Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

One hundred and forty-seven, 20 million handicap

On the highest viewing platform, the goblin businessman Weiner Heijin looked at the two powerful men facing each other below and reported to Su Yu in a low voice:

"Boss Nemesis, now that the handicap has been sealed, the winner against Miss Tina is less than 500,000 psychic coins, while the winner against Instructor Megan is a full 21 million psychic coins!"

"Twenty-one million? That much?" Su Yu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Originally, according to his estimation, the handicap this time would be around 10 million.

As the banker, Su Yu will pay two to three million to the winner of Tina's bet, give hundreds of thousands to the organizer, and pay hundreds of thousands more in taxes. In the end, he can earn seven to eight million psychic coins in one game!

Unexpectedly, the total handicap was twice as much as he expected!

Calculated this way, he can earn almost 15 million psychic coins in this game!

"Yes." Weiner Heijing said with a smile: "Just before the deal was closed, the Windsor family came to bet five million on Meghan to win. It seems they have something to rely on."

Weiner Heijin said, pointing to a viewing platform in the VIP area below.

Su Yu looked in the direction he was pointing and saw Kimberly and some unknown nobles sitting on the viewing platform. They must be members of the Windsor family.

It is worth mentioning that Legion Commander Gracie is also a member of the Windsor family, and Su Yu discovered her presence next to Kimberly.

"Boss Nemesis, if Miss Tina wins this duel, we will completely offend the Windsor family!" Weiner Heijin was worried.

"So what if I offend you? I'm just willing to admit defeat." Su Yu shrugged nonchalantly, "You can't deliberately lose the bet just to please them, right? Otherwise, you'll have to compensate for the more than 20 million?"

"I can't afford to pay." Weiner Heijin said bitterly.

"Okay, watch the duel, don't think about these things."

Su Yu cast his gaze towards the duel field below.


At this time, the duel below has entered the countdown stage.

10, 9, 8...3, 2, 1, 0.

The countdown is over.

With the referee's order, the duel between Tina and Megan officially begins!

The vigorous anger shone in both of them at the same time.

Tina's whole body erupted with dazzling golden light, like a golden statue that made people afraid to look directly at her;

Megan's whole body was also covered in azure anger, as unfathomable as the sea.

The two were originally nearly 100 meters apart.

After the duel began, the two of them drove unicorns and rushed towards each other.

Two rays of light, one gold and one blue, approached quickly.


With an earth-shattering noise, the two of them collided fiercely like comets colliding.

The space around them twisted and oscillated, and the solid ground of the arena cracked like a spider web.

Even every audience present felt that the ground beneath their feet was constantly shaking!

Fortunately, the organizers set up a protective cover over the duel arena to filter out the bright light and noise.

Otherwise, the moment Tina and Megan collided, one-third of the ordinary people present would have fainted!

"Ah! Is this the strength of a fourth-level powerhouse? This is too strong!" An audience member in the audience rubbed his painful ears.

"Yes, the light can blind people's eyes! And this is light that has been weakened by a protective shield."

"Wait, did you see it? Tina doesn't seem to be falling behind at all!"

"Really! Not only is Tina okay, but instructor Megan seems a little unable to hold on?"

"Yeah? What on earth is going on?"

The audience on the stage was talking a lot.

The first confrontation in the audience also came to an end.

In the collision just now, Tina knocked Megan to the side with one blow.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Tina was completely victorious in the previous confrontation!

Megan didn’t expect Tina to be so strong.

She is at the peak of the fourth level! And when Tina entered the fourth level for the first time, why did she lose to Tina in a pure strength competition?

"Tina, are you so strong?" Megan raised her lance to steady her body, and the anger around her seemed to be dissipating.

"It's faith." Tina's face was full of seriousness.


"Yes, it is the belief in constantly getting stronger and surpassing oneself! Rather than being corrupted by the Windsor family's 100,000 psychic coins."

In addition to her belief, Tina actually had one more thing she didn't say, that is, Megan should not have made it impossible for her to step down in front of her nemesis.

If Megan puts on small shoes for her behind her back, she might be able to tolerate it for the sake of the instructor.

But scolding her in front of her nemesis is absolutely intolerable!

As if feeling the gaze of her nemesis in the top stands, Tina's clear eyes burst out with a strong fighting spirit!

She raised her lance high again, her fighting spirit soaring into the sky, and charged over with her unicorn.

Instructor Megan, however, trembled all over. The words "100,000 psychic coins" almost instantly penetrated her psychological defense.

It turns out...Tina already knew?

For a mere hundred thousand psychic coins, she abandoned her integrity as an instructor and made things difficult for a student out of thin air... She simply...

Thinking of this, Megan's fighting spirit was greatly reduced.

Facing Tina who was charging at her fiercely, she could only bite the bullet and barely resist.

The ensuing battle can be imagined.

Megan was already slightly worse than Tina in terms of overall strength, but now her fighting spirit was greatly reduced, so she was naturally suppressed and beaten by Tina.

After only a minute, Megan was pushed to the corner of the duel arena, and signs of failure were already apparent.

Seeing Megan being crushed by Tina, the audience in the stands were shocked!

This is completely different from what they thought!

Why can I beat the peak of the fourth level when I first entered the fourth level?

Match-fixing? Or is Tina hiding her strength?

"Ahhh! My two thousand psychic coins!" Someone in the stands held their head and roared.

"Don't worry, brother, it's not over yet! There is still a chance for a comeback!"

Some people in the VIP seats of the Windsor family felt uncomfortable.

This man is Kimberly's father, Kelton Windsor.

Kelton is a middle-aged man with a big belly, and his strength is only at the fourth level.

Seeing Megan being suppressed and beaten the whole time, his expression was very ugly: "Gracie, there is definitely something fishy in the duel below! Why should a person who has just entered the fourth level fight against the peak of the fourth level? Just tell me why?"

Kelton was encouraged by his daughter and bet 5 million psychic coins on Megan.

I originally made a little money to spend, but now it looks like I lost all my pants!

Legion Commander Gracie's eyes were calm and she sat motionless in her seat.

She didn't bet on Megan this time, so it didn't matter whether Megan won or Tina won, as long as Tina didn't die.

Hearing Kelton's words, she replied calmly: "Oh, my stupid brother!"

"Can you tell me what's going on? I'm a strong man in the sixth-level holy realm. If there's really something going on, I won't be able to tell."

Kelton immediately retorted: "Although you are at the sixth level, I'm afraid there are always times when you make mistakes..."

Just as he was speaking halfway, his daughter Kimberly suddenly came to his ear and whispered: "Dad, look for Shuyuan I prepared a bottle of sixth-level [Eternal Rage] potion for Instructor Megan, and I Bribing the referee..."

After hearing his daughter's words, Kelton's expression suddenly turned cloudy.

"Hmph!" He snorted softly, sat back in his seat, and continued to watch the duel.

But at the same time, Gracie frowned deeply.

Although Kimberly's voice was low, Gracie was a sixth-level Saint Realm expert after all, and her niece's words were completely heard by her.

And she immediately realized that Tina might be in danger!

So Gracie immediately stood up from her seat, red anger emerging around her body like glue.

Once Tina is in danger, she will immediately fly down to rescue!

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