official decisive battle, the social level can continue to be so stable." Speaker Hu Jing looked up at the ceiling and murmured.

"This is not difficult, Chairman Hu." Su Yu picked up the cup on the table in front of him, took a sip of tea, and responded: "As long as we do a good job on the front line and seal the enemy within the tower defense network, at the social level There won't be much of a problem.

And I firmly believe that we can hold on. This is not only the last line of defense, but also the ultimate barrier that we spend a lot of energy to build, and it will definitely not be..."

Before Su Yu finished speaking, Speaker Hu Jing waved his hand and interrupted: "Don't lag behind, just do it properly. There is no need to say it out loud."

Then he sat up straight on the leather seat, changed the subject, and asked: "Let's talk about something else. Regarding the 'AI Blue Whale', is it still sleeping? Is there any sign of waking up? "

When Speaker Hu Jing mentioned AI Blue Whale, Su Yu's face immediately darkened.

He shook his head helplessly: "No, the blue whale shows no signs of waking up. It is no different from when it was first upgraded. No one knows when it will complete the upgrade."

In the past two months, the biggest pain point of the Blue Star United Defense Force is that the AI ​​​​Blue Whale upgrade cannot be used.

Because the AI ​​Blue Whale cannot be used, Blue Star Humanity had to let many senior executives devote their energy to logistics management.

For example, top managers such as Speaker Hu Jing, Political Commissar Zhang, Fujiwara Chika... are all busy with logistics.

It is their hard work and exhaustive thinking that allows the entire logistics work to run in an orderly manner and prevent it from collapsing due to the absence of AI Blue Whale. loving

If it weren't for the upgrade of AI Blue Whale, they would be able to use their wisdom on the frontal battlefield instead of exhausting their energy in logistics management.

It can be said that the "Blue Whale Upgrade" is the biggest war debugging that Anthem has given them. The losses on the Blue Star side are very serious.

What's even more annoying is that they did not receive any compensation, and Anthem never compensated them for this matter, as if the "fairness of war principle" did not exist.

Until now, Su Yu still feels a thorn in his heart when he thinks of this incident.

If Chant was not the supreme master of the two galaxies, he really wanted to ask Chant face to face why he was so partial to the Skrulls.

"Is the Blue Whale still not awake?" Speaker Hu Jing leaned back in his chair again, looked up at the top of his head again, and let out a long sigh: "It seems that we really can't expect to use the Blue Whale in this war. We still have to rely on ourselves!”

"Yes, we can only rely on ourselves." Su Yu stood up and walked to the window, staring due north in the direction of the Skrull army. loving

The war should start soon. It is unrealistic to expect Blue Whale to suddenly complete the upgrade at this time. If they want to win this war, they still have to rely on themselves.

At the same time, Manina personally came to the ninth line of defense and stood on the ninth line of defense.

He stepped on the line of defense under his feet and couldn't help complaining to Lan Qi beside him: "This line of defense is really crude, too crude!"

The reason why Manina complained was because the ninth line of defense under his feet was essentially a solid loess slope.

There is nothing on the loess slope except a row of high-explosive mines at the top. loving

This is completely different from the previous lines of defense of the Blue Stars.

Take the Blue Star people's first line of defense as an example. It is truly an indestructible barrier.

The giant 100-meter-high city wall on the first line of defense can accommodate hundreds of thousands of humans working at the same time. There is also a super spiritual array on top of the city wall - Longyuan Four Symbols Array.

To put it bluntly, it is no exaggeration to describe the first line of defense as "impregnable"!

But now that Manina is on the ninth line of defense, he can only see a dirt slope that is only 20 meters high and has no defense capability. How can he resist complaining?

Lan Qi heard His Majesty the Emperor's complaints.

But he didn't take it to heart at all. loving

Now Lan Qi has been thinking about another thing in his mind.

Just last night, he received news that Prince Morgan was about to carry out the ultimate action, which was to seize Manina's throne.

