Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand three hundred and twenty-five, accidents happen frequently

Latest website: Too many people were watching the auction, at least one tenth of the residents in the hub were watching.

And not just one tenth.

Considering that two or three residents share one device, the actual number of viewers will increase by another 10 to 20%.

Because there were so many people watching, all the major towns in the hub were suddenly filled with noise!

Some remote towns are okay, and the noise will be relatively quiet;

But in large towns, without exception, the noise is overwhelming! It shocked the residents who didn’t watch the live broadcast!

Many passers-by were walking on the road or driving aircraft, and they all noticed that the whole city suddenly became noisy! Just like the hymns suddenly disappeared in the first place.

They quickly asked the people around them:

"What's going on here?"

"Did something big happen?"

"At this's the auction of Dark Thunder Dragon. Did anything happen at the auction?"

"Why is there such a big fuss?"

Many residents did not watch the auction because they either had something to do, felt that the auction had nothing to do with them, or were simply not interested, so they did not go to the auction live broadcast room to join in the fun.

Now seeing the whole city boiling with excitement has aroused the curiosity of many people.

On the street and in the aircraft, many residents rushed to take out their bracelets and open the live broadcast room, wanting to see what was going on.

As a result, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room rose rapidly, exceeding 11 billion and approaching the number of 12 billion!

Leiterdozi also solemnly introduced in the camera: "Dear viewers, this is the body of the Dark Energy Rebel Planet-level Dark Thunder Dragon Darak.

Darak was originally a third-level planet-level dragon, and as early as five months ago, it had already begun planning to attack Blue Star..."

With his capable words, Leiterdozi told the dark energy rebels led by Darak to attack the Blue Star...absorbed two corpses of the same level and were promoted to the fourth level of planetary level...and finally was killed by a passing stellar level powerhouse. The process is briefly described.

Reddoz was speaking and gesturing at the same time, his basketball-sized stone fist flying back and forth in mid-air, describing the whole incident very clearly.

Most of the viewers have heard of this incident, and Su Yu's deeds have long been spread wildly in the hub.

But now that I listen to it again, everyone still enjoys it and the sense of legend is overwhelming!

Who could have imagined that in that battle, three planet-level people died, and countless cultivators below the eighth level died.

Looking at the hill-like body of Darak, everyone can feel the heroism and cruelty of that battle.

If it hadn't been for the passing of the Astral Class at the end, the Dark Energy Rebel Army would have truly become the final winner!

But let me tell you something, that passing star is really awesome!

He was actually able to kill the advanced Dark Thunder Dragon Darak in one move. The cross-section of the corpse was abnormally flat, which meant that Darak had no power to fight back.

Many people are only now truly realizing how terrifying stellar existence is.

The planetary level they had looked up to all their lives was killed so easily in an instant. The star level was simply terrifyingly powerful and terrifying!

After introducing the entire story, Leiter Dodds paused for a moment.

Then he solemnly said: "Currently, the body of the Dark Thunder Dragon is very complete, with no missing organs. Although a lot of dragon blood has been scattered, it has all been collected.

Everyone can auction with confidence!

Now let me announce the starting price, which is..."

At this point, Leiterdozi began to tell the truth and lengthened his voice here.

The audience's emotions were also aroused.

What will the starting price be? 300 billion? Or 400 billion?

But at this moment, something unexpected happened to everyone——

Reddoz raised his hands above his head and was about to blurt out the starting price.

But at this moment, the live broadcast screen suddenly stopped moving!

This is the case for all terminals that watch live broadcasts. The screen freezes and is stuck motionless.

Seeing this, the first thing everyone doubts is of course whether there is something wrong with their equipment.

But after opening other devices to check, everyone found that it was not the problem with the device, so the major towns in the hub were excited again:

"what happened?"

"Why is the live broadcast stuck?"

"Good card."

“Are there too many people watching and the public network is overwhelmed?”

At the same time, the live broadcasts of various departments of the coalition government, including the Guards, are also stuck here.

At the headquarters of the Ministry of Public Security, Brigadier Greed looked at his assistant Bella: "Bella, check what's going on."

"Okay." Bella immediately started operating on the panel of her bracelet, checking various data on the public network.

On Su Yu's side, he and the cat Chenxing were also stunned.

"Why is the Internet suddenly disconnected at this time?"

"That's it, at this critical time."

Their current location is within the territory of the Juyan clan, not far from the auction venue, only a few kilometers away.

Now the territory of the Giant Rock Tribe is also abuzz with people.

The voices of stone men are generally dull, so they sound like a "buzzing" sound.

After all, this auction is held on their territory, so the proportion of the Giant Rock tribe watching the live broadcast is much higher than that of other tribes.

In the Rock City, almost every stoner is watching.

Now the live broadcast was suddenly interrupted, and of course everyone was in an uproar.

"How about I go out and see what's going on?" Chenxing, the cat, looked out the window, a little eager to give it a try.

"Let's forget it." Su Yu pressed the cat's head and signaled her not to run around.

After taking a look at the still stuck screen, Su Yu said, "Let's wait a little longer. We can't deal with the network lag... By the way, Blue Whale, do you know the reason?"

Su Yu asked AI Blue Whale. He must ask it about the Internet.

"Under detection..." Blue Whale replied in a very cold electronic voice.

"Detecting?" A question mark popped up on Su Yu and Chen Xing's heads at the same time.

What's happening here?

In their view, AI Blue Whale runs very fast. If there is a problem at the auction, Blue Whale should immediately analyze the problem.

Moreover, the blue whale has evolved to be very anthropomorphic. It is not good at using this kind of cold electronic sound, and it is not the same as the previous level 1 AI.

What happened to the blue whale?

If something goes wrong at the auction, go to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.comm Could it be that something went wrong with it too?

However, Su Yu and Chen Xing's doubts did not last long.

Just when they started to worry, the live broadcast screen resumed after a brief flash.

The live broadcast continued, and Leiterdozi in the picture loudly said the starting price: "300 billion holy silver coins!"

Su Yu and Chenxing breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good to be able to recover. Fortunately, it wasn't a big accident.

However, before they could take a breath, another unexpected accident happened!

I saw the live broadcast screen flashing quickly a few times, and then the screen completely blacked out!

Leiterdozi disappeared completely during the live broadcast, and his voice disappeared altogether, and the live broadcast room turned completely black.

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