Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One hundred and thirty-nine, fighting Kassadin

The purple-black ball is the boss's special skill - [Void Ball].

After being hit by the [Void Ball], Su Yu's [Lightning Shield] was directly penetrated, and his health dropped wildly, and it did not stop until it dropped to 16%.

"Such high damage!" Su Yu took a breath.

And he found that he seemed unable to move!

Now he has a [Void Confinement] debuff in his status bar.

[Void Confinement]: Puts you in [Confinement] state, unable to attack, move, or cast spells, lasting 5 minutes.

It seems that [Void Ball] is not only a locking skill with extremely high damage, but also a super control skill! How come this boss has such powerful skills? !

Su Yu subconsciously wanted to use the [Advanced Scholar Badge] to remove the [imprisonment].

But before solving the problem, Su Yu suddenly thought of something:

"If another player faces this situation, and that player doesn't have the ability to release control, will he have to fail the mission? The main plot will definitely not arrange such a fatal link!"

Thinking of this, Su Yu decided not to release the confinement state, but to observe first.


After using [Void Sphere] to imprison Su Yu, the boss [Void Walker Kassadin] did not come to attack him, but fought with Tina.

The boss's lightsaber waved, and large swaths of dark purple void energy poured towards Tina. The endless void almost swallowed Tina.

Tina's will to fight is very tenacious, her shining golden anger soaring into the sky, and she goes head-on with the boss without losing any of her strength.

This fight lasts for 5 minutes.

During these five minutes, Tina and the boss went back and forth, each showing their unique skills.

Tina's HP continued to be depleted during the battle, gradually dropping to 50%;

The boss's health has also continued to drop under Tina's attacks, and has now dropped to only 40%.

As for Su Yu, he was completely ignored by them.

But by now, Su Yu had roughly guessed what was going on in this boss battle based on his experience in participating in countless boss battles in his previous life.

This boss battle should be for Tina to go through alone to hone her combat effectiveness and willpower. So as soon as the boss battle started, he was hit by the [Void Ball] and was forced into a "spectator state".

And if he uses the [Advanced Scholar Badge] to release the imprisoned state, there is a high probability that he will eat the boss's second [Void Ball] and enter the "spectator state" again, and Tina will face the boss alone.

After thinking about this clearly, Su Yu felt a little more at ease.

He stood still (unable to move even if he wanted to), watching Tina fight the boss.


The battle between Tina and the boss continues, and their blood volume continues to drop.

And as the battle progresses, Tina becomes more and more familiar with the boss's attack skills, and is able to dodge and resist attacks more effectively, and her output efficiency becomes higher.

Gradually, the boss's health volume gradually dropped to 20%, while Tina's health volume remained at 33%. If this trend continues, Tina will definitely win!

But Su Yu didn't become optimistic. He knew that the boss would not be able to get over it so easily. The boss must have some hidden tricks.

So he focused all his attention on the boss. Once the boss used his backhand, he had to take action.


Sure enough, after the boss's blood volume dropped to 20%, the boss no longer continued fighting with Tina, but teleported to a location 30 meters away with [Void Walking].

The boss turned to face Tina and praised in human language: "Human, your fighting talent is very good, and your blood power is also very powerful. Over time, you will become a feared existence like me."

"Thank you, you are also very strong, big man." Tina half-knelt on the ground with her sword in hand, breathing heavily. This can be said to be the most difficult battle in her life. This is indeed a formidable opponent.

"But..." The boss suddenly changed the topic: "As the guardian of the high-level secret realm, I can't let you pass here easily. Although you are very powerful, you are not qualified at all now!"

After the boss finished speaking, he used [Void Walking] again to teleport to Tina.

Immediately afterwards.

"[Energy Pulse]!"

Huge void energy swung out from the boss's sword and instantly covered the area where Tina was.

The skill mechanism of [Energy Pulse] is quite special. Every time the boss attacks or releases a skill, the damage of the next [Energy Pulse] will be increased by 5%.

The boss never used this skill before and kept accumulating layers just to give Tina a fatal blow at the end. Now the time has finally come.

[Energy Pulse] was extremely powerful. Tina was unable to stop this surging force and was knocked back more than twenty meters by the void energy.

Her body was completely covered by void energy, and her blood volume bottomed out, leaving only the last 3%.


The Boss smiled proudly and swung his dark purple lightsaber down, preparing to step forward to end this life.

But at this moment, Su Yu moved!

Su Yu quickly used the [Advanced Scholar Badge] to release the [imprisonment] state.

But just as he released the [imprisonment] state, the boss's eyes immediately turned around. With a wave of his lightsaber, a dark purple [Void Sphere] appeared again and flew quickly towards Su Yu.

Su Yu quickly put on the [Village Chief's Staff] and used three consecutive [Flash Techniques] to quickly reach the location where Tina fell.

Now Tina was lying on the ground, her body was wrapped in a thick layer of dark purple energy, her body was twitching constantly, and she was obviously very seriously injured.

However, she still gritted her teeth and fought against this energy tenaciously.

"Tina, go on!" Su Yu would take out something from his backpack and throw it to Tina.

At this time, [Void Sphere] appeared in front of him almost instantly, and Su Yu quickly held up the [Lightning Shield].


[Void Ball] hit Su Yu, but this time he was still not killed instantly.

In the past 5 minutes, Su Yu's health had returned to full value through natural recovery. Coupled with the [Lightning Shield], Su Yu's health was still locked at 16% this time.

As for Tina, she had already obtained the thing that Su Yu threw over.

This is a rune sword with a cold air and sky-blue runes engraved on it.

【Bacterial Sorrow (consumables)】

Number of uses remaining: 4

How to use: shout "Heir to you, find Shuyuan father!" and stab the target with the sword.

Effect: If the target is the holder's father, cause 99999 points of true damage; if not, restore 30% of the maximum health.

Note: Can stab yourself. Of course, doing so will only make your opponent think you are a fool.


Looking at this rune sword, Tina's memories were immediately brought back.

This was the sword held by [Mushroom Demon King] when she and Su Yu went to the underground cave to kill [Mushroom Demon King] a month ago.

Before you know it, a month has passed!

But now is not the time to reminisce about this.

Tina used her last strength to lift [Bacteria Sorrow] and stabbed herself hard.

"Inherit you, father!"

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