Lan Qi has been waiting for this day for a long time, and this news caused quite a stir in his heart.

So he didn't pay much attention to Manina's complaints, but thought about it all the time.

But he couldn't help but answer Manina's complaints.

So he thought quickly and replied: "Yes, Your Majesty, the Blue Star people's ninth line of defense is indeed very crude.

But this is normal. loving

The Blue Stars did not spend too many resources on these defense lines that could be easily breached. Instead, they invested most of their resources in the first line of defense and the tower defense network. Most of the peripheral defense lines were vacant. , it is not surprising that it is simple. "

"Indeed, and basically there are no demonized plants here anymore, which is a good thing!" Manina stood on the slope looking south, with a smile on his face.

Standing on the ninth line of defense and looking out, there are no demonic plants at all between the defense line and the tower fire defense net, not a single one.

The Blue Star people's "Sea Planting Project" was very densely deployed on the first few lines of defense, and demonized plants were everywhere.

However, in the latter lines of defense, especially the sixth and ninth lines of defense, the demonized plants are very sparse, with one plant often only being planted tens of meters away, and their ability to hinder the Skrull army is almost non-existent.

Beyond the ninth line of defense, there is not a single demonized plant at all! This shows that the number of seeds of Blue Star people is also limited!

This also made Manina feel more relaxed. loving

From now on, they no longer have to worry about cleaning up the demonized plants!

With the problem of demonized plants solved, there is only one thing left for Manina to focus on - storming the tower defense network and fighting a decisive battle with the Blue Stars!

Of course, the decisive battle requires all military units to be present, and they must also invest their strongest military power in the decisive battle.

"Lanqi." Manina asked Lanqi beside him: "The fleet has fully entered the ninth line of defense, right? Also, have the materials for the disintegrating ray flood tower arrived?"

Since the strongest military force is to be invested, Manina needs to be most concerned about two things - the first is the Skrull fleet, and the second is the disintegration ray flood tower.

Needless to say, the Skrull Fleet is the main force of the Skrull Alliance's offensive;

As for the Cracking Ray Flood Tower, Manina found it very useful after using it in the last attack on the first line of defense!

The cracking ray Hongbo Tower is astonishingly powerful. The cracking ray it releases is equivalent to a full blow from a peak god-level powerhouse! Not only can it break through the "Longyuan Four Symbols Formation" of the Blue Stars, but it can also break through the tower fire defense network!

Of course he couldn't leave such a powerful weapon unused.

As early as Blue Star's second line of defense was breached, he had already ordered the Overseas Students Association to dismantle the built cracking ray tower, transport the dismantled components to the front line and reassemble them.

Half a day ago, the Overseas Students Association had already set off from the headquarters with the dismantled components. It should be arriving soon, right?

Lan Qi opened his mouth and was about to answer.

But before he opened his mouth, the voice of Ai Lan had already sounded around them. loving

Qielan's voice was still emotionless: "Your Majesty, it's up to me to answer the question you asked.

My answer to you is in two parts. The first part is the main force of our fleet.

At present, the main force of the fleet has been fully stationed in the ninth line of defense. 90% of the fleet is stationed on the south side of the ninth line of defense, and the remaining 10% is on the north side of the defense line. "

"Yes." Manina nodded to indicate that he understood.

According to his plan, he planned to fight the Blue Stars due south, so he also transferred most of the fleet to the south.

The small fleet in the north is only used for diversion.

AI Devouring Lan continued: "As for the second part, which is the escort of the components of the cracking ray flood tower.

The components escorted by the Overseas Students Association are almost here and are expected to arrive in 1.25 blue stars. The strong person in charge of the escort component is Amelia, the vice president of the Overseas Students Association. "

Manina nodded: "At 1.25 Blue Stars, it's pretty much what I thought."

After the components arrived, they assembled all the cracking ray towers in front of the ninth line of defense, and then they could officially fight the Blue Stars!


He suddenly realized that there was something wrong in Ai Yanlan's words.

