Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One thousand three hundred and eighty-eight, space reconstruction

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"Interest rate? That's easy to say!" When it comes to loans and loan interest rates, no one knows better than him. After all, this is what the central bank does.

"But the specific loan amount and the loan interest rate..." President Solon said thoughtfully: "Let's wait until you buy those grain factories before we discuss it.

I will assign a dedicated department manager to take charge of this later. And I promise that the interest rate given to you will definitely be much lower than the market! "

"Thank you very much, Mr. Governor!" Su Yu had a smile on his face.

Next, the two stopped discussing business, and the topic returned to food.

After some tasting, the meeting came to an end.

President Solon said cheerfully: "Okay, I'll take the first step if I have something else to do. This space is temporarily yours to use, and I will waive the usage fee for you for 10 years."

"Only for 10 years? I thought it was free for life!" Su Yu joked.

Following the chat and tasting of the food just now, Su Yu felt that his relationship with the bank manager had become much closer, so he said something sarcastic.

"Free for life?" President Suolun smiled: "Congressman Su Yu, the consumption of each time you use the line is not small, and it will cost a lot of money in accumulation.

So far, no member of Congress has been able to enter the industry for free, not even me. "

"Haha, I was just joking."

"Okay, see you later, Congressman Su Yu!"

After saying this, Governor Sauron's figure disappeared into the space.

Su Yu didn't know how he left. He just disappeared and disappeared in an instant.

After President Sauron left, there was only an empty space left here, and the cat Morningstar.

In addition, the five large tables of delicacies that Governor Sauron had just set were not taken away, but were still in the space.

Morningstar the cat never stopped tasting various delicacies.

When Su Yu was chatting with President Suolun just now, she kept eating and immersed herself in eating. Now she has tasted almost all the five tables of delicacies.

"Okay Chenxing, stop eating, it's time to get down to business." Su Yu shook his head and prepared to put away the delicacies.

But Morning Star was not happy.

Seeing that Su Yu was planning to put away the delicacies, she immediately raised her head and said anxiously: "Don't put it away! You do your thing, and I'll eat mine. This won't delay... Why don't you try that pastry first? I'm sure Suitable for your taste.”

Chenxing raised his paw and pointed at the pastry that looked like an osmanthus cake placed in the southwest corner of the fourth large table.

Just now, Su Yu was only concentrating on chatting with President Suolun and didn't taste most of the food, including this.

Su Yu did not refuse. He waved his hand, and the plate of "osmanthus cake" appeared in his hand.

Picking one and taking a bite, Su Yu found that the taste was exactly what Chenxing said, and it was in line with his taste.

"Osmanthus cake" is sweet with a light fragrance, neither greasy nor bland, and the taste is also very rich.

"Then you can continue eating. I'm starting to experiment with magic." Su Yu picked another "Osmanthus Cake" and stuffed it into his mouth, put down the plate and clapped his hands.

Then he dodged and came to the main control area of ​​​​the space. There is a mental sensing device in the main control area, which can change the layout of the space.

The layout of the space can be changed at will. Through the mental sensing device, Su Yu can change the place to whatever he wants.

The current space looks like a white house. The floor, wallpaper, furniture, etc. in the house are all white in the interior. Obviously, this is a very common situation inside a Holy Silver family.

Su Yu used his mental power to probe into the mental sensing device.

Soon, under his control, the space changed drastically.

The originally white house was quickly disintegrated and reorganized. Except for the five tables and the food, every scene as far as the eye could see was being reorganized.

Soon, it was replaced by a grassland dotted with 5 or 6 two- and three-story buildings.

Morningstar the cat is very familiar with this environment.

She glanced at it and saw that it looked like the camp next to the "Fountain of Eternity". It was exactly the same as the previous camp!

Two years ago in Blue Star time, Su Yu built this camp and built the "Eternal Fountain" next to the camp.

For a long time, Su Yu and his confidante lived here, and studied and researched here. It can be said that this was the happiest and most carefree time in his life.

Now, Su Yu recreated the scene at that time.

The morning star and the 5 tables are on the east side of the camp, while the west side of the camp is an open space.

The open space is a special testing ground for space. There are three instruments specially used for testing.

These three instruments come with the space, but Su Yu arranged them here.

"Administrator Su Yu, the instrument on the far left is the 'Spell Power Evaluator'." AI Blue Whale began to introduce it at the right time: "As the name suggests, it can detect the specific spell power of the damaging spells you release;

The instrument in the middle is the ‘shield evaluator’, which is specially used to evaluate the shield strength of shield-type spells;

The one on the far right is the 'mental assessment instrument', which is used to detect the effect of mental power spells. "

Su Yu nodded: "This name is quite appropriate."

The names of these testing instruments are very easy to remember, and you will know what they do as soon as you hear them.

"Then how to use them specifically?" Su Yu ducked to the side of the "Spell Power Evaluator" on the far left.

The "spell power evaluation value" looks like a fire hydrant, red, low, and cylindrical.

However, unlike a fire hydrant, it has no entity and looks like smoke.

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