Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand two hundred and four, the current severe situation

More than three hundred god-level warriors fought against each other, and the Holy Silver Army also fought with the Dark Energy Rebel Army, which expanded the aftermath of the battle.

On the frontal battlefield, the Skrull army was affected first, followed closely by the tower defense network!

The aftermath of the battle hit the defense net one after another. The tower fire defense net was immediately shaken by the impact, and the energy reserve value dropped wildly "once upon a time"!

Seeing the speed at which the energy reserve bar dropped, Su Yu was immediately shocked!

Because this is faster than the full-out attack of the Skrull regular army, and it is not a little faster, but 3 times faster!

If this continues, it won't take too long, at most 10 days, before the tower defense network will run out of energy and be completely defeated!

If the tower defense network is lost, the entire Blue Star will be doomed!

Realizing the importance of the matter, Su Yu urgently asked Link: "Link, you are well-informed, what do you think we should do?"

"Well, um..." Link's voice trembled.

The Dark Energy Rebel Army's overall strength is obviously weaker, but the Holy Silver Army's morale bonus is also strong. The gap between the two sides should be too small in a short period of time.

Maybe those are just realistic fantasies.

I looked up at the sky.

Di Xin looked up at the Phoebus waveform space in the sky and analyzed: "First, the battle between King Zhou Lanxing and Darak and Rekraz. Although the battle has not yet concluded, you personally think that Feng Fu is less evil and more lucky. Xiaojia must delay mentally preparing for bad things."

I looked up at the Phoebus waveform space and said without any hope: "The Blue Star villain has extraordinary fighting power. Even if it is one against seven, I still can't win in that death battle? In this case, you Su Yu Is there still no way to survive?"

You all have one month left to say goodbye to your hometown... Yes, you mean you have one month left to prepare. "

Although he didn't take the lives of Blue Star humans seriously, he felt heavy when he saw so many people looking at him with "life-saving straws" in their eyes.

Before rubbing my face, I immediately asked: "Di Xin, what he means is to let you try to save Su Yu's human fire and escape to other planets? But he also knows your situation, you Where can I escape?"

Although it was daytime, Feng Fu could still see the sky full of stars with his eyesight.

Feng Fu asked: "Why should he have been chasing after him for so many years? Darak and Rekraz must have gone after him together, so what should he do?

"Run?!" Link suddenly became emotional, but his eyes were blank: "But where can you run away?"

"You should tell Xiaojia about your own plan first!" Di Xin said calmly.

But what’s the point of waiting that month?

"The only bad news is." Di Xin continued: "In a planet-level life and death battle, even if it is seven against one, the winner will be decided in a short time. According to your judgment, It will take you at most 32 Su Yu days, and it will not take a few Su Yu months to see the results.

It is certain that the Blue Star villain can really come out of the Phoebus waveform space alive. This is considered a miracle in the entire Holy Silver Federation. "

With our strength, we should be able to reach those planets easily, right? "

There is no doubt that it is not Mars. The red planet is hot and barren, but what can I do?

Looking up, Di Xin continued to everyone: "On Mars, you will stop for a while to pay attention to the situation. I am sure that Su Yu's pursuers have not arrived, and you will continue to retreat to the innermost part of the galaxy. Jupiter, Saturn, and even Uranus and Neptune. …”

"That's right." Zhong Feng nodded, his eyes darkening.

"If you want" Di Xin said word by word: "You only have one way to go. This is not a planet from last year."

The people around you can also resonate with your emotions, and for a while, sighs echoed throughout the audience.

"There is only so little situation analysis." Feng Fu sighed solemnly: "As for the advice you gave them, it is the same as the Blue Star villain said before.

His Majesty Feng Fu’s original words were, ‘Silly children, jog! ’ Now you also advise everyone, it’s time to run! "

After a few seconds, Xu Datian was the first to speak: "Hey, it's useless? Just change the beheading to Ling Chi."

Di Xin said solemnly: "Xiao Jia, let me first analyze the situation after being fooled and tell you about the future direction of the situation."

"Yes." Cao Chengxiang continued: "Now that Shengtong Company's services have been suspended, it is not possible to go to other civilizations, so where can we go?"

"There is no possibility of this." Zhong Feng's eyes suddenly lit up at that time.


Di Xin paused for a moment and continued: "Seventh, let's talk about the battle between the Holy Silver Army and the Dark Energy Rebel Army.

A miracle is a miracle not because it happens often.

However, as the morale buff of the Holy Silver Army disappears and Dalak and Rekraz emerge from the space a month ago, the Dark Energy Rebel Army will gain the upper hand and eventually completely eliminate the Holy Silver Army. "

I expect His Majesty Blue Star to be able to defeat two people of the same level at the same time. Is that no different from expecting to win 5 million in lottery tickets?

Di Xin sighed and answered me: "Of course you have thought about the possibility he mentioned, but based on your life experience, you can only say that the probability of that possibility happening is a 'miracle'!"

By that time, I felt the need to conceal my plans. Moreover, my plan is sure to attract some people to go with me, making the probability of escape success even lower.

Link glanced around at the blue-star humans with yellow, white and black skin present.

Datian's words were filled with despair.

But where is home when the sky is full of stars?

The scene was silent, and Xiaojia's heart sank to the bottom.

The crowd fell silent again. Find Shuyuan


I said, "You haven't sent a message to your second-wife Mona just now. You met outside there a little while ago, and you and your second-wife will take your sister back to Mars, the planet closest to Su Yu."

Di Xin raised his head and looked in the direction of Mars in the sky. With all his eyesight, he still saw a red planet floating in the extremely distant space.

Di Xin meant that it was not very old yet. The day of Su Yu's destruction would be now, but would have to wait another month.

After pondering for a while, Link opened the communication terminal and sent a few messages, and then said to Su Yu: "I have informed my ex-wife Mona that she is now at the Skrulls' Mount Fuji base camp. The road to the south is blocked. She will come around in a circle and meet me here..."

Speaker Hu Jing rubbed his stiff face at that time. The long-term dullness on his face almost made my face freeze completely.

"Yes." Link and many others nodded with difficulty, which was consistent with our judgment.

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