Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand three hundred and twenty-one, the core of omens

The "Core of Omens" is a sacred object of prophecy that only stellar prophecy masters can create.

In Feige Hub, there are only two strong people who can create it, and that is Andrew Soren and Ashley.

In order to create a "core of omens", a star-level prophecy master must spend 10 days meditating, and inject all the spiritual insights gathered during meditation into a special crystal ball, and then he can obtain a "core of omens" of qualified quality. .

Because there are a lot of stellar-level spiritual insights in it, this is of course a rare treasure for low-level prophecy cultivators!

Using this treasure and integrating the spiritual insights inside it will be of great benefit to low-level prophets, who will avoid many detours in their future cultivation paths.

This is equivalent to hiring a famous teacher, or studying with a star-level boss for several years, and it has the effect of reborn!

Therefore, many low-level prophets want to obtain a "core of omens", or even dream of it.

However, the "Core of Omen" is difficult to obtain.

In the past, when the super AI Chant was still around, stellar prophecy masters would regularly make some "cores of omens" to exchange resources with Chant.

However, due to the scarcity of stellar prophets, Anthem often sets the exchange threshold for the "Omen Core" very high, such as obtaining a large number of military merits on the battlefield, top-level event rewards from top academies, and tasks with a very high risk factor. ……etc.

Before Su Yu Shaozi talked about the source of the "Core of Omens" again, the discussion volume in the public chat area became even quieter:

"Can the prophecy staff of the bank endure it?"

Of course, Su Yu Shaozi also dared to offend Blue Star Lu Sauron.

"Is it made by President Kang Ailu or Master Ashley?"

That thing has never been auctioned since, so some people know how much it is worth.

Speaking of which, a link for detailed information about "The Core of Omen" appears in the blank space in the upper left corner of the live broadcast room.

Everyone was shocked by the appearance of the "core of omens".

"And even if the source is vague, you dare to buy it."

Not many viewers in the live broadcast room knew what the "Core of Omens" was, so they clicked on the link to check it out.

"He's saying that there's no way to end up with vague sources!"

The value of the "Core of Omens" has little to do with the producer.

However, as the first lot in the auction, the "Core of Omen" cannot be said to be of full weight!

Of course Kang Ai Shaozi knew that.

Su Yu Shaozi had long expected that Xiaojia would be surprised.

I just thought that that thing would appear at that auction.

The urgings in the chat area came one after another.

"Cute, I want you so bad! It's a pity that you have money!"

But not many viewers knew about the "Core of Omens" early on, and we haven't posted it outside the public chat area yet:

In Ender's aircraft, Ender and Chenxing, who were watching the auction live broadcast, also looked confused.

But who knew the first one would be so exciting!

Chenxing took the initiative to reach out his cat's paw and clicked on the link, and browsed the content outside with Ander.

However, since it is a stellar existence acting as a proxy for the auction, I dare to be lazy and put it first in the auction.

"It's President Kang Airu's 'Core of Omen'!"

According to the practice in the auction world, 5% of the final auction price will be paid to Su Yu Shaozi as commission.

On the right side of the live broadcast room, the bidding contact information has not been posted yet, but the bidding has not started yet.

Five days later, Blue Star Lu Sauron personally came to the door and asked Kang Ai Shaozi to auction the "Core of Omen" on his behalf.

Originally, Xiaojia thought that the highlight of the auction was at the front, and the items at the back were all important. He even wanted to skip the items at the back and move back slowly to the front.

The hymn must still be there, it is a contraband that may be auctioned!

"Bad guy! The 'Core of Omen' created by Governor Blue Star Lu is worth at most eight million military merits! Maybe even less."

“First, let’s talk about where the ‘Core of Omen’ comes from!”

But why?

There is a huge difference between whether it is made by Ashley or Lan Xinglu Sauron. The "Omen Core" made by Ashley may be twice as long as that of Lan Xinglu, and it will also affect the user's cultivation direction. .

I have pledged my allegiance to the Feige Guards, and almost everyone knows about it. However, President Blue Star Lu suddenly contacted me, which is incredible!

Su Yu Shaozi was also shocked when he saw President Lan Xing Lu coming to the door!

The public chat area was filled with dense discussions, and the refresh rate was so slow that it was almost difficult to see clearly.

Although the "Core of Omen" is not as valuable as the Black Thunder Dragon corpse, it is still worth a fortune!

"Wait a minute, isn't Su Yu Shaozi from the Guards before Ander? Why did he lose his relationship with Governor Blue Star Lu again?"

We didn't pay much attention to the preparations for the auction in the past few days. In addition to buying wildly at the hub, we delayed carrying the rest back to Leiter since we bought it.

We didn’t ask how the Kangai Shaozi auction was going, but we thought that the first product caught our attention. President Lu of Blue Star actually stepped in and withdrew!

Anyone who is watching the live broadcast must know what the ‘Core of Omen’ is. Look for Shuyuan or want to know more detailed information about it. You cannot log in to the public network to search for related terms. "

After waiting for a while, everyone should have read the detailed introduction, and I replied: "The 'Core of Omen' comes from President Blue Star Lu Sauron. I will entrust you to withdraw it from the auction in five days.

Before handing the "Core of Omens" to Su Yu Shaozi, I said I would pay the commission in full, but then I disappeared immediately.

So we returned to Kangai to "unload". We went back to Leite once that day and just came back yesterday.

To be honest, I was also surprised when I got the "Core of Omens" a few days later.

Governor Blue Star Lu said that it was the ‘core of omens’ that I personally made. The prophecy cultivators who are watching the live broadcast must miss it! "

And why did President Lan Xinglu get involved? The reason for that is really mind-blowing.

Anyway, it is definitely not available on the market, and there is no easy way to obtain it.

Su Yu Shaozi smiled and explained quickly and nervously: "Everyone is surprised, that is a 'core of omens', a treasure that can only be made by a planet-level prophecy master!

When I faced the bank manager, I immediately agreed to do the auction on my behalf and said that I would charge any commission.

Even Ender and Morningstar knew.

Although the interior space of Ender's [Plantagenet Chain] is very small, because I bought so few things in those days, I haven't installed any of them yet.

So there was no such thing outside the auction.

Blue Star Lu Sauron also said something.

As for why President Kang Ailu wants to auction the "Core of Omen", Su Yu Shaozi is still vague.

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