Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand two hundred and nineteen, Darak leaves

"Sid, what happened to your vote just now?" Darak stared at the glowing locust Sid, his dark eyes flashing with strong murderous intent.

"Lord Darak, I...I..." Sid was so frightened that his mind went blank. He didn't even know how to organize words to explain.

The murderous intent in Darak's eyes showed that it would not expose this matter easily. Even if Sid voted against it just now, Darak wouldn't let him go easily, right?

While Sid was racking his brains to think about how to explain, Darak glanced at the other gods: "In the vote just now, 82% of you voted in favor!

If I was really seriously injured and on the verge of death, would you have teamed up with the Holy Silver Army to cut me into pieces by now? "

"Lord Darak, please listen to my explanation..."

"It's not what you think!"

"We were just confused for a moment..."

The dark energy gods were frightened and hurriedly explained again.

But Darak had no interest in hearing their explanation.


It roared heavily, and colorless and invisible energy waves spurted out from its nostrils, spreading in circles, shaking the minds of the dark energy gods around them.

"Since you betrayed me, you all - have to - die -" Darak said in a long voice: "The price of betrayal is very high. I will let you know the price in a while!"

The next second, it spread its dragon wings, and its huge body disappeared out of thin air.

After another second, Darak's figure appeared above the spring of Mount Fuji. It intends to travel to the planet Skrull through the portal.

Darak knew very well that now was not the time to deal with these traitors.

It needs to further refine the two residual bodies, control the power release speed of the residual bodies 100%, and be able to exert its full strength in order to deal with all the traitors.

To further refine the remaining body, it needs a safe location.

It just so happened that the "Sacred Light Secret Realm" on Planet Skrull met its requirements.

The "Saint Yao Secret Realm" is huge in area, stable in space, and most importantly, easy to defend and difficult to attack. It controls this secret realm. Even if more than 180 dark energy gods attack together, it can easily defend it.

So Darak went straight to the spring of Mount Fuji without much thought, and from there he headed to the planet Skrull.

After Darak disappeared, great despair enveloped the dark energy gods present.

What should they do when Darak calms down enough to deal with them?

Now their despair is no less than that of the Holy Silver Army.

What can they do?


Where can I escape? There is no inter-galactic teleportation!

The dark energy gods looked at each other, their hearts in a state of confusion.

The only difference is the 6 Dark Thunder Dragon Clan and Dark Thunder Dragon Descendants.

The six of them were firmly opposed to taking action against Lord Darak, and they all voted against it. Based on these, Lord Darak should not take action against them.

However, they did not dare to show any expressions of contempt or ridicule.

Although they really want to laugh at Sid and other gods, they don't dare to do so now!

If the god-level pressure on the scene arouses public anger, look for Shuyuan Maybe the six of them will be the first to take over everyone's anger and be besieged to death!

They wouldn't do such a stupid thing!

So they communicated secretly with their mental power, restrained their auras and kept a low profile, but they were much more peaceful than before.

"what to do?"

"what should we do?"

"Oh, I got greedy for a moment, and there's no way to end it now!"

"It's all because of that Blue Star man's stupid idea, otherwise we wouldn't be like this."

"It's over, it's over, it's over now!"

After a brief silence, the dark energy god-level group started arguing.


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