Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Three hundred and eighty-three, welcome home

Two hours later, Su Yu woke up from the chaos.

As soon as he regained consciousness, he felt sharp pains coming from the right side of his body and back. Accompanying the severe pain was a severe itching, the kind that penetrated deep into the bone marrow, making him groan twice.

"How could this happen? What just happened?" Su Yu felt as if he had experienced a terrible nightmare, and his mind went blank.

After about 7 or 8 seconds, his memory gradually recovered, and he recalled what happened on the planet Skrull, and the "disintegration ray" that made him half-step into hell.

Recalling the disintegration ray, he was afraid of hitting Su Yu. His heart was pounding, almost jumping out of his chest.

Fortunately, Chenxing reacted quickly and helped him block the ray. Otherwise, with the speed of this ray, he would probably have been killed on the spot without using his life-saving skills!

"You're still careless!" Su Yu forced himself to sit up and shook his head bitterly.

Originally, he thought that since there were no seventh-level people present in Trena City, he could unleash some havoc and at least get rid of those warmongers. Unexpectedly, Trena City still hid such a back-up plan.

Thanks to Morning Star! Thanks to this wonderful cat!

It takes at least six days for Morning Star to return to the real world after being killed.

Su Yu secretly made up his mind to treat Chenxing better in the future, after all, she saved his life!


Xue Wenli noticed the movement in the basement and quickly ran to the window to check.

Seeing that Su Yu had sat up, she shouted in surprise to Zhong Feng and Political Commissar Zhang beside her: "Come and see! Su Yu is awake! He is finally awake!"

Xue Wenli was just carried into the room by Donna and used as a pillow, but it was just a pillow. After all, what could two females do together?

Donna threw Xue Wenli on the bed, took off her clothes, and then fell asleep holding her in her arms.

Xue Wenli's heart was beating rapidly. After all, this was the first time since she was four years old that she had slept in the same bed with a creature other than her mother, and she was also an arrogant alien.

But Donna fell asleep quickly and fell asleep soon.

Of course, Xue Wenli couldn't fall asleep with Donna, so she could only lie on the bed and stare.

It wasn't until an hour later that Donna rolled over to the other side in her sleep. She was freed, put on her clothes and ran downstairs.

Arriving at the basement, Political Commissar Zhang and Zhong Feng had already arrived.

However, Su Yu was still in a coma at that time, and they did not dare to approach him and could only wait until Su Yu woke up.


Hearing Xue Wenli's voice, Su Yu looked around, then realized that he had returned to Blue Star safely, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

His right arm, right leg, and part of his back had been broken down into particles by the "disintegration ray" and were already in a semi-disabled state.

But now he seems to have received some kind of treatment. The severed limbs and lost body have regrown, and this is why he has the tingling that goes deep into the bone marrow.

Su Yu raised his right arm and looked at his right hand. The skin on his right hand had just grown out and was as white and tender as a baby's.

Needless to say, the only one who can cure him here is definitely Donna. It seems that I will thank her properly later.

At this time, political commissar Zhang, Xue Wenli, and Zhong Feng had already walked in and stood in front of him.

Political Commissar Zhang excitedly gave Su Yu a military salute and said sternly: "Su Yu, welcome home! On behalf of the Blue Star coalition government and all the people of Blue Star, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you!"

During Su Yu's absence, the leaders of Blue Star gathered together for a meeting and passed a resolution with 200 votes in favor and 0 votes against, forming a Blue Star coalition government.

There was originally a world-class power in North Asia and America whose military strength was stronger than that of China. However, due to the revival of spiritual power, the country's indigenous powerful people came out for revenge. The country's domestic situation was in turmoil, and eventually ended up splitting into four parts.

Therefore, the number of Blue Star countries increased from 197 to 200.

As for the leadership of the coalition government, it falls squarely on the head of China.

After all, there are only two spiritual springs in China, and the ancient powers from all countries are flocking here like hungry chicks. If China doesn't have the leadership, who can?

In today's international situation, the one with psychic powers is me!

Although Su Yu didn't know that the coalition government had been successfully formed, he could make a rough guess.

He was now seriously injured and could not stand up yet. He could only nodded to Political Commissar Zhang: "Political Commissar, I'm back."

"Yes." Political Commissar Zhang nodded appreciatively: "Su Yu, no matter what your merits are this time, just because you dared to go to the enemy's base camp, you will definitely receive first-class merit!"

Political Commissar Zhang looked at Su Yu with the eyes of a hero.

Su Yu is different from Zhu Guorui and Prime Minister Cao.

Lao Zhu and Prime Minister Cao went to Skrull mainly to improve their own strength, and they were more selfish;

Su Yu's trip this time was purely for Blue Star, for humanity, and for being able to defeat the Skrulls in the future.

How can such a hero not be respected?

"Thank you, political commissar!" Su Yu said with a faint smile: "There is no need for first-class merit. I am not interested in meritorious service or anything like that."

Before Political Commissar Zhang could answer, Zhong Feng, who was standing behind him, stood up and said: "No, this credit must be yours! Not only you, but now all Blue Star people need such a role model! Only you can be a role model for everyone. !”

Zhong Feng looked at Su Yu, looking for Shuyuan, his eyes were slightly red, this kid is finally back!

It has been ten days since Su Yu left Blue Star. During these ten days, of course, he has not been online in the game.

Su Yu's sudden disappearance caused a huge sensation in the national server and even the world.

People are asking the government – ​​where is the nemesis? How come a person like us who is "the number one in the national service" suddenly disappears?

Of course, the government must remain silent. After all, the mission carried out by Su Yu and the others is top secret.

Even at the Blue Star Coalition Government Conference, heads of state from some countries came to ask about Su Yu.

Seeing the space channel gradually closing, Zhong Feng thought that Su Yu would never come back, but he didn't expect that he would come back at the last moment! This guy really doesn’t make people worry!

Xue Wenli walked to Su Yu and looked at his body worriedly: "Su Yu, how are your injuries? I just saw you bleeding a lot."

When Su Yu saw Xue Wenli coming over, he calmly took out some clothes from his necklace and put them on to cover his naked body.

His clothes had been completely torn when he transformed into a blue dragon, and now he felt a little embarrassed being naked in front of a woman.

"The injury is almost healed. I'll be fine after a few more days of rest." Su Yu replied while getting dressed: "By the way, the injury I suffered was treated by Donna, right?"

"Of course." Xue Wenli held her hair and smiled: "There is no one else here except her who can help you treat you!"

"It seems I have to go and thank her in person." Su Yu looked towards the direction of Donna's bedroom on the second floor.

"Then you can go later. She is still sleeping. She usually doesn't like to be disturbed when she is sleeping."

"Okay." Su Yu nodded.

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