Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Three hundred and forty, departure in one week

After taking a glance at the attribute panel, Su Yu exited the game and returned to the real world.

When he just broke through the holy realm, the purified spiritual energy was continuously transmitted through the helmet into his body in reality.

It also includes the characteristics of the blue dragon's heart and the increase in the heart of the world tree, so that the strength in and out of the game can be synchronized.

The helmet Su Yu is wearing now is no longer the original helmet purchased with 30,000 kinds of coins, but an enhanced version of the helmet specially customized by the relevant department at the Singer Civilization Game Supervisor at the cost of 30 units of psychic energy.

Using this enhanced version of the helmet, you can better complete the energy transmission task when advancing to the sanctuary.

In the real world, Su Yu's body also broke through the sixth level bottleneck with ease.

The spiritual energy spring in Lingwu Mountain surged violently, and brilliant multi-colored rays of light also spewed out of the spring.

In the bright glow, Su Yu jumped out from the bottom of the spring and stood on the solid ground near the spring.

Feeling the explosive power in his body, he felt refreshed!

"Little friend Su! Congratulations on your successful breakthrough!" Zhu Guorui stroked his beard and smiled at Su Yu.

Prime Minister Cao also came over and patted Su Yu's shoulder happily: "Little friend Su, in just three months you have reached a level comparable to that of a monk in the divinity stage. Even in the ancient times when spiritual energy was abundant, I'm afraid you wouldn't be there. Such a character!"

There was faint envy in the eyes of Zhu Guorui and Prime Minister Cao.

With the supply of huge amounts of resources, the humans of Su Yu's new era have surpassed the old guys like them from the old era.

Su Yu smiled and was about to answer.

But at this moment, a blue figure rushed over at a speed invisible to the naked eye and hugged his arm.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the Morning Star.

"Nemesis, Nemesis, take me back quickly! I want to eat salmon!" Chenxing held Su Yu's arm and shook it violently, with a pair of big eyes watery.

"Okay, okay, we'll go back right away." Su Yu rubbed the cat's head and put her into the pet space.

Then he clasped his fists at Prime Minister Cao and Zhu Guorui and said, "Thank you both for your love! The reason why I have reached such a height is entirely due to the power of the people! If all the players had not worked hard to help me collect monster materials, I would not be able to stand up to the sky now. It’s just like the third or fourth level.”

"Young friend Su Yu, you are too humble." Political Commissar Zhang smiled and said, "Your achievements are obvious to all. Without your ability to predict the future, we might not even know how powerful the game can be, let alone regain the spring. "

Su Yu shook his head: "I'm not being modest. The power of the people is the most important. It was in the past, it is now, and it will be in the future. You'd better keep this in mind at all times."

Political Commissar Zhang had a look on his face, and Su Yu turned to look at Prime Minister Cao and Zhu Guorui: "You two, when exactly will you return to the distraction stage?"

Prime Minister Cao thought for a while and replied: "Within a week, as short as three or four days, as long as six or seven days."

Zhu Guorui also nodded: "My situation is similar, but now I have touched the threshold of the distraction period, and I should be able to return to my state within a week."

"Okay, then we'll set off in a week!" Su Yu nodded secretly in his mind.

It seems that he will have to prepare well this week.

Su Yu looked at Political Commissar Zhang: "Political Commissar, I'd like to trouble you about contacting the Scrooge Game Inspector!"

"No problem, leave it to me." Political Commissar Zhang replied with a smile.


After chatting with Prime Minister Cao and the others for a few more words, Su Yu brought a gaming helmet to a small office on the side of the psychic energy collection factory.

This small office has state-installed electrical equipment.

Su Yu powered on the helmet and entered the game with peace of mind.

After entering the game, Su Yu's figure appeared on the third floor of the mage tower.

Before he could make any move, Chenxing jumped out of the pet space and scratched his sleeves hard: "Where's the fish? Where's the fish? Where's the fish?"

"It's coming, it's coming." A black line appeared on Su Yu's forehead, and he took out the giant water droplet from his backpack.

Without saying a word, Chenxing held the water droplets and turned into a blue light from a distance, leaving the Mage Tower and flying towards the city hall in the center of the city.

Chenxing has a bad taste and refuses to eat raw fish, and there is an epic chef in Su Yu's territory. Chenxing should have brought the fish to him to handle.

Su Yu shook his head slightly and ignored Chenxing. He took out the [Incarnation of Thunder] skill scroll given by the God of Thunder from his backpack and learned it.

After studying successfully.


A bolt of thunder and lightning flashed across the sky in the territory. Su Yu turned into lightning and instantly came from the mage tower to the teleportation array in the center of the city, startling the surrounding players and NPCs.

Feeling the speed after transforming into thunder, Su Yu nodded with satisfaction: "This spell is not bad!"

Su Yu's current flying speed is 186 kilometers per hour, and after using [Incarnation of Thunder], his speed reached 1700+ kilometers per hour, which is almost equivalent to three-quarters of the speed of sound!

The only drawback is that the mana cost of this spell is a bit high. Su Yu went from the mage tower to the big magic circle in the center of the city. The mere 13 kilometers away consumed 1.2% of his mana. It seemed that this spell would be used at critical moments in the future.

After experimenting with the new skills, use the teleportation array to teleport to Plantagenet City to meet Alicia.


In the next week of game time, Alijie held a grand celebration for Su Yu to celebrate his successful breakthrough into the holy realm.

Great nobles from all over the country came to the celebration to express their congratulations to Su Yu.

Su Yu has a good reputation among the people. Find the bookstore On the streets of Plantagenet City, the people in the city spontaneously organized a carnival parade, and people took to the streets to participate in the carnival parade.

During the entire celebration, the game randomly generates many hidden tasks. Many players have unexpectedly received great rewards after completing these tasks.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of players came upon hearing the news, making Plantagenet City extremely lively.

The entire celebration lasted almost a week of gaming time.

Su Yu went to various celebrations during the day during game time and accepted the flattery of the Plantagenet nobles;

Go to Silverpine Spire in the evening and learn spells in the Great Library of Silverpine Spire.

There are two ways to learn high-level spells in "Evolution". The first is to complete tasks and kill wild monsters to obtain skill books, and the second is to read books and learn spells on your own.

It is more convenient and faster to obtain skill books by completing tasks. Once you get the skill book, you can master it instantly.

But the disadvantage is that the higher the level, the more precious the skill book is. If you want to get a fifth or sixth level skill book, you often need to complete difficult tasks of more than 30 levels, and the explosion rate of wild monsters is also horribly low.

And the most annoying thing is that players don’t know what the final reward of the hidden mission is when they trigger the hidden mission. Hidden mission rewards may be equipment, potions, pet eggs, or even skill books that are not what you want.

For example, Su Yu is wearing ice magic equipment, and all the equipment on his body has ice magic bonuses. If he completes dozens of hidden missions and discovers that the final reward of the mission is a local skill book, it will be a bit painful.

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