Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand three hundred and seventy-five, five trillion? !

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Su Yu's last words came from the bottom of his heart. Blue Star is really short of money recently.

Just now he was thinking about how to make money, wouldn't the solution come now?

If you sell the AI ​​Blue Whale, you will definitely be able to get a lot of money. I feel it is not an exaggeration to sell it for trillions or even tens of trillions.

Moreover, after selling the Blue Whale to the Hub, if he becomes stronger and takes control of the Hub, won’t the AI ​​Blue Whale still be his own? No matter how you think about it, it doesn’t hurt.

"Hmm..." Acting Speaker Lemo thought for a while and nodded: "I think Su Yu's idea is feasible and will be of great benefit to the hub without any harm."

He looked at Legion Dalando: "Your Excellency, Legion Commander, what do you think?"

The commander of the Darlando Army considered it and replied: "I think it's feasible."

Darlando's eyes moved to the audience and called out: "Congressman Jared, is your team capable of completing this task?"

In the audience, a red-skinned human councilor with a brain like an octopus took a step forward.

This congressman is Jared, whose full name is Jared Runstas.

Jared Renstass is the top scientist in the hub, a fourth-level planetary level, and his team is also the furthest in the field of AI manufacturing.

In the field of AI, he even has more say than Stellar.

Jared is a mixed-race human. Now he is thinking, and the red brain that resembles an octopus is flashing with a faint red light.

After a moment, he raised his head and answered seriously: "My team can complete this task. After all, it is only a level 4 AI. If it is a top-level AI like Anthem, I will definitely not be able to do anything. There is probably no big problem with level 4 AI."

"This is related to the safety of the hub." Darando emphasized: "If we don't find out there is a problem with the AI, and the rebel organization comes over, our losses will be even greater than that of Lunya!"

"But it's just a level 4 AI after all." Jared shrugged: "We can't manufacture it for the time being, but the research will definitely be no problem.

Leave it to us, I'm sure we can handle it.

Even if we really can't figure it out, it will be of great benefit to us in creating new AI. "

After Jared finished speaking, the nearby planet-level councilors became excited.

Everyone discussed in a low voice with the person nearby:

"I think Jared's words are reliable!"

"It's just a level 4 AI. Everyone has overestimated level 4 AI, right? In the past, level 4 AI was basically unattainable. How could it not be thoroughly studied?"

"To say the least, even if you really can't study it thoroughly, there is no harm in doing more research."

"I think it can be done."

Coincidentally, the stone man Red Dodds was sitting next to Jared. When he heard this, he immediately became energetic!

"Damn it, this is what the legion commander is thinking!" It cried in its heart: "The legion commander must have obtained this level 4 AI accidentally, but he doesn't want to contribute to the hub in vain, and wants to make a fortune through the trumpet method. money!"

Leiterdozi finally figured out the legion commander's thinking.

At the same time, he was also expressing regret for his previous questioning.

How could he question that Su Yu was not the commander of the trumpet? It was just as stupid as its own kind!

In the live broadcast room, the number of simultaneous viewers in the live broadcast room has now reached 63.4 billion, a record high!

The public discussion area has exploded. Now you can't even get in, and no one can talk in it.

At the headquarters of the Blue Star Adventure Group, Zhong Feng and other high-level practitioners of Blue Star also had their eyes lit up and their spirits were lifted!

There is no doubt that AI Blue Whale can be sold for a lot of money.

In this way, Blue Star will have the initial capital to engage in agriculture, which they were still worrying about just now!

Returning to the parliament venue, seeing everyone very excited, Acting Speaker Lemo said seriously: "In this case, we will conduct a round of voting first. If you agree with Su Yu's proposal, point in favor, and if you disagree, point in opposition."

Virtual panels pop up in front of the members of parliament, with detailed descriptions of the issues of this round and voting options.

The MPs had nothing to hesitate and voted for their options one after another.

"Ding!" About 10 seconds after the voting started, a crisp ding sounded.

This "ding" sound is the reminder that voting has ended.

According to parliamentary rules, the vote ends automatically when the number of affirmative or negative votes exceeds 70% of the total votes of participating members present.

This time, the voting ended in just 10 seconds, indicating that the MPs had unanimous opinions.

And the result was obvious. The voting results were immediately displayed on the ceiling of the venue - 70% of the voting in this round "agree" and 3% "disagree" in this round of voting. The voting in this round is over.

"Okay, the first round of voting is over." Acting Speaker Lemo announced: "Congratulations Su Yu, the parliament passed your proposal and agreed to trade with you."

"As expected." Su Yu shrugged expressionlessly.

One thing to say is that his suggestion is really beneficial to the hub. If this cannot be passed, then everyone is really out of their minds!

"Okay, the first round of voting passed, now we have to discuss the specific price of AI Blue Whale."

Acting Speaker Lemo looked at Su Yu: "Your Excellency Su Yu, how much do you want to sell it for?"

"Hmm..." Su Yu touched his chin and thought for a while, then replied: "I think, 5 trillion."

"How much?!" Lemo was startled and took a breath of cold air.

The congressmen in the audience and the audience in the live broadcast room were also stunned.

How many? 5 trillion? ! Are you sure it's 5... trillion? !

This is a bit too much for a lion to open his mouth!

Members of Parliament and the audience were extremely shocked.

In Feige Hub, eighth-level cultivators are already considered the backbone, and the average assets of eighth-level cultivators are only about 100 million;

There are only 873 people in the planetary hub, and their average assets are around 10 billion.

And Su Yu, as soon as he opened his mouth, it was 5 trillion! 5...trillion! It is equivalent to 500 times the average assets of the planetary level, and may be more than half of the combined assets of the planetary level present.

How did he come up with such a high offer?

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