Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Five hundred and forty-six, [Friendship of Pandaren]

During the half hour he was offline, Su Yu saw the "memorial meeting" held for him by players on the forum.

At first he didn't take it seriously, just smiled and said nothing.

But who knew that the rumors among players were getting more and more outrageous, such as "President Ke died and became the Ghost King of the Underworld", "After Mr Ke died he became the Shadow Evil Dragon and forcibly abducted Princess Skrull", "After Mr Ke passed away and traveled to another world, he became The beautiful girl...'s pet electric mouse", "After Mr. Ke died, he forced the King of Hell to rewrite the book of life and death"...

Each one is scarier than the last one, and each one is more outrageous than the last one.

In the end, it even became a national meme carnival.

Su Yu couldn't hold back after seeing these posts, and replied with a [sweating soybean] emoticon under one of the posts.

But unexpectedly, the players exploded because of Su Yufa's expression!

The player took a screenshot of Su Yu's reply and continued to post on the forum, "Mr. Ke, this is a charlatan"! Some said, "Mr. Ke's account must have been stolen," while others said, "The account thief is suspected of slandering the martyrs. Please come to our FBI."

Su Yu was so scared that he didn't dare to talk casually in the forum.

But in general, this is just a small episode, just a joke in players' daily life.

It didn't take long for the players' attention to be diverted to their normal work lives.


Soon, half an hour passed.

Su Yu put on a gaming helmet and returned to the line.

His figure appeared in the cemetery of Wulin Village.

After going online, he first took a look at the status of major campaign missions posted on the mission panel.

After checking, he found that all eight campaign missions have been completed.

But think about it, he just killed the commander-in-chief of the hozens. Five large-scale AOE spells also killed and seriously injured several high-level hozens. He also killed countless ordinary hozens.

The hozen clan was originally in disarray, and now without its commander and high-level hozen, it was no surprise that they fled back to the forest. The battle was completed smoothly.

He nodded and flew out of the cemetery into the sky.

Su Yu then posted in various chat rooms and forums, asking players who completed the tasks to come to the Wulin Village Cemetery to submit the tasks.

The players received the news and rushed over happily.


After the players completed their tasks, it was already close to 10 p.m., and there was only the last half hour of today's 12 hours of game time.

"In the last half hour, go and hand in the [Yewu Anbang] mission! After handing in the mission, you can go offline and rest." After the last player had finished handing in the mission and happily left with the reward, Su Yu said in Wulin Village The sky stretched.

[Yewu Anbang] The mission progress increased to "220\u00100%" after the Hozen clan was successfully eliminated.

He exceeded his goal by 120%, and he didn’t know what kind of reward the Pandaren Emperor would give him.

While thinking about it, Su Yu came to a small teleportation array in the center of Wulin Village.

The white light of the teleportation array lit up, and he was teleported back to the Pandaren Imperial Capital.


Bizhu City, Pandaren Palace.

After hearing the news of Su Yu's return, the Pandaren Emperor [Shaohao] and his officials came to the palace gate to greet him in person.

The square at the entrance of the palace was filled with Pandaren citizens and players watching the excitement on the three floors inside and outside, waving their hands to welcome Su Yu back.

"Nemesis, welcome back! Thank you for your contribution to us Pandaren!" After Su Yu arrived, Emperor Shaohao came up and held Su Yu's hands tightly.

"Your Majesty, it's all as it should be." Su Yu looked at Emperor Shaohao, who was more than twice his size, and said politely: "The Plantagenet Empire and the Pandaren Empire are eternal friends, and I am doing this for mutual benefit. "

"No, no, it's more than just mutual benefit."

Emperor Shaohao turned around and looked at the ministers and onlookers around him and said loudly:

"My people, Nemesis has come to our Pandaren Empire this time, leading hundreds of thousands of outsider adventurers to force the Mantid and Mogu to surrender.

And the news I just received is that in the west, Nemesis persuaded the elves to withdraw from the eight major racial alliances. In the east, he killed six or seven high-level hozens and helped us drive the incoming army of more than 100,000 hozens back to our hometown.

I hereby solemnly declare that Nemesis will always be a friend of our Pandaren clan! "

Snap, snap, snap.

There was a huge burst of applause and cheers in the square.

Su Yu also kept receiving game prompts in his ears:

"[Pandaren Empire] Reputation +666"

"[Pandaren Empire] Reputation +888"

"[Pandaren Empire] Reputation +1314"

The power reputation level is divided into five stages: Neutral, Friendly, Respected, Revered, and Worshiped.

At first, Su Yu's reputation level was Friendly (2,241,000). Now, after a significant increase in reputation, his reputation level directly reached Worship (1,033,200,000).

Most players may not be able to admire their reputation when they open the next version of the expansion pack, but Su Yu did it in just a few minutes!

At this time, the guard commander in the palace walked quickly to Emperor Shaohao.

The guard leader held a gold tray in his hand. Behind him were several pandaren wearing alchemist robes, carrying bamboo wooden boxes that looked like medicine boxes.

Emperor Shaohao opened the red cloth covering the golden tray, and saw in the tray an emerald green jade badge that looked a bit like jade, which was exceptionally crystal clear. Find Shuyuan

He picked up the badge and put it on Su Yu's chest:

"Nemesis, this badge is a testimony of our friendship. I hope our friendship will last forever!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Su Yu looked at the jade badge on his chest.

【Friendship of Pandaren】

Quality: Legend


Feature 1: Your reputation in the Pandaren Empire is fixed at [Admired].

Feature 2: You can temporarily obtain the dispatch permission for a Pandaren army of no more than 3,000 people, lasting 24 hours. Cooling time: 24 hours.

Feature 3: When fighting on the territory of the Pandaren Empire, you will receive [Yulon’s Blessing], all attributes +20%.

Trait 4: Your intelligence, strength, and agility +10%.

Feature 5: Additional skill [Short of Xuen (Passive)]: Every time you attack or cast a spell and hit a target, a layer of "Power of Xuen" will be superimposed, which will increase your attack speed and casting speed by 9%, with a maximum stack of 10 floors. (This effect can only be triggered in the territory of the Pandaren Empire.)

Note: You are always a Pandaren friend.


[Friendship of the Pandaren] is the same type of jewelry as the jewelry [Plantagenet Glory] he originally obtained. They are both regionally restricted jewelry. They can exert their maximum power when used in specified areas.

Su Yu was still very satisfied with this ornament. After all, it was an extra badge given by Emperor Shaohao, and it could be regarded as enriching his badge collection.

There are now a total of 43 badge-type jewelry stored in his necklace. Fortunately, he does not have difficulty choosing, otherwise he would not know how to wear them if there were so many jewelry.

"Besides that." Emperor Shaohao looked at Su Yu kindly and said, "We are going to give you all the golden potions in the treasury. I hope you will accept it!"

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