Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand three hundred and eighty, the rebel organization's plan

2024-03-26 Author: Dumb Fireball

Chapter 1319 The rebel organization’s plan

The news of the AI ​​Blue Whale caused great shock not only to the hub residents, but also to the rebel organizations!

Of course, the rebel organizations mentioned above refer to the rebel organizations within the jurisdiction of Feige Hub.

As a level 4 AI, AI Blue Whale can easily cover the entire hub jurisdiction once spread out, and then their existence will be exposed!

Not long after the news spread, and about a few days later, on a planet "Lorent-6" about 230 light years away from the Feig hub, representatives of the rebel organization gathered to discuss countermeasures.

"Lorente-6" is an extremely prosperous planet. If residents of Feig Hub want to enter the seventh star field under their jurisdiction, they must transit from this planet.

If Feige Junction is the capital of the entire jurisdiction, then "Lorente-6" is equivalent to the provincial capital.

The current "Lorente-6" planet is not controlled by the rebel organization. There is a garrison on this planet from Feig Hub and 1462 Chant Towers. It was previously completely controlled by Chant.

After the fall of Anthem, "Lorente-6" was briefly disconnected from the Nexus.

However, after Shengtong Company started inter-galactic transmission again, "Lorente-6" and Feig Hub were once again connected through the portal. The two parties exchanged information and did business travel, and they were still a whole.

Although the rebel organization did not occupy "Lorente-6", it does not mean that it cannot set up a contact point on this planet.

In fact, the three major rebel organizations, the Glory Rebels, the Dark Energy Rebel Army and the Fire Preservers, all have liaison offices here and have a common contact point.

"Lorente-6" The local garrison and local forces did not discover this contact point. Rebel organizations have always communicated through this contact point.

On the fifth day after the AI ​​Blue Whale incident, in a large conference room at the contact point, important figures from the three major rebel organizations gathered here.

There were a total of three star-level beings present, one from each organization as a representative.

But what's in the big conference room now is not their bodies, but 3D projections.

The projections of the three big figures stood opposite each other, but their expressions were very solemn.

The representative sent by the Dark Energy Rebel Army is named Makrim, and it has a lot to do with the Dark Thunder Dragon Darak who was killed by Chant. To be precise, Markrim is from the Dark Thunder Dragon clan.

As early as one and a half years ago in the Fege calendar, Darak's death had shocked the Dark Thunder Dragon clan, and the auction of its body made the clan dragons even more ashamed.

The person who killed Darak was said to be an unknown star, and the Dark Thunder Dragon clan could not take revenge.

However, Markrim Benlong has always paid special attention to Feige Hub and Su Yu.

"You two, we must start taking action as soon as possible!" Makrim said to the other two, his tone was very serious.

"We really should act quickly." The fire saver's star level agreed, and glanced worriedly at the Chant Tower about ten kilometers away outside the window: "Once that AI spreads, it will be a total disaster for our plan. disaster!"

The representatives of the Glory Rebels were hesitant.

He looked at Markrim: "Markrim, is the Level 4 AI thing really true?"

"It shouldn't be wrong." Markrim replied sternly: "The news from Feige is that the AI ​​has been confirmed to be level 4, and the hub's top scientist team has taken over and started research, and they did not raise any objections. "

The fire saver representative said: "Now the situation is clear, we must launch an attack on Feige before the AI ​​spreads out!"

"But we are not fully prepared yet." The representative of the Glory Rebels was still confused.

That's right, the three major rebel groups are secretly preparing to launch a raid on Feig Hub.

Not referring to Feige, as many as eight hub planets have been listed as targets of attack by rebel organizations.

The most special one is the Lunya hub next door.

The Lunya hub had been attacked by rebel organizations a year ago, and was the first hub planet to be attacked by rebel organizations. There is still a war going on there and is in a stalemate stage of the war.

The other seven hubs are making preparations, and the attack will be launched when the preparations are completed.

Of course, the main force behind the attack was the Crystal Blue Community behind them.

With the strength of the rebel organization, it is impossible to attack so many hub planets at the same time.

Adding all the strength of the three major rebel organizations, they can only fight two or three hub planets at most, and they cannot deal with the enemy's reinforcements.

The Crystal Blue Community is the main force in the war, and they are just leading the way and serving as subordinates.

As for the situation on Feige's side, they had already received news from the level 4 AI before they were ready to attack...

"Markrim, how long will it take for the Feige Council to roll out AI?" asked the representative of the Glory Rebels.

"'s hard to say." Makrim replied thoughtfully: "It should take a lot of time to roll out AI within Feige, and the process may last more than half a year?

I estimate that it will take about a year to lay it down to Llorente-6. "

"One year?" The representative of the Glory Rebels frowned: "We may not be able to be ready in one year. Jinglan's armaments are only half in, and we don't know when the remaining half will be delivered.

Moreover, Jing Lan promised to send troops, but he didn’t know when the troops would arrive. "

"But we have to open it or not. This is not something we can decide." Makrim said seriously: "I will inform the Lord God later and let him discuss with Jinglan to start a war here as soon as possible.

The two of you must also cooperate a lot and strike first before the AI ​​comes over! "


"That's it."

two representatives replied.

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