On the 12th hour after the gravity funnel appeared, a group of 3,521 monsters successfully arrived on the west coast of Tsushima Strait.

Along the way, these monsters caused countless tragedies.

All buildings with more than five floors were either knocked to pieces by power monsters, or collapsed into countless pieces under the spell coverage of spell monsters.

People who don't live in the building can't escape the poisonous hands.

When each monster walks in a densely populated area with humans, it will release a large amount of carbon dioxide from its body, covering a radius of about 2-3 kilometers.

As long as humans are shrouded within the range, they will soon die from carbon dioxide poisoning in just a few dozen seconds due to the soaring carbon dioxide concentration around them.

The monster group went all the way south, passing through Kyoto, Nagoya, Nara, Kobe, Okayama, and Hiroshima, all large cities with dense neon populations.

Almost every city was wreaked havoc by the monster swarms, everything was destroyed in a mess, and an unknown number of people died.

Su Yu received estimates from relevant departments that approximately 6 million to 8 million Neon people would die in this disaster.

Faced with such a tragic number of casualties, even the Chinese people who had a blood feud with Neon could hardly applaud and expressed their condolences to the Neon people on the Internet.


During these 10 hours that seemed like the end of the world, no army in the world dared to land on Neon Island to carry out rescue operations.

The flying monsters created by the Skrulls are so powerful. China, Rakshasa, and Korea sent nearly 40,000 drones to Neon Island. Nearly half of them were shot down by the flying monsters. All the planes of the Neon Self-Defense Force were shot down. One exception was destroyed by monsters.

Rescue could not reach the Neon mainland, and the pilots could only watch the Neon people face this catastrophe.

This catastrophe also attracted huge attention internationally.

The media rushed to report it, and the headlines of all major media were this. People from all over the world turned their attention to Neon Island.

Except for some capitulationists who were gloating about their misfortune, people all over the world felt fear, uneasiness and shock.

Millions of Neon people died in this catastrophe. Will it be the turn of other countries in the future? When the final battle comes, how many humans will die after the Skrulls take on their strongest form? Can people really wait until the day of victory?

A lot of pessimism is spreading on the Internet, infecting everyone on the Internet.

Some pessimists even have a mental breakdown, take sleeping pills and choose to leave this world forever.


Su Yu and others had no time to be pessimistic, because the monster group was about to arrive, and they wanted to fight the monsters firmly.

On Tsushima Island now, Su Yu, Senior Yang, Emperor Taizong and other great monks were suspended in the sky, facing the other side of the southeastern strait.

In the open space on the island, Zhong Feng stood on the back of a giant frost dragon, his face serious, thinking about what tactics he would adopt next.

As for the players on the island, they are now lining up to get on the helicopter and prepare to go to the rear base in Seoul.

Su Yu took out his cell phone and looked at the message sent by Political Commissar Zhang, then turned to look at all the distracted monks:

"Seniors, according to the news from Political Commissar Zhang, the monster swarm has arrived in Fukuoka Prefecture on the opposite side. There is only the last 100 kilometers away from us. We must be prepared."

The great monks did not answer, but they all looked solemn.

One of the senior Taoist priests, wearing a black and white Taoist priest uniform with a pair of yin and yang fish tattooed on his chest, suddenly spoke:

"Little friend Su, now that the monster group has not yet entered the sea, should we take advantage of the fact that they have just entered the sea to carry out a wave of 'half-crossing and attack', relying on our mobility and strength to gain some benefits first, and then escape far away with one strike? "

Su Yu thought, this is a good idea!

But when facing the great monks, he would not make decisions without authorization. He said respectfully: "Seniors, what do you think?"

"I think it's better to be on the safe side." Senior Zuo Ci said: "After the monster swims over and consumes a lot of energy, we can just sit back and wait for work, relying on the plants below to fight positional warfare without taking such risks."

"How about this." Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty stood up and said, "There are 21 of us in total, including friends Su Yu and Zhong Feng, there are 23 people in total. Let's vote by a show of hands, and the minority obeys the majority."

"Good." The great monks agreed at the same time.

But at this time, Chenxing, who was standing on Su Yu's shoulder and had been playing with her mobile phone, was unhappy. She raised her head from the screen: "Hey, Bearded! Didn't you count me in?"

In fact, Chenxing was not unhappy because Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not include her in the count. She actually wanted to help Su Yu cast one more vote. In this small-scale voting of more than 20 people, every vote is important.

Emperor Liu Che was stunned.

But he quickly laughed and said: "Okay, then I will add you. If the number of agrees and objections is the same in the end, then it will be decided by little friend Su Yu."


Next, the chief monks held a small vote.

According to statistics, there are 8 major monks who support taking the initiative to attack, and 10 who support staying and fighting positional warfare. The remaining 6 believe that they can do neither without voting.

In the end, the faction that fought a positional battle narrowly won by two votes.

It is worth mentioning that Su Yu originally wanted to take the initiative. But considering that he still had some preparations before the war, he chose to stick to his position after communicating with Morning Star, which changed the voting result to a certain extent. Find the bookstore www.zhaoshuyuan.com

After the voting, Su Yu flew to Zhong Feng and said to him: "Take your holy angels and let's go pick [cherry bombs]."

"[Cherry Bomb]?"


"Then let's go."

Su Yu and Zhong Feng brought 500 holy angels to the planting area in the northern part of Tsushima Island.

Now the [Cherry Bomb] is fully mature and hanging on the branches with vivid colors.

Su Yu asked the Holy Angels to collect [Cherry Bombs], and at the same time explained to Zhong Feng:

"These [Cherry Bombs] are very powerful, enough to injure fourth-level practitioners, and the most important thing is that they cause magic damage. Although the monsters created by the Skrulls have strong physical defenses, I just killed 6 Only, those six have zero magic resistance."

"When the war starts, you can find an opportunity to let the Holy Angels throw the [Cherry Bomb] at the monster with the lowest magic resistance. It should cause a lot of damage."

"So that's it, okay, I'll pay attention." Zhong Feng understood.

As a fifth-level unit, almost everyone of the Holy Angels has a small storage space hidden in the center of their wings. Every time the angels pick fifty or sixty ripe [Cherry Bombs] and stuff them into the storage space, the space is almost filled.

After the angels were almost dressed, Zhong Feng suddenly thought of something: "Su Yu, the shadow ghosts also have storage space, why don't they also be decorated with [Cherry Bombs]?"

"No, no." Su Yu smiled and shook his head: "As for the Shadow Ghost, we can decorate it with plants that are more suitable for them."

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