Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand one hundred and seventy-four, three days later, the general offensive begins

At this point, the conversation between master and disciple ended.

Alice felt a little sleepy, so she went back to her residence to sleep.

Morgan, on the other hand, went to the surface with a heavy heart to welcome the arrival of Lan Qi and his father.

Because he pretended to be infected with the "Seal of the Lost", both Lan Qi and his father came to see him.

Morgan also had to pretend that he was really infected to greet them.

There was nothing much to say about the subsequent meeting.

When Manina saw Morgan, although she knew that this kid was trying to trick her into seizing the throne, she didn't show it on the surface.

Manina still behaved like a kind old father, caring and asking about Morgan's condition; Morgan also showed his superb acting skills, showing a loyal and filial look.

After some "father's kindness and son's filial piety", Manina left the general headquarters and returned to the front line. The general attack on the Blue Stars is about to begin, and he wants to go back and take charge of the overall situation.

Morgan continued to rest at the headquarters, and at the same time began to prepare matters related to usurping the throne.

Although Plante and his ancestors have clearly sided with him, the success of usurping the throne is certain. But he still had to prepare carefully to minimize the disturbance when usurping the throne.

Three days later, on the morning of August 24, the battle between the Blue Star humans and the Skrulls officially began!

During these three days, the Skrulls mobilized all warships, combat aerostats, drone swarms, and high-level experts, and built five disintegration ray flood towers on the south side of the ninth line of defense.

The Blue Stars didn't make much movement. Their defenses had been deployed more than two months ago.

However, the Blue Stars are also nervously making final preparations for the war, making corresponding adjustments according to the Skrulls' military deployment.

At 10 a.m. Blue Star time, the war officially begins!

At Manina's order, the Skrull star warships and combat aerospace vehicles approached the tower defense network in a mighty manner. Lasers, psychic rays, anti-matter shells... and other weapons were densely packed like raindrops and hit the holes of the defense network and the Orange baffle near the hole.

The radius of the hole on the south side of the tower defense net is approximately 200 meters.

In this semicircular hole, the Blue Star humans deployed a pocket version of the "Hongjun Tianluo Defense Formation".

The "Hongjun Tianluo Defense Formation" is said to have been created by Hongjun, the ancestor of Taoism, and ranks first among all ancient defense formations in terms of defensive capabilities. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

Although the one in the hole is a pocket version, its defensive capabilities are not bad.

This magic circle was built by senior Yang Jian with all his efforts. He spent at least two months on this magic circle. Therefore, after the successful construction, the defensive ability of the magic circle is no weaker than the tower fire defense network.

Moreover, the old man followed Su Yu's suggestion and deliberately enhanced the repair ability of the magic circle from the beginning, so that the magic circle and the tower fire defense network could be perfectly integrated.

Facing the overwhelming artillery fire from the Skrull army, the "Hongjun Tianluo Defense Formation" lived up to expectations and blocked it easily.

Hundreds of sixth-level cultivators and 13 seventh-level cultivators stationed themselves in the magic circle. The magic circle was operating at full strength and became even more indestructible.

If the Skrulls' laser weapons hit the magic circle, they will be bounced away. The anti-matter railgun and psychic rays cannot break through the magic circle defense at all, and they cannot even break through the outer layer of defense!

After a series of fierce bombings, the "Hongjun Tianluo Defense Formation" was intact, shining brightly in the sky full of violent spiritual energy and radiation.

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