Amelia? Shouldn't it be his son Morgan?

Manina's eyes narrowed, and he immediately asked AI Qielan: "Why is Amelia responsible for escorting? Where is Morgan?"

Manina valued these Disintegration Ray Flood Tower components very much, and he even considered the components to be as important as the Skrull fleet.

Of course he had to entrust such an important thing to his most trusted person, his son Morgan, to escort it. Why did the person in charge of transportation become Amelia?

"Back to Your Majesty." AI Devouring Lan quickly replied: "Just now, His Highness Morgan sent a message - he said that he was eroded by the 'Steel Seal of the Defeated' and could no longer be responsible for the transportation work, so he put his work He was handed over to his deputy Amelia and returned to the headquarters for recuperation.

He also said in the message that Amelia is very capable and can perfectly complete this escort mission for him, so your Majesty, you don’t have to worry. "

"What did you say?! Morgan was also eroded by the 'Steel Seal of the Defeated'?" Manina was shocked when he heard AI Devouring Lan's words.

"That's right." Ai Qielan replied emotionlessly.

"This is really... this is really..." Manina was dizzy, her spirit was a little hazy, and she didn't know what to say for a moment. loving

I didn't expect that the "Steel Seal of the Lost" would be so powerful. At this juncture, something happened to his son Morgan!

Speaking of "Steel Seal of the Lost", we have to go back to two months ago.

In the past two months, the "Steel Seal of the Lost" has been an old and vexing problem for both the Skrulls and the Blue Stars.

More than two months ago, when the Skrulls and Blue Stars were battling wits and courage on the first line of defense, the "Steel Seal of the Defeated" ushered in the first wave of outbreaks.

At that time, Blue Star's core character Yunzhong Mu En was eroded by the "Steel Seal of the Defeated". In desperation, he could only relieve the pain through self-sacrifice and death.

There was also a concentrated outbreak in the Skrull camp. loving

Fortunately, none of their core personnel were recruited, and the non-core personnel who were recruited were sent back to the planet Scrooge to recuperate, so the "Seal of the Defeated" crisis gradually subsided.

In the following month, no one from either camp was eroded by the "Steel Seal of the Defeated". Naturally, the top leaders on both sides no longer take this seriously.

Just when the top leaders of both sides thought that the storm had passed and no longer took the "Steel Seal of the Defeated" seriously, the second wave came with great force!

One month later, the long-hidden "Steel Seal of the Defeated" broke out again and quickly swept both camps!

The speed and scale of this outbreak were jaw-dropping. In just a few days, about 10% of each side's troops were eroded, and they completely lost their will to fight.

There are also some senior leaders among them.

A seventh-level being on the Skrull side was corroded and almost went crazy; Chika Fujiwara, a core high-level executive on the Blue Star side, was corroded and almost had a mental breakdown. In desperation, he could only withdraw from the battle sequence and engage in logistics work. loving

The root cause of this outbreak of "Seal of the Lost" is of course the aftermath of the battle between the dark energy rebels and the Holy Silver Fleet.

The "Steel Seal of the Defeated" was mainly made by the Dark Energy Rebels to deal with the Holy Silver Fleet, and 99% of the "Steel Seal of the Defeated" were also eaten by the Holy Silver Fleet.

But the remaining 1% should not be underestimated. It was this 1% that caused the "Seal of the Defeated" to explode in the two camps!

And that's not the scariest thing.

The most terrifying thing is that after the second wave broke out, the erosion of the "Steel Seal of the Defeated" never stopped. Wave after wave, and people were being eroded every three to five. This became the biggest headache for the two camps.

And there was nothing they could do about the "Seal of the Destroyer" outbreak.

Both Su Yu and Manina once asked the Holy Silver Fleet for help regarding the "Steel Seal of the Defeated". loving

But the response from the Holy Silver Fleet was that there was nothing they could do. Many Holy Silver human warriors were eroded and lost their will to fight. It's not that they don't want to help, it's that they simply don't have the ability to help.

