Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Four hundred and six, two hundred and twenty percent overfulfilled the task.

The granary area is home to cylindrical stone granaries with arc spires.

There are rectangular vents on the walls of the granary to provide ventilation and ensure that the food inside will not become moldy or spoil due to moisture.

The location where Su Yu and others entered was actually not the main gate of the Granary District, but the back door located on the south side of the Granary District.

Now, General Meklon led Su Yu and others from the south toward the north main gate.

While walking, he also chatted flatteringly with Su Yu and his group.

While walking on the road, from time to time a group of elite soldiers wearing gray armor would pass by, the garrison soldiers here.

The garrison soldiers saluted Mekelon immediately after seeing him: "Hello, General Mekelon!"

General Meklon ignored these soldiers and kept his attention on Su Yu and others.

Anduin is Meklon's main target.

While he was dealing with Meklon casually, he was looking at the situation in the granary.

But after walking for a while, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Their group had passed dozens of granaries from south to north, but Meklon had no intention of stopping, and kept leading them towards the main entrance.

So Anduin asked strangely: "General Mecklund, can't we get food from these granaries around us? Do we have to go so far?"

"Of course, Mr. Speaker." General Mecklone said with a respectful smile: "The grain entering the granary must go through strict quarantine, drying and other procedures. Most of the granaries in the rear are stocked with old grain. We can't give Your Lord Nemesis’s moldy and spoiled food, don’t you think so?”

"Yes." Anduin nodded and said nothing more.

Meklon couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Anduin was easily fooled.

Among them, the fact that he did not fetch grain from the granary at the rear was not at all due to the issue of old grain. After all, the contract did not stipulate that the food could not spoil. If he could give the old food to the Plantagenet people, he would actually be happy to do so.

The main reason why he didn't take grain from these granaries in the rear was because he didn't dare.

The granaries at the rear are full on the surface, but in fact only a thin layer on the surface is filled with grain.

Take a standard granary next to him as an example.

This granary is 13.5 meters high, and theoretically there are grains stacked 10 meters high inside.

But in fact, only the first 1 or 2 meters on the surface of the granary are grain, and the lower 8 or 9 meters are filled with hay and stones.

Of course, these 8 or 9 meters of food were embezzled by the officers.

In the future, if there is an inspection by superiors, all you need to do is set fire to the granary and falsely claim that "the granary is on fire", and the officers' corrupt behavior will not be discovered.

Now if these granaries were opened and Su Yu and others could see the big rocks and hay below, wouldn't everything be exposed?

So even if General Meklon was killed, he would not dare to open these granaries.

Although Anduin was the Speaker of the Imperial Parliament, he didn't understand the sneaky behavior below. He just nodded and didn't think too much;

Su Yu knew about the troubles in the granary, because he had done a task in his previous life to "investigate the causes of frequent fires in the granary" and knew that there was a group of "rats" hidden in Ryan's system.

But this matter has nothing to do with him, and he doesn't bother to expose it. As long as he can get enough food, he doesn't bother to care about Ryan's internal affairs.


The five people walked forward and finally came to a granary next to the gate.

General Mecklone opened the warehouse door with a smile on his face and smiled at Su Yu: "Your Excellency Nemesis, this warehouse and the dozen nearby warehouses are all newly harvested grain this season. I guarantee that there will be no mold or spoilage. You will definitely be satisfied." satisfy!"

At the same time, Meklon was secretly glad.

Fortunately, they didn't touch the newly harvested grain, otherwise they might not be able to produce enough grain to deal with Su Yu.

"I'm interested." Su Yu nodded kindly to Mecklone and walked into the granary.

What Mecklone said is true, the granary is indeed full of new grain.

Su Yu didn't hesitate, opened the necklace and started collecting food inside.

General Meklon stood next to Su Yu, responsible for recording how much grain he collected.

As bags of food were collected into the necklace, Su Yu's mission log was also beating rapidly.

"Rare level mission [Collect food], mission progress +1%."

"Rare level mission [Collect food], mission progress +1%."

"Rare level mission [gathering food]..."

Mission progress increases at a rate visible to the naked eye.

After emptying an entire granary, Su Yu's task progress increased to 22%!

But he has only collected 6,000 tons of grain now, only one-tenth of the target of 60,000 tons.

It seems that this task can be exceeded!

Su Yu's energy suddenly surged up and he urged General Meklon to go to other granaries.

Finally, after emptying all 10 granaries, Su Yu got all 60,000 tons of grain. At this time, the task bar of the task reached 220%, completing the task 120% over the limit!

"This mission has been completed so well. I wonder what kind of reward Alijie will give me?" Su Yu thought happily.

But now after taking the things, it’s time for others to leave.

In the last granary that was evacuated, Su Yu cupped his fists towards Anduin and the four others and said, "Everyone, since the food has been taken out, I will return home first."

Anduin opened his mouth, as if he had something to say.

But he did not say what he wanted to say, but nodded: "Goodbye, Lord Nemesis."

At this time, Sylvanas, who had been cold and silent throughout the whole process, said: "I forgot to ask you. Nemesis, when will we go to the [Palace of the Rebirth]? And go to the Wind Chime Empire to find [Soul Shepherd Yorick]? "

"This..." Su Yu thought for a while.

I brought up the game panel and looked at the remaining game time. Today's game time has basically been used up.

So Su Yu said to her: "Let's go to the [Palace of Rebirth] in half a month. Find Shuyuan I need a certain amount of time to prepare... As for looking for the [Soul Shepherd] Yorick], I think the best time is after the armies of our two countries officially enter the Wind Chime Empire and attract the attention of their main force."

"That's a deal! I'll go to the Plantagenet Empire to find you in half a month." Sylvanas said calmly.

At the same time, Su Yu received a game prompt that triggered a task.

"Ding! Trigger the epic scenario battle mission: [Secret Invasion of the Hall of Rebirth]."

"Mission requirement: Follow Sylvanas to secretly invade the Hall of Death and assist her in plundering the high-quality, cursed souls in the Hall of Death. Mission progress is 0%."

"Task rewards: Random rewards based on task completion."

Then, Sylvanas turned into a black mist and flew towards the outside of the granary: "Everyone, I'll leave first, Nemesis, I look forward to the day when I can cooperate with you."

Before Su Yu and others could answer, the black mist transformed by Sylvanas completely disappeared from the horizon.

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