Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Four hundred and forty-four, capturing the spiritual energy spring in Yanshan Mountain

Soon, Intelligence Minister Xion opened the door and walked into the chamber.

As he walked, he lowered his head and whispered: "Your Majesty, the main line connecting to Blue Star is interrupted, and the scene picture may not be restored."

Manina XIII glanced at him and waved his hand gently to show that he didn't mind.

Xion breathed a sigh of relief and stood aside knowingly.

In the meeting hall, Manina stopped talking, and others did not dare to speak without permission. The hall fell into silence for a while.

After more than a minute of silence, Manina slowly spoke: "Ovim and Doc are the heroes of our planet Skrull! Let the news of their sacrifice be announced. The whole country will mourn and the flag will be flown at half-mast."

But think about it, the sacrifice of these two people is not entirely a bad thing.

Their deaths can arouse the common hatred of the Skrull people, and can even beautify this war of aggression into a "just cause"!

For example, you can declare to the outside world that the Skrulls are originally peace-loving and just go to low-level civilizations to collect some resources.

Who knew that the natives of low-level civilization were so stubborn that they attacked the Scrooge gathering team without permission and even killed their sanctuary! The Skrulls were "forced" to attack Blue Star...

Thinking of this, Manina XIII's bad mood improved slightly.

Xion and Lanqi quickly replied: "Okay, Your Majesty, we will do it now."

"One more thing." Manina narrowed his eyes slightly: "Do you still remember the plan against Su Yu we discussed yesterday?"

The three Lanqi looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"I will implement this plan today. I don't want to wait any longer." Manina said calmly.

"Your Majesty, isn't it a bit too hasty?" Intelligence Minister Xion was hesitant.

The plan they made was originally planned to be implemented in a week, and would be released after the matter was almost fermented, which would cause huge trouble for Su Yu.

If implemented today, the effect may be much worse.

"Listen to my orders!" Manina folded his arms and said with unquestionable majesty in his tone.

"Understood!" the three ministers replied at the same time.


The scene returned to Blue Star Su Yu.

Su Yu activated [Ice Barrier] and a [Lightning Shield] before the shock wave came.

The [Lightning Shield] was broken almost instantly.

[Ice Barrier] Under the impact of the huge energy, the ice covering Su Yu's body made a heart-breaking sound, and dense cracks appeared on the ice surface. It was obvious that it could not hold on any longer.

[Ice Barrier] seems to be an invincible skill, but the damage absorbed by this skill also has a certain upper limit. If it exceeds the upper limit, [Ice Barrier] will also be penetrated.

Now the shock wave of Overim's self-destruction has obviously exceeded this threshold, and his [Ice Barrier] is about to be penetrated!

Su Yu didn't have any other means of self-protection.

[Thunder Armor] skill is still cooling down.

The [Ice Barrier] skill attached to [Lighthouse Sudden Cold Robe] cannot be used twice in a row due to rule restrictions (using this skill will result in a [Hypothermia] debuff, and the skill cannot be used again within 30 seconds).

In desperation, he had no choice but to activate the [Watcher Beacon] given by Link, and a purple and transparent crystallized shield quickly formed around him.


Su Yu and his crystallized shield were severely pushed out by the self-destruction shock wave.

However, the crystallized shield has a very high defensive power and remained intact under the violent energy bombardment of the shock wave, fully resisting the damage caused by this wave of self-destruction.


"Nemesis, are you okay?!" Tina quickly moved towards Su Yu in the sky.

When she saw Ovim blowing himself up just now, her heart tightened suddenly, for fear that Su Yu would die in the blowup.

It wasn't until she saw Su Yu safe and sound from a distance that Tina breathed a sigh of relief.

But she was also secretly blaming herself.

It was all her fault that she had been focusing on the battle and not protecting her nemesis, so a mage with a weak defense suffered such great damage.

"I'm fine, Tina." Su Yu sat on the ground without caring about his image, breathing heavily.

The battle just now consumed him a lot of energy.

And you really can’t underestimate the Skrulls! The [Watcher Beacon] Link gave him to save his life was just used up, which made him very distressed.

But now is not the time to feel distressed.

"Tina." Su Yu looked towards the Skrull base in the distance, his eyes gradually solidified:

"There must be many fifth-level Skrulls in the base who want to take advantage of this opportunity to escape. We must take this opportunity to stop them!"

Tina's long hair moved automatically without wind, and the long sword in her hand burst out with a burst of golden light: "Nemesis, rest here, leave these people to me!"

A golden light exploded in front of Su Yu's eyes, and Tina disappeared instantly.

Su Yu originally wanted to go with Tina, but the physical exertion of transforming into a blue dragon was too great. He could only lie on the ground to rest and recover his strength. At the same time, he took out some bananas and apples from his necklace and ate them slowly.


Overeem's self-destruction can be said to be an indiscriminate attack.

In addition to Su Yu, the Skrull base also suffered huge damage. Various weapons and equipment and the entire defense system were almost completely destroyed in the shock wave.

Tina was not attacked as she rushed into the base.

She moved quickly in the base, looking for strong Skrulls of level five or above who were not yet dead.

There are a total of 13 level 5 Skrull warriors left in the base.

Of course they will not sit still and try to escape back to Skrull through the space rift above their heads.

When Tina arrived, they sprang out from all corners of the base almost at the same time, flying desperately towards the space rift above.

Tina wanted to stop him, but she couldn't stop so many strong men who wanted to escape.

In the end, she killed 4 people, and the remaining 9 people could not be stopped and successfully escaped.

As for the remaining third- and fourth-level Skrull cultivators and Skrull troops in the base, their only spaceship that could escape had been completely destroyed by the self-destruction shock wave. Facing Tina, who was like a divine weapon descending from the sky, she completely lost her fighting spirit and had no choice but to surrender.


After Tina completely took control of the situation, the battle at the Yanshan Psychic Spring ended with the victory of the Blue Star human side!

At this time, a lavender portal appeared in the sky above the base. This was the portal from Link.

A blue ray of light shot out from the portal and hit the space crack in the sky.

The dark space cracks quickly narrowed until they disappeared.

At the same time, a brown wooden box flew out of the portal and flew into Su Yu's arms.

Su Yu opened the box and took a look. Inside was a silver badge with an unknown symbol engraved on it.

However, judging from the symbols on the bronze badge Su Yu had obtained, the symbol on the silver badge should mean "500".

In other words, he received another 500 credits.

Although I don’t know what the credits are for, judging from the fact that 1 credit can be exchanged for a [credit blind box], 500 credits should be a considerable resource.

Speaking of [Credit Blind Box], wouldn’t it be great if I could take Xiaotian with me to the Holy Silver Federation...

Su Yu's thoughts gradually drifted away.

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