Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Four hundred and twenty-three, gravity... funnel... bucket

"Australia?" Prime Minister Cao looked at Donald Plant and narrowed his eyes slightly.

In fact, from a rational analysis, the conditions provided by the Skrulls are quite good.

After all, the Skrulls' technology and cultivator strength are hundreds of years ahead of the Blue Star humans. It is kind of merciful not to kill all humans but to leave 8 million square kilometers of land.

But Prime Minister Cao once heard a young man say: "What you can't get on the battlefield, you can't get at the negotiation table."

Once he agrees, it will definitely be a devastating blow to human morale.

Besides, all the 7.7 billion people in the world have migrated to a small area like Australia. There is still a large area of ​​desert in the middle of Australia that is uninhabitable. God knows how many people will die, and God knows how many brutal internal fights will occur among humans for space, food, and drinking water.

Moreover, the ancients said: "To serve Qin with the land, it is better to put out the fire with salary."

If humans really surrender and go to Australia, will the Skrulls really let humans go?

Will the Skrulls break the agreement one day in the future and completely eradicate humanity?

So no matter what, Prime Minister Cao would never agree.


After clearing his mind, he looked at Plant with disdain: "Sorry, I refuse!"

Plante didn't show any anger. He smiled and shook his head: "You don't have to be so anxious to refuse. I'll give you three days to think about it. We will discuss this matter again in three days."

After saying that, Plant drove his golden mecha and returned to the team of the Skrull god-level warriors.

The Skrull god-level experts also looked at each other in shock when they heard Prime Minister Cao's rejection.

Some of them are very angry, especially the two gods of the Deep Sea Dragon Clan, and they can't wait to take action now.

"Everyone, let's go up and take advantage of the crowd to destroy this Blue Star human!" A blue and white, slender deep-sea dragon spread its wide wings and was ready to attack.

Victoria, the god-level powerhouse of the Renkert Alliance, "Sparkling Queen", blocked it in front of it:

"Lord Kadrigos, calm down! This Blue Star human said that before he died, he would explode and melt the polar glaciers. By then, countless coastal cities would be submerged! Your people in the sea will also be affected by the water. The temperature rises and there are countless casualties!”

"Aren't they just dead people? What's the big deal? Indecisive!" The Deep Sea Dragon Clan gave Victoria a disdainful look: "As expected of a female, she has long hair and short knowledge."

"What did you say?!" Victoria suddenly became angry. Who does this "little loach" think she is? How dare you talk to her like this?

I hope I won’t slap your dragon’s tendons today!

Victoria cast a spell to accumulate telekinesis, and layers of colorless and transparent substances quickly gathered near her head, causing ripples in the space.

"Okay!" Plante came between Victoria and the Deep Sea Dragon Clan as if teleporting:

"You don't need to argue about this matter. I have promised to give this Blue Star human three days. The result will naturally come after three days."

Then he looked at all the god-level experts present: "Everyone, I am confident that we can convince him to surrender to us in three days!"

"Oh? What are you going to do?" A powerful eagle-like beast who looked like a bald eagle asked, flapping his wings.

"The answer is simple." Prandt said word by word: "Attraction...force...funnel...funnel."

"Hmm..." All the gods nodded.

They have all heard of the ultra-sophisticated technology "Gravity Funnel". If the Blue Star humans were patriots, they might really surrender!



On the ice at the South Pole, the Skrull gods discussed seriously the issue of Prime Minister Cao's surrender.

At the same time, a big event also happened in Trena City, the capital of the Lenkert Federation.

In the square in the center of Trena City, Emperor Manina XIII of the Sun Empire stood proudly here.

As the emperor of an "enemy country", he doesn't have many opportunities to come here.

Manina XIII wore a set of polished golden armor, with a scarlet cloak on his back fluttering in the wind.

Directly to the north of him was Speaker Lenkert's Mansion, which had been destroyed by Su Yu and Morning Star. It was a charred ruin.

Around the square, about 400 Skrulls surrounded Manina XIII.

Half of them are senior officials of the Lieyang Empire. These senior officials all have serious expressions, but inadvertently, they occasionally show a bit of schadenfreude.

The other half of the Skrulls are members of the Lenkert Alliance, senior affairs officers, and senior military officers. They also have serious expressions, with anger, shame, and unwillingness in their eyes.

There is another person standing side by side with Manina XIII. He is not a Skrull, but a war monitor sent by the Singer Civilization--Link.

At twelve o'clock at noon, Link coughed twice and said, "It's time."

After all the eyes of the audience were turned towards him, Link gently snapped his fingers, and a blue rune that looked like sapphire appeared in his hand.

"Manina XIII." Link handed the blue rune to Emperor Lieyang in front of him:

"From now on, find Shuyuan The command of the Skrull Expeditionary Force will be transferred to you from the Lunkert Alliance. At the same time, the control runes of all space rifts will also be transferred to you. I hope you can inherit Lunkert. Speaker Kurt’s legacy is to complete his unfinished mission.”

"Thank you, sir!" Manina XIII knelt down on one leg towards Link and took the rune respectfully.

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

Deafening cheers rang out in the square, and the senior officials of the Lieyang Empire cheered at the top of their lungs.

The officials of the Lenkert Alliance generally looked ugly, but they also showed false smiles and applauded to celebrate Emperor Lieyang.


The above scene was quickly spread to thousands of households on the Skrull planet through television and online platforms, and hundreds of millions of Skrulls simultaneously watched this scene that will surely go down in history.

After receiving the blue rune, King Manina XIII stood up, raised his hands in front of the camera, and formally delivered a speech:

"My fellow citizens of the Lieyang Empire and my compatriots all over the world, today is a great day worth celebrating!"

"With the witness of the Singer Admiral, the Lieyang Empire has obtained the command of the expeditionary force. I will also lead everyone to victory!"

Bang bang bang!

There was another thunderous applause from the audience.

Manina XIII pressed his hands.

After the scene became quieter, he said loudly:

"I know that there are some ideological differences between our Sun Empire and the Lenkert Alliance. For example, you think that I am a dictator and the national life is not free; we think that your 'political correctness' is too hypocritical and inexplicable. "

"But none of that matters now."

Manina XIII pointed to the ruins of the Speaker's Palace in the north, and the camera followed his pointing and settled on the charred walls.

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