Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

48. The second monster siege, the level list is open

After receiving the announcement of the second monster siege, Su Yu's lips curved in a subtle arc.

The purpose of activating this monster siege is not to kill the Wolf King again. The experience points given by the Wolf King are only 1,000 points, and the drops will not improve him in any way.

Su Yu wanted to use facts to explain to the players who scolded him on the forum: The Wolf King is not something that players can kill at this stage.

Stop the bad mouths of those players.

Su Yu will use this batch of equipment to recruit people in the future. If he doesn't do this now, those trolls will definitely follow him and have bad mouths. That would be disgusting.

After doing all this, he left the Wolf King Valley of Qingfengshou Village and returned to Novice Village No. 6.


There was an explosion in Qingfeng Village.

After receiving the system announcement, the news that "a monster appeared in Qingfeng Village and attacked the city" spread quickly to all novice villages.

Players from all servers gathered again, ready to challenge this monster siege.

The major guilds such as Emperor Blood, Zhantian, and Muyun didn't care about their reputation. They organized their men to enter the Wolf King Valley to intercept the siege boss.

However, the personnel responsible for cutting off the beards found out embarrassingly that they could not go deep into the Wolf King Valley. They would be repelled by the wild wolf patrolling the valley within a few steps, and they could only return to the village to guard in embarrassment.

An hour later, [Howling Moon Wolf King] No. 2 began to attack Qingfeng Village with more than a hundred wolf cubs.

As expected by Su Yu, the wolves launched a one-sided massacre against the players.

[Howling Moon Wolf King] No. 2, as a wise boss, does not take advantage of [Taunt] to defend against combat. He only attacks the back row and kills weak priests and mages indiscriminately.

Players who were killed cried for their fathers and mothers, and there were flashes of white light.

And the wolves are winning day by day and getting closer and closer.

Half an hour later, all players in the game received a system announcement:

"Ding! Qingfeng Village fell during the attack of [Howling Moon Wolf King]. Qingfeng Village will become unusable within 48 hours. Players are asked to seek refuge in other villages!"

According to the descriptions of the last few players who have seen the Wolf King, until the end of the monster siege, [Howling Moon Wolf King] still has 46% of its health left!


Players encountered such a big setback, and the atmosphere on the forum suddenly changed.

The voices that just called Su Yu a "thief" and "robber" disappeared instantly, and the forum was full of complaints:

"[Howling Moon Wolf King] is too strong! He runs like he teleports!"

"This wolf king has no martial ethics, doesn't care about defensive battles, and only kills in the back row. Who can handle this?"

"And this wolf king also has more than a dozen guards, each of whom is a level 10 boss! How can he kill him!"

"I really want to know how the first Wolf King died? Who killed it?! The player who killed it must have been too powerful!"

"Will the first one be killed by a bug?"

"Don't kid yourself about bugs! You've been playing games for so long, have you ever heard of real bugs?"

"Uh...not really."

As of now, there are no more voices scolding Su Yu on the forum. Instead, everyone is curious: How did the first Wolf King die? Who on earth has such great ability?


Su Yu didn't pay much attention to all this.

After returning to Nolan Village, he immediately went to Wolf King Valley to practice in seclusion.

Su Yu didn't plan to leave the Wolf King Valley until he reached level ten this time.

An hour and a half later, he received the announcement of the fall of Qingfeng Village, and Xuehualuo also sent a congratulatory message:

"Senior, the siege boss is so powerful! It directly destroyed Qingfeng Village! I think those trolls on the forum will never dare to troll you again!"

Su Yu: "It's normal. Players at this stage cannot deal with the Wolf King. I know this very well."

Xue Hua Luo: "Then how did you kill the Wolf King?"

Su Yu: "A passing high-level NPC added a buff to me."

Xue Hua Luo: "..."

Xue Hua Luo: "I have one more thing. When do you plan to form the Yellow Turban Army?"

Su Yu: "Wait a little longer until most of the players are at level 10."

Xue Hua Luo: "Okay."

The two ended their private chat.


The reason why Su Yu wanted to form a guild was mainly to prepare for a core gameplay in the later part of the game - the mage tower.

As the player level increases, the number of wild monsters of the same level will become smaller and smaller.

At level 84 [Star Casting Dragon King], there are only 12 NPCs with higher strength than the Dragon King in the entire game, and there is no way to kill monsters and level up.

As for doing tasks, I don’t have much experience.

Therefore, in the later stages of the game, the mage profession must build a mage tower, put a large amount of Warcraft materials into the core magic pool of the mage tower, and purify and absorb the magic power in the magic pool in order to upgrade.

These Warcraft materials have been accumulated by players little by little, and the demand is not generally high!

If Su Yu wants to reach the peak of his strength both inside and outside the game, he must have millions or even tens of millions of players silently helping him collect materials behind him.

Only by relying on the power of the whole people can we build a top powerhouse that can compete with Skrull.

(This is also the reason why Su Yu hates the Sky-Destroying Sword. Countless people sacrificed themselves and used countless resources to build a strong man who actually rebelled? It’s unforgivable!)

Originally, Su Yu planned to cooperate with Guo Jia in the future, but now that he thought about it, it was better to form a guild first and train a group of reliable subordinates.


Silently thinking about his thoughts, Su Yu continued to slaughter the [Howling Moon Wolf] in the valley without stopping.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Su Yu's experience gauge was finally filled and reached level 10!

After reaching level 10, all players online received a system prompt:

"Ding! It has been detected that a player has reached level 10, and the level list has been opened!"

Upon hearing this system prompt, the busy leveling areas of various novice villages were first quiet and then in an uproar:

"What? Someone has actually reached level 10?! I've only just reached level 4!"

"I went online early today, and I'm only level 5. Who is so awesome?"

Players rushed to open the level ranking list on the system interface.

First: Nemesis, find Shuyuan Level 10, Magician.

Second: Not drunk after a thousand cups, level 8, assassin.

Third: Emperor's blood kills the sky, level 8, warrior.

Fourth: Ice tea, level 7, assassin.

Fifth: There is a well in Cangshan Mountain, level 7, archer.


Players are almost going crazy:

"Kneel down to the big guys! Even if I practice for 24 hours, I still can't reach level 7!"

"The nemesis boss is always awesome! He is actually two levels ahead of the second place!"

"The magician's leveling is too hard in the early stage. After casting a few spells, he will run out of mana. How did the nemesis boss level up so fast?"

"The big nemesis is going to the main city, and I have to stay in Novice Village for several days!"

"People are more likely to die than others!"

Soon, the screenshots of the level rankings were uploaded from online to offline, and the official forum also launched a crazy discussion on this picture.

So at the same time, Zhong Feng was chewing bread and browsing the official forum on his laptop.

After seeing Su Yu's dazzling "Level 10", he was stunned, and the bread in his mouth no longer tasted good.

Not long after, he received a message from his comrade [Range is the Truth]:

"Old Zhong, have you seen the ranking list?"

"I saw it."

"What do you think?"

"I don't have any impressions. Senior Zhang Jiao is so awesome!"

"Oh! We have to find a way to catch up! We modern people can't let an ancient person outplay the game!"

"It's difficult! But don't have a comparison mentality. Senior Zhang Jiao's strength is always a good thing for us humans."

"makes sense."

ps: I have something to do in the afternoon, so the next update will be two or three hours later.

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