Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand two hundred and sixty-six, arriving at Feige Hub

In terms of high-end combat effectiveness, there are 8 star-level beings and 873 planet-level beings in the Fege Hub area.

This is already a very scary number!

After all, the galaxy-level rebel organization "Dark Energy Rebel Army" only has 10 star-level members and more than 800 planet-level members.

Compared with the "Dark Energy Rebel Army", the strength of Feige Hub is not inferior.

8 stellar beings all reside in the Feeg Nexus;

As for the 873 planet-level people, more than 600 of them live in Feige Hub, and the remaining 200 or so are evenly distributed in the native galaxies.

It is worth mentioning that these stellar and planetary powerhouses do not stick together.

In the past, because Anthem controlled the operation of the entire Feige hub, there was no affinity between stars and planets in the hub, and families and large forces would not form.

Star level and star level, planet level and planet level are at best friends and will not stick together.

But this kind of "disunity" behavior was fine in the past, and it facilitated the rule of Anthem.

Now, this behavior is not necessarily a good thing.

Failure to unite means that Feige Hub cannot form a large-scale force that can be twisted into a rope. At this critical moment when Hymn is absent, there will definitely be some chaos.

This problem does not only exist in Feige Hub, but in fact, similar problems exist in all hub planets.

These hub planets are like seven or eight-year-old children, and the chants are their parents.

I was living a good and carefree life, all I had to do was listen to my parents. But suddenly one day, his parents disappeared!

When parents disappear, it means children have to fend for themselves.

If the power vacuum left by Psalm's absence is not quickly filled, great chaos will inevitably result.

How to deal with these chaos is the biggest test for the major hub planets.

After understanding the composition of the strong men in Feige Hub, Su Yu focused on the map of the hub.

In fact, Feige Hub is not only on the surface of a planet like Blue Star.

Of course, at the beginning, tens of millions of years ago, the Feige hub was only on one planet, the Feige star.

However, with the development of civilization, the Feige hub went out of the planet and slowly radiated to nearby stars.

Even now, the habitable zone of the entire galaxy has been included in the Feige Hub!

The "habitable zone" of galaxies is a very large place.

Take the solar system where Blue Star is located as an example. The habitable zone of the solar system is from the outer edge of the orbit of Venus to the outer edge of the orbit of Mars. Such a large annular area is the habitable zone.

And now Feige Hub has controlled the entire habitable zone!

Space stations and space cities all over the sky have crowded the habitable zone, and there is almost no free space in the entire habitable zone!

The surfaces of three planets plus a large number of space stations and space cities, find Shuyuan www. jointly build this huge Feige hub!

The number of residents in the hub exceeds one trillion!

This is simply unimaginable with Blue Star’s current level of civilization!

As a result, Su Yu couldn't help but be speechless as he browsed the information about Feige Hub, and his heart was filled with shock.

Before I knew it, three hours flew by quickly.

The scene in front of him changed rapidly. Su Yu's teleportation finally ended, and he himself finally arrived at Feige Hub!

The AI ​​Blue Whale's voice rang in his ears at the right time: "Administrator Su Yu, you have arrived at Feige Hub. Due to the current chaotic situation, please stay vigilant at all times."

"Okay." Su Yu replied in his heart, and then looked around intently.

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