Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

133. Recruiting refugees and preparing to leave the territory

To the east of Apushi Village, a thin horse pulled a dilapidated caravan on a mountain road in the forest.

"Dad, I'm so hungry!" A little girl's weak voice came from the caravan.

"Wait a little longer, Cathy." Outside the caravan, a strong man stroked the car door and comforted softly: "According to the notice in the city, the territory for recruiting refugees is not far ahead. When we get there, we may be able to ask for help. To a bite of food.”

Listening to the conversation between the father and daughter, an old man holding a hammer walking behind the motorcade sighed: "Oh! I hope there won't be any more mistakes this time. There used to be more than thirty of us, but now there are only twelve left. , can’t bear the loss!”

"Yes! I hope Her Royal Highness can bless us to arrive smoothly!" The middle-aged man closed his eyes and clasped his hands in prayer.

But at this moment, the strong man suddenly smelled a strong fragrance.

After careful identification, it is the aroma of broth!

"Am I hallucinating from starvation?" The middle-aged man couldn't believe it.

He opened his eyes and looked at the others: "Do you smell anything?"

"I smell it, it's the smell of broth!" The old man just now swallowed his saliva crazily and stared straight ahead.

Others also smelled the broth one after another, and their stomachs kept growling. They had not eaten for two or three days!

"No matter, let's go over and take a look!" The old man held the hammer tightly and, driven by hunger, walked quickly towards the place where the aroma of the broth emerged.

Seeing someone taking the lead, other refugees in the team quickly followed.

"Hey..." The mature man wanted to persuade everyone to calm down. After all, this was a wilderness, and the person making the broth might be a high-level adventurer.

If it was really the broth cooked by high-level adventurers, not only would they not be able to ask for it if they went there so rashly, they would even be in danger of being killed by the adventurers!

But in the face of extreme hunger, no amount of rationality is useless.

The strong man could only hold the dagger in his hand tightly and drive the caravan forward with everyone.


After pushing through a bush, the refugees came to a forest clearing.

But when they saw the scene in front of them, the refugees were stunned!

I saw two large iron pots standing in the clearing in the forest, and the aroma of broth continued to emerge from the two large iron pots.

There were many people standing near the iron pot. After seeing them, one of the young men walked directly towards them.

"Hello everyone, I am the lord nemesis of Apushi Village. It is my territory that is recruiting refugees."

"Without further ado, everyone must be hungry, right?"

The refugees nodded wildly.

"Jenny, Wendy, give them each a bowl of broth and add more meat!"

Su Yu turned around to explain, and then looked at the refugees again: "Everyone, please come and settle in my territory. I can't guarantee anything else. There will definitely be no problem with having enough food and clothing!"

"Thank you, thank you Lord!" The refugees were completely moved.

After receiving the broth, many people couldn't believe it was true.

They thought that when they arrived at Apushi Village, the lord would at most throw them some leftover black bread.

Unexpectedly, the lord actually cooked two pots of steaming broth for them and served them a lot of meat!

It really feels like stepping into heaven!

"Lord, I, Merck, would like to pledge my allegiance to you!"

After feeding his daughter the broth, the leading young man knelt down excitedly on one knee to show his allegiance to Su Yu. His loyalty also directly increased to 93 points!

The loyalty of the territorial citizens is not a useless attribute. If the loyalty is lower than 50, the territorial citizens may leave the territory, causing the population to decline.

The higher the loyalty, the higher the enthusiasm for working. 93 points can increase the enthusiasm for work by about 36%.

"So do we!" The other citizens also knelt down and pledged their allegiance to Su Yu.

"Very good! Everyone, get up!"

Su Yu looked at the refugee team in front of him with satisfaction.

Of course, what satisfied him the most was the number of refugees. This time, 12 refugees were created in one breath!

Under normal circumstances, only 3 or 4 refugees will be spawned in the village-level territory every two hours. This time, the number spawned is three to four times the normal number!

Maybe this is the benefit of having full prosperity and livability!

If this trend continues, it will only take a day or two for his territory to accumulate 200 people and upgrade it to a [medium-sized village].

In addition to the number of refugees, Su Yu also noticed that the quality of the refugees this time was also very good!

Most of the refugees are farmers and hunters, but there are three talents among the 12 refugees.

The leading young man Merck is a warrior type talent.


Occupation: Warrior

Features: [Defensive Stance]: When defending against enemy attacks, all attributes +20%

His daughter is a magical person.


Occupation: None

Features: [Elemental Perception]: Meditation efficiency +35%.

And the old man with the hammer, he is a carpenter.


Occupation: Carpenter

Characteristics: [Wood and Stone Construction]: Good at building houses made of wood and wood and stone, which can slightly increase the prosperity of the territory.


The probability of talents appearing among the refugees is 10%. This time three of them appeared. Su Yu was very satisfied!

In particular, the old carpenter Brooke can play a very big role in the development of the territory when the houses in the early stage are basically made of wood, so he deserves special attention!


"My lord, I'm here." Butler Cole ran over and bent down in front of Su Yu.

"Remember, if there are refugees who want to join in the future, the standards for entertaining them will be the same as today. Prepare several large pots of broth and give each person some clothes. You can't neglect any of the residents. Do you understand?"

"Understood! I will definitely do it!" Butler Cole immediately replied.


The work of recruiting refugees has basically come to an end now.

In the following time, Su Yu and the players settled these refugees into residential buildings.

A residence can accommodate up to five residents.

However, too densely populated areas can easily breed crime and lead to population decline.

In order to reduce the crime rate and improve livability, it is most suitable for three people to live in one house.

As for the old carpenter Brooke, Su Yu did not arrange for him to enter a private residence.

As soon as he arrived in the village, he was bribed with a lot of money (100 psychic coins a day), went to work on the construction site, and replaced Robert as the chief construction engineer of the territory.

Outside the residences in the territory, Su Yu handed the planning map he had just drawn to Yi Shenlong: "Yi Shenlong, from now on the territory will be developed according to the map. I have detailed information on where the residential area, the commercial area, and the entertainment area are on the map. Mark, I won’t be here during this period, so the territory depends on you working hard!”

"Okay." Yishenlong took the plan and looked at it, but she quickly realized something was wrong: "Wait a minute, Mr. Chairman, you are not in the territory? Where do you plan to go?"

"Of course I'm going out on a mission!"

Su Yu pointed to a piece of [farmland] in the south of the territory and said: "There are a lot of architectural drawings, wonder drawings, and rare crops waiting for me to get, such as this one on the farmland now."

This [farmland] was built at the cost of 60 units of wood and is approximately 666 square meters in size.

But instead of wheat, this [farmland] was planted with only one crop - [sunflower].

Now the [Sunflower] is fully mature, and its golden corolla is swaying back and forth towards the sun.

There is also a huge smiling face on the corolla of [Sunflower], which keeps twisting its body and branches and leaves towards the sun, looking very magical.

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