Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Three hundred and ninety-nine, the scumbag Su Yu? Collect food

It’s the nemesis! The nemesis is back!


The crown in Elizee's hand fell to the ground.

But she didn't pick it up. The next second she appeared in front of Su Yu and threw herself into his arms like a baby swallow, knocking Su Yu staggering.

"Nemesis, you are finally back! It has been four months, and I thought you would never come back!" Alijie hugged Su Yu tightly, her eyes red, and she lightly beat his chest with her small fist.

"Isn't this back?" Su Yu hugged her trembling body and patted her back gently.

But in a daze, he suddenly felt as if he had said these words somewhere.

Oh, by the way, it seems that he said the same to Xiaotian.

"Do you think I'm really a scumbag?" Su Yu fell into deep self-doubt.

Morning Star on Su Yu's shoulder looked at this scene and lay happily on Su Yu's shoulder. How great would it be if their family of three could always be like this?

When the surrounding ministers saw Alijie's actions, they all smiled with relief.

Her Majesty the Queen is now 16 years old, at the age of getting married and breeding successors. And except for her nemesis, she never looked at any male of the same age.

Now that the nemesis has returned safely, it's time to urge them to get married as soon as possible.

There is another player standing at the back of the minister's team, and he is the only player present besides Su Yu. He is the president of Muyun Guild [Mundi in the Cloud].

As the commander-in-chief of the frontline player units, Yunzhong Mudi had the honor to enter the hall today and report to the Queen on the battle situation on the frontline.

Now that he saw that Alijie and Su Yu were so close, he calmly recorded the scene and posted it to the official forum for the envy of other male players.


Alijie hugged Su Yu tightly and had many things to say to him.

But she also knew that the court hall was not the place to talk, so she pulled Su Yu and walked toward the back of the palace.

At the same time, she said to the ministers around her: "Today's meeting will be held here for now. We will discuss anything tomorrow. Adjourn the meeting!"

"Okay, Your Majesty!" The ministers looked at each other tacitly, then turned and walked out of the palace.

Could it be that in ten months, the little Prince Plantagenet will be born?

Kelly Dreddy is not very good at reading air.

She worriedly said loudly to Alicia: "Your Majesty, even if you ask Marshal Aganzuo to suspend the march, the army will have to eat and drink, right? This matter is extremely urgent. It really can't be delayed for a day. If it is delayed for a day, it might be over. Many people will die!”

She glanced at Su Yu again and snorted softly: "I hope your majesty will not indulge in male sex before such an important matter, and put business first."

Kelly actually had a bad impression of Su Yu.

From her perspective, Su Yu was a perfect example of a scumbag.

In Kelly's view, Su Yu was still getting along with Tina Garcia at the beginning, and there was a tendency to become boyfriend and girlfriend.

Later, Su Yu abandoned his "first wife" Tina for his own future and stayed with the queen. Tina even expelled them from the country. (She didn’t know that Tina was leaving on her own.)

So Kelly didn't like Su Yu very much.

When Su Yu heard Kelly's words, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

God is so "addicted to male sex"!

However, Su Yu felt that he still needed to ask about the food issue that Kaili mentioned.

"Food? Is there a shortage of food for the army?" Su Yu looked at Kelly.

"That's right, the frontline soldiers are starting to starve now, and soon the food will be exhausted..." Kelly didn't hide anything and told all the things discussed in the meeting just now.

The surrounding ministers did not rush to leave, but stood still, wanting to hear if Su Yu could do anything.

After listening to Kelly's description, Su Yu suddenly laughed.

"Hi! Is that all?" He patted his chest and said confidently: "Don't worry, the food is wrapped on me. You let the soldiers in the army eat freely. Before the food is gone, I will definitely be able to Bring enough food to the frontline camp!"

"Are you serious?" Kelly crossed her arms with a look of disbelief.

They have so many ministers and generals who have been discussing here for several days but can't do anything. Can Su Yu do anything?

You, an adventurer from another world, can't bring in food from another world, right? It can be seen that this guy is not only a scumbag, but now he has learned to talk nonsense.

Alijie did not doubt Su Yu, she firmly believed that Su Yu would not lie to her.

"Nemesis, where are you going to get the food from?" Alijie looked at him happily.

"This... is confidential, so it's not convenient to talk about it here." Su Yu put on a serious face: "But I can guarantee that there will be enough food, and I will be able to provide enough food within half a month. The food was transported to the front line.”

"That's great." Alijie stood up on tiptoes and kissed Su Yu's right cheek gently: "Then I want to thank you for the suffering people of the Western Continent!"

At the same time, Su Yu received a game prompt:

"Ding! Trigger rare hidden mission: [Collect food]."

"Task description: The Plantagenet Empire's army has a serious shortage of food and needs a large amount of food supplies."

"Mission requirements: Collect enough food to supply the frontline military camps to ensure that the army will not delay fighter flights due to food shortages and cannot rob civilians. The current progress (0%) countdown is 23:59:58"

"Task rewards: Random rewards based on reward completion."

"Punishment for mission failure: World reputation -5, [Plantagenet Empire reputation] dropped by one level, find Shuyuan [Queen Alijie]'s favorability towards you -5."


Seeing Alijie kissing Su Yu, the surrounding ministers immediately coughed loudly, as if to remind Alijie that there were so many people watching here!

Yunzhong Mudi, who was standing behind the crowd, was also amazed. This video seemed to have to be sent to Sky Dragon as soon as possible.

Alijie's face was a little red after the kiss.

She took Su Yu's hand and said, "Let's go to the garden and chat slowly."

Pulling Su Yu out of the hall.

Seeing Alijie leaving, the ministers naturally dispersed and returned to their posts. This also includes Kelly, who is still worried, and Yunzhongmu Enemy, who is snickering.

Su Yu was pulled by Alijie to the garden behind the hall.

The two of them and the cat sat on the swing they had sat on last time, chatting about what happened when Su Yu went to Planet Scrooge.

Although Alizee had already heard the story about Su Yu's deeds on Planet Scrooge from the cat Chenxing, now that Su Yu was talking about it, she didn't feel bored at all. She sat in Su Yu's arms and listened with a smile.

After Su Yu finished telling all the stories, she sighed slightly and looked at his face: "Listening to your description, Planet Scrooge is indeed a much more powerful civilization than ours. Nemesis, your future mission is still It’s very heavy!”

"I know this." Su Yu nodded.

"Is there anything you need my help with?" Alijie brushed her loose hair on her shoulders.

"Yes." Su Yu said seriously: "Assign more tasks to me and the people in our world. This will speed up our growth. Of course, these tasks don't have to be too biased towards us, as long as they are mutually beneficial."

"Okay." Alijie leaned lightly on Su Yu's arm: "After the war is over, I will introduce corresponding incentive policies, don't worry!"

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