Su Yu and Manina were also very helpless and could only watch the "Steel Seal of the Defeated" erupting in waves in the army.

As of today, August 21st, if I remember correctly, this is already the fifth wave of the "Seal of the Defeated" outbreak.

Manina originally thought that he was numb and would never have any major emotional fluctuations when he heard the news that someone had been corroded by the "Seal of the Destroyer".

But he couldn't help being shocked when he heard that Morgan had also been tricked!

Morgan's attack this time was equivalent to cutting off one of his right-hand men!

Although Amelia, the vice-president of the Overseas Students Association, is pretty good. As a seventh-level senior, she can speak in the association and have no problem managing the entire association. loving

But in Manina's heart, Amelia is far less reliable than Morgan.

This can be said to be the biggest bad news he has received today... no, it is the biggest bad news he has received in recent times!

Standing on the slope of the ninth line of defense and looking into the distance, Manina calmed down for a while before completely calming down.

Of course, Lan Qi on the side also kept giving good advice.

Of course Lan Qi was very shocked when he heard the news at first! Even more surprised than Manina!

But he soon realized that Morgan was not necessarily corrupted by the "Seal of the Lost". loving

He knew Morgan's secret plan and knew that Morgan would choose a suitable time to replace Manina in the near future.

Therefore, being eroded by the "Steel Seal of the Defeated" this time may be Morgan's "tactical trick"!

Morgan may have pretended that he had been tricked, and then hid in the shadows to carry out his own plans in the name of rest.

After a short period of thinking, Lan Qi found that this possibility was very high! The probability is much higher than the chance that he will actually be tricked!

Therefore, Lan Qi felt a lot more at ease and kept comforting Manina.

With Ranchi's comfort, Manina's mental state quickly recovered.

After he recovered, he took a deep breath and asked AI Qie Lan, "Qie Lan, how is Morgan doing now?"

"Your Majesty, it's not particularly good." Ai Lan replied coldly: "His Royal Highness Morgan has similar symptoms to other people who have been eroded by the 'Seal of the Destroyer'. His body is filled with uneasiness, anxiety, fear and other negative emotions. He is currently recuperating at the headquarters. , drank the 'Mokon Ningshen Potion' and was sleeping."

"Moko Calming Potion" is a potion made by Mo Ke, the authoritative master of Scrooge Pharmacy. It is specially used to calm the nerves, stabilize emotions, and relieve mania.

Although this potion is useless in curing the "Seal of the Destroyer", it can weaken the manic state of those who are infected to a certain extent, so every Skrull who has been eroded will drink some, and Morgan is taking the correct one. It's this potion.

"Morgan...forget it, let him have a good rest!" Until now, Manina could only wave his hand sadly.

Although losing a left and right arm was very painful, there was nothing Manina could do.

Morgan has been tricked, so he certainly cannot be forced to continue to shoulder the burden.

Given the special nature of Morgan's work, trouble will definitely occur if he continues to hold important positions! loving

"I have asked His Highness Morgan to get more rest. Find Shuyuan" ai Qie Lan replied.

Then, AI Devouring Lan said to Lan Qi: "Your Excellency Lan Qi, I have some other important things to report to His Majesty. Could you please go back to the headquarters to express condolences to His Highness Morgan?"

"???" Lan Qi was immediately stunned when he heard Ai Yanlan's words.

He was so surprised because it was the first time he heard such words. Lan Lan's words were so... humane?

Lan Qi had never thought that AI Devouring Blue would be like this, because AI Devouring Blue could not be so humane at all!

If it were the previous AI Qie Lan, if there was something that needed to be reported to Manina alone without letting him listen, AI Qie Lan would definitely say: "Your Excellency Lan Qi, I have some other important things to report to Your Majesty, please do it now avoid."

Instead of being humane and asking him to see Morgan. loving

What happened to AI Devouring Blue? Why did it suddenly become like this?

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