Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand two hundred and twenty-eight, Skrull traitors

Su Yu used concise language to describe the scene of six dark thunder dragon gods being roasted.

Listening to the description, Xiaotian couldn't help but swallowed.

Dark thunder dragon meat? That must be delicious, right?

But she also has a lot of doubts: "How could these Dark Thunder Dragons be roasted like this? With their strength, they shouldn't be able to encounter strong enemies, right? Are they all the old, weak, sick and disabled who are left on the Skrull Planet now?"

The dark energy rebel army has long since fled to the outskirts of the galaxy, and the only people these Dark Thunder Dragons can come into contact with are the native gods of the Skrull planet.

How could the indigenous gods be their opponents? Besides, Plante and Manina III are still here.

"How do I know this?" Su Yu shook his head. Regarding this kind of thing, he also wanted to know what was going on.

However, at this moment, Su Yu's mental tentacles suddenly came into contact with some language information.

These linguistic messages seemed to be a dialogue between the roasted Dark Thunder Dragon Gods. Su Yu read out slowly based on these messages:

"Damn phoenix Sid, you have caused us such misery!"

"Fortunately, Lord Darak spared our lives because we are of the same race, and I thank him for not killing us!"

"If I can see Sid again, I will definitely let him taste the feeling of being roasted!"

Xiaotian couldn't understand what Su Yu was talking about, because Su Yu was using Holy Silver Common Language, and Xiaotian hadn't mastered this language yet.

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Xiaotian jumped up again and patted Su Yu's shoulder.

"Oh, it's the conversation between those dark thunder dragons..." Su Yu translated the language information into Chinese and repeated it to Xiaotian.

Finally, he concluded: "We can draw two conclusions from these conversations: 1. Sid the Fire Locust is not dead yet, and he should have escaped their pursuit;

2. The roasting of these dark thunder dragons was most likely done by Darak in order to punish them for their betrayal.

It seems that the ‘Blood Oath Scroll’ that Sid got back then was effective! "

"Yes." Xiaotian also expressed his approval: "Sid is really good at playing this game! ...But nemesis, besides these dark thunder dragons, what else did you find? Are there any others that have been cooked?"

Xiaotian remembered that Su Yu said "there are many acquaintances" just now. Could it be that there were others who were roasted?

"There are no physical 'acquaintances'." Su Yu shook his head.

"That's a shame."

"But there are many other acquaintances on the spaceship." Su Yu began to read the names: "Plante, Manina III, Morgan Lieyang, and Alice."

"It's just those Skrulls." Xiaotian rolled his eyes.

"Yes." Su Yu nodded: "Besides, there are two others that you may not expect."

"Who is that?"

"The first one is Cecilia, look for the god-level one from the Baker Kingdom in Shuyuan"

"Oh, it's her."

"The other one is Elizabeth, a god of the Lenkert Alliance."

"What? She also rebelled?" Xiaotian was surprised.

The reason why Xiaotian was surprised was not because Elizabeth rebelled, but because she knew that Elizabeth definitely did not rebel recently.

With Darak's appetite, if a Skrull god wants to surrender in the past month, it will definitely refuse to accept it, because after devouring these gods, it will be the nourishment for advancement!

The fact that Elizabeth can join the current "team of traitors" shows that she must have betrayed her home planet a long time ago, and she also contributed a lot to the arrival of Darak.

This is really a well-hidden traitor!

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