Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Four hundred and three, meeting Emperor Ryan

Khadgar did not come alone this time.

In addition to him, he also brought three high-level powerhouses, namely Anduin, Thor and Sylvanas, all of whom were old acquaintances of Su Yu.

After the Three Legends landed in the sanctuary, they formed a circle, surrounding Su Yu in the middle, and scanned him with their eyes.

"You're finally here!" Su Yu closed the official forum interface and breathed a sigh of relief: "We are all old friends, can you let me out?"

The four of them looked at each other.

Khadgar said: "Okay, I will let you out right now."

"But nemesis, remember: once you make any evil intentions, Sylvanas will immediately pull out your soul and seal it. Don't blame us for not reminding you then!"

The great nobles of the Lane Empire were extremely afraid of Su Yu's self-destruction. (They don't know that self-destruction can only be performed in the land of Plantagenet.)

Grantex, a strong man at the sanctuary level, was wiped out by Su Yu's self-destruction. Khadgar was very worried that Su Yu would cause something big in their territory, so he called three high-level colleagues in one breath. , jointly escorted Su Yu.

"Don't worry, everyone." Su Yu's face was filled with sincerity: "I'm really here to discuss cooperation this time, please believe in my sincerity!"

"I hope so." Khadgar remained unmoved and took out the drumstick on his back and pointed it slightly above the arcane seal.

The dark purple seal energy pressing on Su Yu quickly dissipated like a breeze.

Su Yu regained his freedom, stood up and moved his hands, feet and neck.

He also noticed Anduin standing to the west of him.

Anduin's face has completely turned dark black, and his hair has changed from golden to purple. This look may scare children to tears.

It seems that in terms of "committing himself to the shadows", he is more thorough than the original Xi Fan.

Noticing Su Yu's gaze, Anduin said sadly:

"As for Lord Nemesis, I think it is necessary to add a clause when signing the contract - during the period when the contract is in effect, Lord Nemesis is prohibited from engaging in any form of destruction in our country. Do you agree?"

Su Yu thought for a while and replied: "It's a small problem. The worst thing is that I won't come to your country! Okay, can you take me to see the emperor of your country now?"

"Please come this way." Khadgar transformed into a raven and flew toward the northwest. Anduin and the other two surrounded Su Yu and followed Khadgar.


Eight minutes later, everyone arrived at the Lion Palace.

Two minutes later, Su Yu saw Sean Violet, the emperor of the Lane Empire, in the main hall of the palace.

"Are you the nemesis?" His Majesty the Emperor sat on the high Iron Throne and looked at Su Yu with interest.

Although he had seen Su Yu through magic images, this was his first time meeting him in person offline.

"Yes, I am your nemesis, His Majesty Emperor Ryan." Su Yu gave him a mage salute.

Emperor Ryan, like Su Yu, is a sixth-level holy realm.

So now Su Yu is at least 20 meters away from Emperor Ryan, and the four of Khadgar released their air machines to lock him in, not giving him any chance to self-destruct.

Su Yu didn't even think about teasing them and just stood there calmly.

Looking at Emperor Lane, Su Yu said respectfully: "Your Majesty the Emperor, I sincerely come to discuss cooperation with your country on behalf of Your Majesty Alijie Plantagenet. I wonder if your country is interested in the cooperation we propose?"

"This..." Emperor Ryan paused.

Then he replied: "I have read the letter from the Queen of your country. The Wind Chime Empire did do some outrageous and stupid things, and they should pay the price for what they did, but..."

Emperor Ryan paused again before continuing: "The Wind Chime Empire is our reliable ally. I will not betray our allies just because of this, so please come back!"

After Emperor Ryan finished speaking, he waved his hand, seemingly wanting Anduin to see him off.

But Su Yu felt much more relaxed because he read the meaning from Emperor Ryan's words.

In Alijie's letter to Emperor Lane, she did not mention anything about "the Wind Chime Empire did something stupid and outrageous". This part was left to Emperor Lane's discretion.

It can be seen that he already wants to cooperate, but he has to find a way to get off. Otherwise, if word spreads that "Emperor Ryan betrayed his allies because of profit," he will be looked down upon.

Since Emperor Ryan wanted "steps", Su Yu naturally gave him "steps".

He quickly opened the [President Chat Room] and asked in it: "Everyone, what evil deeds did the troops of the Wind Chime Empire commit during the war?"

Seeing Su Yu's question, the presidents online immediately started answering in the chat room. Even Snow Leopard, who had not spoken for a long time, answered a few words.

Based on the information given by the presidents, Su Yu loudly said to Emperor Ryan:

"But Your Majesty the Emperor, what the Wind Chime Empire's army did in the Western Plantagenet Continent can be said to be unscrupulous! For example, in Ronke Town in Senge City, they competed with farmers for food and eventually killed 134 unarmed people. Farmers! In the Silver Horse River Valley, they once again wielded their butcher knives against 55 women who had no ability to resist... (1,000 words omitted)..."

Su Yu spent a full ten minutes reading all the atrocities committed by the Wind Chime Empire army in Shuyuan

To the end, Su Yu couldn't help but feel a little angry when he saw these bloody deeds.

Although the armies of the feudal empire were all like this, they all did unscrupulous things and almost never had any good things. But saying these things still aroused Su Yu's indignation.

It seems that this cooperation was a mistake, and the atrocities committed by the Wind Chime Empire's army do need to be settled.


Unlike Su Yu's indignation, Emperor Ryan was used to seeing blood, and this casualty figure could not stir up the slightest ripple in his heart.

He pondered: "I know that the Wind Chime Empire has done a lot of bad things, but again, we are allies after all..."

"Your Majesty!" Su Yu interrupted him: "The fighter opportunity is fleeting. I hope your Majesty will not miss this great opportunity because of your temporary hesitation! And as far as I know, a big event will happen in the main plane in eight months. It will cause great changes in the world! If you miss this opportunity, it will be too late!"

"Something big happened on the main plane? What is it?" Emperor Ryan's face tightened and he asked hurriedly.

The big event Su Yu mentioned was of course "the release of the third expansion pack", but he did not intend to tell Emperor Ryan, but calmly shook his head and said:

"The secret must not be leaked. If you tell it, it will not work. However, my predictions have always been accurate. If you don't believe it, you can ask the Elf Regent for confirmation."

Hearing Su Yu's words, Emperor Ryan, including Anduin and Khadgar, nodded.

Of course they have heard of Su Yu's deeds in the Elf Kingdom, and the prophecy can be called a miraculous skill!

"Okay then!" Emperor Ryan finally made the decision: "I will discuss it with the ministers and give you a formal answer later."

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