Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand three hundred and sixteen, security team

Luman posed the question to the legion commander, and everyone immediately fell silent.

Indeed, since the legion commander is present, this matter should be decided by him.

Legion Commander Darando thought for a moment.

He looked at the stone man beside him, Leiterdozi: "Leterdozi, please continue to hold the auction. Try your best to make the auction as good as possible and promote it well."

"Understood, Lord Legion Commander!" Leiterdozi replied immediately, and at the same time he was clear-minded.

That idiot from Luman definitely didn't know whether Su Yu was the legion commander's trumpet, or he was smarter and could have guessed right!

Look, the legion commander gave the green light to the auction, right?

Darlando turned to look at everyone present and said slowly: "In any case, Su Yu is the target of our guard army. And there are various signs that he is very willing to join and become a member of our guard army.

In this case, we should provide him with corresponding protection. Monamir. "

"Here." An officer named "Monamir" took a step forward and bowed.

Leiter's voice was still so calm, calm and forced, giving people the feeling of being unsure.

I hope I can really cope with it and don't say a bunch of small talk and end up overturning it when the time comes.

Anyway, help Leite to make that auction a success, but the big guy’s limelight is really small!

Lu Man said in a friendly tone: "That's right. The lower-level guards just held a meeting, and the meeting decided to send a security team to Giant Rock City to protect him from danger. After all, he is still a fourth-level cultivator on the surface."

"Greenway Group 16?" Monamir was surprised.

I immediately replied: "It's bad, you go down and deal with it right away!"

This team is the strongest security team under him, and its business capabilities are second to none in the entire hub. Why was it actually sent out to protect Su Yu?

If nothing else, I'm afraid none of the legion commander's immediate family members are treated like this!

Just hearing Lei Te's voice made Luman's mood immediately calm down.

It was not an obvious signal to the ears of the other ministerial officers present.

Before the meeting started, Su Yu Shaozi quickly got up and went back to curry favor with Lei Te, while the other ministerial officers also dispersed with their own thoughts.

Next, Master Dalan gave some complicated instructions, and the meeting lasted for two days.

"Sir, Luman Pavilion, do I have anything to do with you?" Lei Te's voice came from the other side.

It was obvious that the commander of the regiment paid very little attention to Wei Liang.

Very slowly, the call was connected.

In the past, we had to regard Leite as one of our own, and treat him as a "legion commander's confidant". Although I am only at level 4.

Although Wei Liang was in a small limelight, I felt like I couldn't handle it from the sound of his voice.

Not long ago, Luman dialed Leite's contact information.

"Send Greenway Group 16 to the Giant Rock Clan's territory to protect Su Yu and stop prying eyes before the auction begins," Dalando ordered.

Those words fell out of Su Yu Shaozi's ears. Su Yu Shaozi was even more hesitant about the idea that Leiter was the "Legion Commander" and had to hug that calf tightly;

Luman is the person who best understands the thoughts of the legion commander. My thoughts are basically the same as those of the legion commander.

Master Dalan's command was outside the ears of others, and had exactly the same effect.

Master Dalan felt that since Leite was so arrogant, it would be very slow to restore the planetary level if he was not sure. This Leite has little win-win value, so sending a worst-case security team there is simply too much;

However, it can also be clearly seen that the legion commander attaches great importance to Leiter.

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