Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 508: Battle of Tsushima and Busan (2) Su Yu was overtaken

Noticing that the Five Elements Divine Thunder had no effect on the high-magic and anti-monster troops, Lan Qi perked up.

"Ninth Brigade, assault!"

The official name of the high-magic-resistant monster unit is "The Ninth Brigade". Under Lan Qi's command, the Ninth Brigade rushed towards the great monks at extremely fast speeds.

And because the bodies of these monsters with high magic resistance resemble lantern fish, they open their huge mouths to reveal circles of fangs, and their faces are very ferocious.

As the commander-in-chief of the battle, Zhong Feng had already thought of a response strategy.

"Su Yu, seniors, implement the fourth plan!" he shouted loudly.

"Understood." Su Yu and the great monks replied.

The great monks no longer formed a formation, but dispersed and merged into the entire fifth-level unit.

Su Yu used his mental power to sweep the entire Tsushima Island, and the plants on Tsushima Island became active after receiving Su Yu's order.

In fact, the most planted magical plants in the entire island of Tsushima are neither continuous attack plants such as [Pea Shooter], nor one-time explosive plants such as [Cherry Bomb]. The one that is really planted most is a plant called [Clover] functional plants.

The three leaves of the magical version of [Clover] can rotate like an electric fan, blowing strong wind forward. Su Yu and Zhong Feng equipped the frost dragon with this kind of plant, which could help the dragon increase its flight speed.

Nearly 10,000 [Clovers] were planted on the entire island of Tsushima. The original intention was to create an environment with favorable winds and headwinds. This was of great help to the entire battle, and was much more effective than planting [Peashooters].

But now that 120 monsters with high magic resistance are flying here, [Clover] can immediately exert its effect.

Under Su Yu's control, tens of thousands of [Clovers] blew out strong winds at the same time!

Under Su Yu's control, these extremely strong airflows were concentrated and blown towards the high-magic and anti-monster troops.

This monster army was caught off guard.

They were flying towards the great monk with all their teeth and claws, but who knew that an extremely strong wind suddenly blew from the opposite side!

Moreover, this wind is not as strong as usual. The monsters in the monster army of level 6 and above can barely withstand it, but the monsters of level 5 cannot bear it at all.

In just ten seconds, the entire monster army, which was originally very neat, was rushed to pieces.

The big brothers at the sixth level were struggling to support themselves in front, while the younger brothers at the fifth level were blown away by the wind.

The monsters also tried to open up their signature skill [Anti-Psychic Shield], but these winds were purely physical and did not contain psychic energy at all, and [Anti-Psychic Shield] was useless at all.


This sudden situation made Lan Qi frown. He didn't expect the Blue Star people to have this trick.

However, it was not that he had not considered the possibility of the Blue Stars blocking the Ninth Brigade. He made a prompt decision and issued three orders to the Ninth Brigade:

In the first pass, all fifth-level monsters return to the main force to rest and wait for subsequent instructions;

In the second pass, three sixth-level peak monsters attacked Su Yu at all costs, killing Su Yu even if they sacrificed themselves;

In the third lane, the remaining 15 level six monsters provided cover for the three peak level six monsters.

With three orders, the entire Ninth Brigade started moving.

Three sixth-level peak monsters paid a huge price to use the super long-range [Flash] skill up to 1 kilometer to get close to Su Yu, and the impact point was less than 40 meters away from Su Yu!

The other 15 level six monsters also followed [Flicker] to the side of the level six monsters, protecting the three peak level six monsters.

Su Yu was also surprised when faced with the group of monsters that suddenly appeared in front of him.

Fortunately, he made some preparations in advance.

The cat Chenxing had been following Su Yu, and now that she saw the group of monsters arriving, she immediately transformed into her original cat form and pounced on the nearest peak-level sixth-order monster.

The skills of Morning Star's cat form are all physical damage. To deal with this monster with all magic resistance points, it can be said that it deals real damage.

After activating the explosive skill, she hit the monster with a set of combos. The monster's skull was immediately shattered by her, and it struggled painfully in the sky.

At the same time, Su Yu threw the red helmet he had been holding in his hand into the air.

The red helmet is like a Pokémon's Poké Ball, and a beautiful figure immediately condenses below, it's Tina!

The reason why Tina never came to reality just now was because she had been accumulating energy to prepare a big move in the game world.

If Tina charges up this ultimate move in the real world, enemy monsters will definitely be on guard and stay away from her, making it difficult for her ultimate move to have a good killing effect.

So Su Yu came up with a plan to let her accumulate power in the game and summon her directly when needed, so that her ultimate move could cause huge damage to enemies who were caught off guard.

Now that Tina appeared in reality, her ultimate move had been charged for nearly half an hour.

"Holy Yao Yan Ripple Slash!"

Tina swung her sword down, and a huge, golden and blue sword energy flew out of her blade and headed straight for one of the sixth-level peak monsters.


With a dull sound, Tina's sword energy hit the sixth-level peak monster, cutting its body in half like a kitchen knife cutting tofu.

Moreover, the sword energy did not weaken at all. The two monsters following behind this sixth-level peak monster were struck by the sword energy and died at the same time.

Tina killed three enemies of the same level with one sword!

But actually it’s normal to think about it.

After all, this is the ultimate move that Tina has been accumulating for half an hour. Find Shuyuan It would be a damn thing if it couldn't instantly kill an enemy of the same level with such weak physical defense in one blow.

Tina's instant kill was 3, Morning Star killed 1, and now there are only 13 level 6 monsters and 1 level 6 peak monster left.

Lan Qi was a little anxious.

He hurriedly gave orders to all the monsters - flash to Su Yu's side at all costs and launch a self-destruction attack!

After receiving the order, these monsters used the [Flash] skill at the same time, targeting Su Yu.

Su Yu had no temper for these high-magic and anti-magic monsters, and quickly ran away in the opposite direction [Flash Technique].

But what I didn't expect was that after the first [Flash] section ended, the monster approached Su Yu again immediately after the second section [Flash].

Su Yu quickly released the second [Flash Technique].

However, the monster's third [Flash] approached him again and refused to let him go.

Su Yu was shocked and used all his strength to flash into the distance one after another. But these 14 monsters were not slow at all, and kept using [Flash] to keep up with him.

Su Yu used instant control skills such as [Frost Nova] and [Resist Fire Ring] to control these monsters, but he didn't know if it was because the magic resistance was too high. These monsters didn't take control at all, not even for 0.01 seconds. Take control.

Chenxing and Tina followed anxiously. They could only barely keep up with the fastest spells they could cast, and they were still unable to help Su Yu solve the dilemma.

Finally, the 22nd time Su Yu flashed, 14 monsters exploded around him at the same time, and a mushroom cloud curled up on the horizon.

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