Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand two hundred, another big force

"Yes, that was sent by me." Darak said proudly: "By the way, let me tell you, your hymn is not 'about to collapse', but has already collapsed!

The structure of Anthem was too big. As early as the 103rd day of the attack, which was 22 hours before the Holy Silver Hour, her core structure completely collapsed and fell apart.

This means that your greatest reliance - the hymn no longer exists at all! If you don’t believe me, please send another message to Psalm and see if she will reply to you. "

"..." Zhou Wang Di Xin's face suddenly darkened, very ugly.

He didn't know much about the great changes that had taken place in the Anthem. If Darak was telling the truth, then the matter might be more serious than he imagined!

Link and the foreign students immediately opened the communication terminal to send messages to the chant. Link even switched a dozen positioning locations to send different messages to the chant.

But the result made them despair - the hymn did not give them any reply as Darak said.

From this point of view, I'm afraid Psalm...

"Impossible, this must be a cover-up! The hymn is so powerful, how can it collapse just because it says it will collapse?" Some international students in the team of international students shook their heads desperately and refused to accept the reality.

Of course, more international students were stunned and completely frightened.

Link couldn't help but tremble slightly. What was happening now was as unreal as a dream, making him at a loss what to do.

"If this is really a nightmare, then wake up from the dream quickly!" This is the only hope in his heart.

The other creatures present, whether they were Blue Stars, Skrulls or high-level Skrull intelligent creatures, were all dumbfounded and stood motionless.

Now this place no longer looks like a battlefield, but more like an uninhabited mountainous area in the depths of winter, with deathly silence everywhere.

The only person present who was relatively calm was Emperor Zhou, Emperor Xin.

Di Xin and Su Yu had similar ideas.

Although he also knew that the great changes taking place in Psalm would have a huge impact, the immediate matter still had to be dealt with first.

They must first deal with the deadly threat of Darak. As for the hymn, we can think about it later.

After thinking briefly, King Zhou Emperor Xin looked at Darak sharply and asked: "Dalak, did you just say that 'Hymn was attacked'? Who attacked it? Crystal Blue Community? Do they have this strength?"

Before the fight started, King Zhou Di Xin wanted to ask this question clearly.

It stands to reason that the only big force that would attack Chant is the Crystal Blue Community.

But the problem is that the Crystal Blue Community and the Holy Silver Federation have similar strength differences. In the strength rating given by the Singer Civilization, the two civilizations are at the same level.

Even if the Crystal Blue Community attacks, it's impossible to defeat the core of the Holy Silver Federation - Anthem so quickly, right? If they really had such strength, how could they be on the same level as the Holy Silver Federation?

Therefore, his intuition told King Zhou Di Xin that there should be other forces participating in the war, and it was a force that was so strong that the Holy Silver Federation could not resist.

Darak originally didn't want to answer Di Xin's question because he was a little tired and didn't want to continue talking endlessly to King Zhou Di Xin.

But after thinking twice, he still said: "The attack came from another force. According to the information fed back by the Crystal Blue Community, this force and the Crystal Blue Community worked together to deal with the Holy Silver Federation. It was that force that defeated the Chant...

Okay, enough said.

Di Xin, I will give you a choice - you surrender now, and I will take you to see the God Lord. From now on, we will be colleagues, and we can destroy and sacrifice weak civilizations together..."

"God Lord" is the name of the leader of the Dark Energy Rebel Army. It is said that he is a great being at the Nebula level. No one knows the true identity of the God Lord, and has always asked his subordinates to call him "The God Lord".

Of course King Zhou Di Xin knew the name of this "God Lord", but he was unmoved and smiled faintly: "What if I refuse?"

"If you refuse, there is only one word - death!"

Darak turned around and roared: "Believers, prepare to fight!"

"Understood! Great Lord Darak!"

Upon receiving the order, Darak's troops immediately took action.

They immediately formed an array according to their usual habits, with a wild and evil smile on everyone's face.

In the eyes of these dark energy rebels, Lord Darak has determined to destroy this world, and everything in this world must become the material for their blood sacrifices.

They are about to revel in the wails of indigenous creatures, bathe in the blood of indigenous strong men and grow wantonly, and let fear fill every inch of this planet.

Now, they only need to wait for Lord Darak to give the order, and they will attack immediately!

At the same time, the Holy Silver Army also took action.

Without waiting for King Zhou's orders from Emperor Xin, they quickly formed an array.

However, their formation behavior was just a mechanical muscle reaction, and the emotions of every Holy Silver soldier and god-level powerhouse fell to the bottom.

On the one hand, they were suffering from the "Steel Seal of the Defeated", and on the other hand, they also heard the conversation between Darak and King Zhou Di Xin.

If Anthem really collapses, it means that the entire Holy Silver Federation will lose its backbone, and even the entire Federation will cease to exist!

So where should these soldiers go? What should we fight for?

Troubles from two aspects swept through the entire army, leaving them with no desire to fight. Now when they fight, their fighting ability is even worse.

Of course Emperor Zhou, Emperor Xin, was very aware of the psychological state of the troops, and he could see the low morale of the entire army.

But he didn't care.

Because, he still holds a magic weapon to turn the tables!

Now, when the army's morale is at its lowest, it's time to use this magic weapon!

"Dalak, do you really think your 'Steel Seal of the Defeated' is effective?" King Zhou Di Xin said loudly.

He took out a white object from the space ring.

This object is a statue of a holy silver woman, about 30 centimeters high, pure white, but as smooth as jade.

On the pure white statue, only the eyes are golden, emitting dazzling golden light like two bright searchlights.

Emperor Xin of Zhou Dynasty quickly injected more than 100 spiritual powers into the statue and looked for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com and quickly carved a 3 cm diameter miniature magic circle on the back of the statue at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye of a god-level expert.

In less than half a second, the statue exploded with a "swish" sound and expanded into a luminous golden sphere 60 centimeters in diameter.

King Zhou Di Xin didn't think much and immediately threw the golden sphere behind him.

In less than a second after being thrown, the golden sphere reached the sky above the Holy Silver Army and exploded again.

"Bang!" The explosion formed countless golden 5-6 cm long strands, which rapidly expanded to cover the entire Holy Silver Army in just 3 seconds.

The golden strands seemed to have spirituality. They immediately penetrated into the bodies of the holy silver soldiers and god-level experts after contacting them, and melted on the surface of their bodies like ice and snow.




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