Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Five hundred and thirty-one, Operation Green Crown Bird

The laser guns used by special operations soldiers were specially developed by the Lieyang government. They were specially used to target cultivators and had strong "demon-breaking" properties.

Originally, there were four fifth-level Indian monks stationed at the nuclear war headquarters. A salvo of 10 laser guns could penetrate their body defenses, and a salvo of 20 laser guns would kill them.

The Indian monks were unprepared for this and resisted with confidence. They jumped into the street one by one under the salvo. This is also the main reason why the special operations forces were able to occupy the nuclear warfare headquarters.

When the soldiers of the special operations force saw a new monk attacking the base, the first thing they thought of was to follow the same pattern and concentrate fire to kill the monk.

However, Su Yu was no ordinary monk.

His strength is as high as level 7. These lasers are fatal to level 5 monks. Hitting his magic shield can only be said to be an itch.

Besides, with the blessing of thunder armor, Su Yu's magic resistance increased by 100%, so he was not afraid of these "demon-breaking" lasers at all.

In the square in front of the headquarters, Su Yu activated the skills on the magic robe and summoned the wind lord [Alakir].

"Guangfeng, listen to my orders!" The moment [Al'Akir] appeared, he immediately rushed towards the special forces soldiers.

The wind howled, the lightning thundered, and each of these soldiers was chopped into coke by the lightning released by Al'Akir.

At the same time, Su Yu also used accessories and staff additional skills to summon [Moon Shadow] and [Desert Soldier] respectively.

[Moon Shadow] and [Desert Soldier] rushed into each building in two different directions, following Su Yu's instructions to kill the special operations soldiers in the building.

Su Yu himself tried to use as few hands as possible. After all, he didn't have much mana. The lower the mana, the harder it was to resist the magic backlash in his body, so he just threw away a few spells symbolically.

Not long after, all the special operations soldiers in the entire Nuclear Warfare Headquarters were found by Su Yu and his summons and killed.

The nuclear bomb crisis was finally resolved successfully.

However, the backlash of magic in Su Yu's body was somewhat uncontrollable.

He had just made two super long-distance teleportations just after his breakthrough, and his body was really overwhelmed.

Jumping onto the roof of the nuclear war headquarters, Su Yu sat down cross-legged and tried his best to reconcile the magic backlash in his body and restore his strength.


At the same time, Jennifer and Monk received the news that the nuclear war headquarters was occupied by Su Yu, and their faces became livid.

Su Yu's intervention made the entire "Leko Bug" operation an anticlimax.

The entire operation went smoothly at first and achieved good results. However, the second half of the operation went bankrupt and failed to achieve the expected results at all.

Jennifer and Monk were also in a very bad mood.

Munch lost four lovers in total, which seriously affected his happy life in the future;

Jennifer lost a life-saving item that was at the bottom of the box. From now on, she would not dare to wander around Blue Star easily. If she was caught by Su Yu...

She couldn't help but shudder at the thought.

But no matter what, Jennifer will always report to His Majesty the Emperor.

She picked up the interstellar communication phone with a grave-going mood and gave a concise report to His Majesty the Emperor on Su Yu's raid on the Mount Elbert military base and Su Yu's successful occupation of the nuclear warfare headquarters.

After the report, the other end of the phone remained silent.

About half a minute later, just when Jennifer was wondering if the call had been disconnected, the faint voice of Sun Emperor Manina XIII came from the phone: "Jennifer, do you know the fighting style when you were young? "

"This..." Jennifer was stunned and couldn't answer at all.

When Manina XIII was young, he indeed made great military exploits for the Lieyang Empire. He annexed many small countries around him and defeated the Lenkt army on the Gruqin Plain. The territory of the empire expanded by more than 30%, which also laid the foundation for the empire. The next hundred years of glory.

But the problem is that when Manina XIII was galloping on the battlefield, Jennifer’s grandma was not even born yet! How could she know His Majesty the Emperor's fighting style?

When Manina saw that Jennifer couldn't answer, she didn't blame her. Instead, she laughed and said:

"I don't know and I don't blame you. After all, you haven't experienced that era..."

"Let me tell you, the tactic I'm best at is called the 'Tide Tactics'. I attack one after another continuously, without giving the enemy any breathing space. I launch attacks one after another until the enemy is crushed!"

Jennifer now wanted to complain, "But the tide has never crushed the beach?" But for the sake of her own life, she did not dare to say this sentence, but switched to an admiring tone and asked:

"According to your Majesty's wish, we will immediately launch the next round of attack?"

"That's right." Manina XIII smiled confidently: "The name of the next operation is Operation Green Crown Bird. In this operation, I decided to use the 'Fire Sun Seal' to kill Su Yu with one hit. ..."

Manina XIII gave a rough outline of his action plan, and then ordered Jennifer to return to Skrull.

After taking a short rest, start this action immediately.

At the same time, in order to appease Munch, Manina also promised to give him several lovers that he did not often use, and Munch felt better.


Fifty minutes after Su Yu occupied the nuclear war headquarters, senior monks such as Yang and dozens of priest players arrived at the nuclear war headquarters on a Mach 15 (15 times the speed of sound) hypersonic fighter provided by China.

After a brief meeting with Su Yu, the high monks and priest players came to visit Guo Jia one by one based on the list of enemies declared at the beginning of the "Laiko Bug" operation.

When the "Lyco Bug" operation first started, Pacific Country, Country Y, Country F, ADLY and other Guo Jia were hostile to China at the same time, which shows that there must be an insider among them.

The big monks and priest players came to the door one by one. The big monk was responsible for the frontal breakthrough, and the players were responsible for using [Thought Stealing] to explore the memories of these Guo Jia commanders.

The priests searched their memories to find out a large number of evidence of their betrayal of mankind, and launched rounds of purges in various Guojia.

King Arthur rushed to the front. Find Shuyuan

Because of what happened to Jun Shiyi, he hated these unscrupulous descendants. He actively went to arrest these anti-human elements, and hundreds of dignitaries from various countries were executed by him personally.

It is worth mentioning that in this great purge, Prime Minister Gordon of the Pacific Country escaped.

The Skrulls still needed this chess piece, so before the big monks came to knock on the door, Jennifer personally replaced him with a memory.

In this memory, he is not an anti-human element communicating with the Skrulls, but a spy lurking among various commanders, sending important information he has gathered to the coalition government.

Therefore, Gordon avoided the fate of being purged and still served as Prime Minister of the Pacific Nations.

The plan of various countries to destroy game helmets and massacre players above level 30 also went bankrupt, less than 1% of the time.

The people of Blue Star finally won, but the price... was not small.

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