Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand three hundred and sixty-five, Su Yu, a spy of the rebel organization?

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"Wait a minute, let's sort out our thoughts." Darlando sat up straight and analyzed carefully:

"The real situation may be this:

While the rebel groups were attacking the Lunya hub, they were also planning an attack on our hub.

And Su Yu is their pawn.

The rebel organization plans to implant Level 4 AI into our hub to achieve the purpose of controlling the hub.

But they also know that suddenly having a planetary class come with a level 4 AI will definitely arouse our vigilance.

So they sent Su Yu first and started laying the groundwork a year and a half ago.

At that time, whether Su Yu was completing the bounty or auctioning the corpse of a planet-level dragon, he was all doing it to gain fame and let everyone know about this person.

Today, a year and a half later, he appeared again with a level 4 spy AI and came to offer treasures.

If we use AI without realizing it, the rebel organization's conspiracy will succeed!

As for what Su Yu said about 'the mother planet participating in the civilization ascension plan', these should be made up."

After listening to the words of the legion commander, Brigadier Greed nodded with understanding: "This is indeed logical. Until now, no one has found the location of Su Yu's home planet, whether it is the planet-level hub with evil intentions. No one can find either existence or interstellar pirates.”

In the past year and a half, there have been many forces that have attracted Su Yu's attention.

Su Yu first auctioned off the corpse of a planet-level dragon to obtain 550 billion holy silver coins. Then he made a windfall from nowhere (Dalak's savings) and obtained another two to three hundred billion worth of resources.

With such a large amount of money in the hands of Su Yu, a small eighth-level cultivator, how could it not be coveted by others?

However, no matter whether it is a planet-level planet with evil intentions or an interstellar pirate, no force can find out the location of Su Yu's home planet.

Many tribesmen in Su Yu were teleported to live in Fege Hub, but these tribesmen were extremely alert and did not give them any chance.

Although it's not certain, is it possible that the "home planet" compiled by Su Yu really doesn't exist?

Darlando said seriously: "Not only can no one find his home planet, but no prophet can even locate the location of his home star through 'teleportation backtracking'. From this point of view, it is possible that he is lying. "

"Hmm." Brigadier Greed said thoughtfully: "As for his sudden increase in strength to planetary level, it must have been premeditated and he was hiding his strength."

Dalando's eyes flashed with cold light: "It seems that everything is logical. Su Yuzhen is very likely to be a spy sent by the rebel organization."

"Alas, all I can say is... this is it." Brigadier Grid sighed heavily.

Now, except for the lack of evidence, everything points to Su Yu coming from a rebel organization.

Fortunately, he had a good impression of Su Yu before.

Luman had been wooing Su Yu in the past, and even appointed him as the deputy of the Public Security Department.

Now it seems that Su Yu was just performing to get close to him.

I'm afraid Su Yu had already planned to approach the Feige Guards. After all, the Guards were the largest force in the hub.

After sighing with emotion, Brigadier Greed looked at Darando: "Then Legion Commander, what should we do now? Ban the use of AI in the hub?"

But to Liman's surprise, Darlando shook his head: "That's not necessary. First of all, we are just guessing without any evidence. Of course, I will send people to look for evidence later.

Secondly, even if what Su Yu brought is really a sugar-coated cannonball, we can eat the 'sugar-coating' and spit out the 'cannonball'! "

"You mean...just use the trick?" Luman's eyes lit up.

"That's right, use the trick." Dalando said confidently: "Even if it is really a spy AI, just a level 4 AI, why can't I turn it around and use it to my advantage?

At tomorrow's parliamentary meeting, we can put a lot of restrictions on this AI so that even if it is a spy, it can only work for us without complaint.

After that, we will

Slowly transform it into our own AI! "

Next, Dalando and Luman began to discuss restrictions on AI.

To what extent should it be restricted to ensure that this spy AI will not be harmful to the hub, and can also use the AI ​​to do some useful things, such as improving the security environment of the hub.

Darlando and Luman chatted for several hours, and it wasn't until late at night in Sector 2 that the two ended their discussion.

At the same time, Haminis City in Sector 170.

Su Yu didn't know that the bosses on both sides thought he was the trumpet commander of the army, and the other thought he was a spy of the rebel organization.

But the same thing is that the big guys want to impose restrictions on AI Blue Whale.

Su Yu didn't know this, but even if he knew, he wouldn't particularly care.

He never thought about doing too much with AI Blue Whale.

It is definitely impossible to rule the hub. Unless it has overwhelming strength, it is completely nonsense to want to dominate the hub with AI.

What he wants to do is actually very simple. There is actually only one thing - to find a way for the hub residents to eat the crops grown by Blue Star.

If he told his true intentions, no one would believe him.

Regarding the future of Blue Star, look for Shuyuan Su Yu has gradually come up with ideas.

In the future, Blue Star can be built into a large-scale grain production base. In addition to psychic energy mining, all suitable land on the planet will be built into grain factories.

The food factory produces the food that the residents of Feige Junction eat daily.

As long as the hub residents eat Blue Star's food, they will slowly be bound to Su Yu, allowing him to increase in strength.

But it is difficult to get all the residents to eat the food produced by Blue Star.

Cost comes second.

Although it costs a lot of money to transmit a large amount of food from Blue Star to Feige Hub (even if it uses space equipment, the cost will not be less), Su Yu can subsidize it himself and sell the food even at a loss. go out.

But the biggest problem is that food sales cannot be spread.

Transporting a large amount of grain to the hub and selling it became a problem. Even if the residents of the hub know that he has food here, they may not all come to buy it?

How can he sell food to all sectors? And reach as many residents as possible?

In order to solve this problem, Su Yu decided to make the AI ​​Blue Whale public.

Making AI Blue Whale public is a very risky move. As long as it is made public, it will definitely arouse a lot of suspicion.

However, Blue Whale’s level 4 AI will definitely be accepted and used by the hub, and will be rolled out on a large scale.

Once the AI ​​Blue Whale spreads into the lives of every hub resident, Su Yu can use the AI ​​Blue Whale to promote Blue Star's crops.

With Blue Whale publicity, food will definitely sell much better.

Moreover, they will also focus on grain production and variety optimization, striving to become the largest grain merchant in the hub.

As for the restrictions that the stellar bosses want to add to AI Blue Whale, he doesn't know, and even if he knows, he doesn't care.

As long as it doesn't affect his ability to sell food, everything is fine.

(Remember to bookmark it for next time reading!)

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