Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Four hundred and ninety-two, important pre-war meeting (Part 2)

After listening to Su Yu's words, Speaker Hu Jing, Political Commissar Zhang and Senior Tao looked at each other with approval.

Once the Skrulls use the gravity funnel, the Blue Stars will prepare for the worst.

"Comrade Su Yu." Speaker Hu Jing asked: "Then where do you think the Skrulls will place the target location of the gravity funnel?"

Xue Wenli used the computer to bring up a world map and projected it on the curtain.

Su Yu looked at the map on the screen.

For a long time, he shook his head hesitantly: "To be honest, I can't guess where the target will be. I really can't say for sure... What do you think?"

Su Yu turned to look at the three Speakers.

Speaker Hu Jing looked at Zhong Feng: "Zhong Feng, it's up to you to answer this question."

A few days ago, at a pre-war meeting without Su Yu's participation, senior leaders of the coalition government and the military analyzed this matter. The analysis proposed by Zhong Feng was recognized by most people at the beginning, and it should be him who speaks now.

"Okay, Comrade Speaker." Zhong Feng nodded seriously and looked at Su Yu:

"First of all, I think it is unlikely that the Skrulls would place their target location in our country. After all, the Skrulls have already promised Prime Minister Cao and are unlikely to go back on this issue... Of course, the possibility of them breaking their promise is not ruled out. sex, but the probability should be low."

Su Yu expressed his agreement: "Well, keep talking."

"Next is Mi Country." Zhong Feng looked at the world map and pointed at the scope of Mi Country with a laser pointer: "Although Mi Country has been split into four countries, they still maintain a loose alliance. .”

"And the most important thing is that the alliance of these four countries is still one of the most militarily developed alliances in the world today, and the number of nuclear warheads it possesses is second only to us."

"I think the Skrulls will take this opportunity to completely destroy the Mi country and destroy all nuclear weapons. This will also reduce obstacles for future wars."

After Zhong Feng finished speaking, he put down the laser pointer.

After hearing Zhong Feng's point of view, Speaker Hu Jing and Political Commissar Zhang nodded at the same time. Their thoughts were basically the same as Zhong Feng's, and they also felt that it was most likely Mi.

Zhong Feng looked at Su Yu and Senior Tao opposite, who were frowning and thinking, and asked, "Su Yu, Senior Tao, what do you think?"

"Me." Senior Tao raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I don't know much about the current world situation, so I'd better listen to my friend Su Yu's advice."

Everyone focused their attention on Su Yu.

Su Yu thought for a while, then slowly shook his head and said, "Zhong Feng, I don't agree with your point of view."

"Oh? What do you mean?" Zhong Feng asked quickly.

"My point of view is this." Su Yu took the laser pointer from Zhong Feng's hand and pointed at the country Mi:

"First of all, Zhong Feng, you are right. The nuclear weapons of the Mi country can indeed cause huge damage to the Skrulls. But don't forget that the biggest threat to them on Blue Star is always us, and only us!"

"If the threat from the United States is '1', we are at least '10'."

Su Yu used a laser pointer to draw a red circle on Huaxia.

"You mean..." Speaker Hu Jing's face turned serious: "Su Yu, do you think the Skrulls will break their word and release monsters into our country?"

"That's not the case." Su Yu shook his head: "Based on what I know about Emperor Manina XIII, he should release monsters in neighboring countries of our country, such as the Rakshasa Kingdom in the north and An in the south. The southern kingdom and the Koryo Kingdom in the east.”

"The arrival of a swarm of monsters can completely destroy a country or a region. Then the swarm of monsters migrates into our country and massively attacks our country's hinterland, putting pressure on our country."

"By the way, although the current Mi Four Nations Alliance seems to be somewhat powerful, the Skrulls must have seen that the role of the Four Nations Alliance will become more and more marginalized as time goes by, so it will definitely not become their primary strategy. Target."

After hearing Su Yu's words, everyone else present nodded in unison.

Su Yu's point of view is indeed very reasonable, and it is indeed unlikely that the Skrulls will sacrifice their own merits.

Moreover, Su Yu was very familiar with the enemy leader's character (although he didn't know why he was so familiar with it). Especially in such an imperial country, it was often the most accurate way to judge the enemy's movements based on the enemy emperor's character.

Therefore, everyone present agreed with Su Yu's judgment.

Speaker Hu Jing continued to ask: "Su Yu, if it is true as you said, the Skrulls lost the monster group in our neighboring country, which neighboring country do you think they would leave it in?"

"I really don't know about this." Su Yu smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Using the elimination method, we can eliminate several Stan countries in Central Asia and the Shendu country in the southwest, but the remaining Rakshasa and Koryo countries , Mongolian Kingdom and Southeast Asian countries, I can only say that it is possible."

Speaker Hu Jing and Political Commissar Zhang looked at the world map and remained silent.

It is impossible for the Skrulls to let the monsters cross the Taklimakan Desert or cross the Himalayas to attack the interior of China. They will definitely choose a country close to the densely populated areas of China.

The four countries and regions Su Yu mentioned are indeed possible.

Where will it be?



Just when Su Yu and others were having a headache for the monster army.

Distant Skrull Star - Sun Empire - In the general command room of the Skrull Expeditionary Force Headquarters, look for Shuyuan Emperor Manina XIII of the Sun Empire is also discussing this matter with his subordinates thing.

The commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force, Lan Qi, knelt down on one knee towards Manina XIII and said respectfully:

"Your Majesty, the 'Gravity Funnel' has been prepared after three initialization tests, and the commanders of all major bases are also ready. Where should we set the target location of the 'Gravity Funnel'?"

On the wall of the general command room, a blue star world map as tall as a person spread out in front of Manina XIII.

"The target location is set here." Manina reached out and drew a circle on the map casually, enclosing an island country in it.

"Neon Islands?" Lan Qi was obviously surprised: "Your Majesty, why did you choose this place?"

Lan Qi once guessed where His Majesty would set the target location, which was similar to Su Yu's idea. The target location he guessed was one of the Rakshasa, Goryeo, Mongolian, Yuan, and Southeast Asian countries.

But to his surprise, His Majesty chose the Neon Country on the Northeast China Sea.

"It's a good choice here." Manina XIII smiled lightly: "This country is densely populated and technologically advanced. It is China's most economically developed neighbor."

"Destroying this country can severely damage the Blue Star economy, and at the same time, it can also use this country as a springboard for monsters to attack China."

"But Your Majesty." Lan Qi was puzzled: "Neon Kingdom and Huaxia Kingdom are separated by a sea. Will it have any adverse impact on the monster group's attack on Huaxia Kingdom?"

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