Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Five hundred and fifty-five, Su Yu’s 6 plans

During Chenxing's search, Su Yu closed his eyes and sensed the clone in Blue Star, trying to see if he could get in touch.

After trying it, he discovered that his clone had completely lost contact.

He could only feel the two messages that the clone "still exists" and "is not dead yet". There was no other information at all. It was completely impossible to switch perspectives as freely as he did at Blue Star.

"Fortunately, I told the clone what to do before I left. I hope he can complete the task I gave him in Blue Star." Su Yu thought to himself.

"Found it!" Cat Chenxing stretched out the phone and put it in front of his face: "We are here now."

Su Yu looked at the screen of his mobile phone and found that they were currently in a sea area in the southern hemisphere of the planet Skrull, far away from the Lenkert Alliance and the Sun Empire in the northern hemisphere.

"Then Chenxing, help me find the nearest city to us." Su Yu ordered.

"Okay." Chenxing's cat's paw continued to scratch on the screen.

Ten seconds later, she stretched out her cat's paw and pointed at 45 degrees east-north: "There is a Skrull city more than 400 kilometers away in that direction. It is quite large."

"Okay, let's go! Complete the first plan first."

Su Yu masked his own aura and flew towards the destination with Morning Star.


His visit to Scrooge this time was not a whim. Su Yu had already made a complete plan before coming.

This time he came to Skrull and had a total of six plans to complete. These six plans are:

1. Go to Baker Country and continue to maintain contact with the "anti-alliance organization";

2. Collect the two props [Fire Sun Seal] and [Lenkert Eternal Badge] required for the task of reversing the speed of time;

3. Find a way to contact Prime Minister Cao.

4. Inquire about senior Zhu Guorui.

5. Because he had taken the [Dragon Favorability] potion, he tried to go to Dragon Island to see if he could get in touch with the dragon family of Scrooge.

6. Purchase some materials that can absorb nuclear radiation. The nuclear radiation caused by the explosion of Blue Star's 2,000 nuclear bombs is very serious and must be dealt with.

He has to complete these 6 plans one by one.

Su Yu decided to complete the first plan first and go to Baker Country to meet with the Chairman of the Anti-Union [Cindy Doppler] to discuss the war situation and discuss what both sides should do in the future.

So he and Morning Star flew towards the Skrull city together, preparing to take a plane to the Baker Kingdom.

An hour and a half later, Su Yu arrived at the city Chenxing mentioned.

The city is the capital of an island nation in the Southern Hemisphere.

The island country relies solely on marine minerals and tourism as its pillars, so the capital has an international airport with direct flights to Baker Country.

Su Yu's necklace contains the Sun coins he obtained the last time he came to Skrull and the clothes commonly worn by the Skrulls, which saved him a lot of trouble.

However, to be on the safe side, he did not directly pretend to be a foreign tourist and go to the airport to buy a ticket. Instead, like last time, he first went to the underworld to control a gangster leader, obtained a local false identity, and then used this false identity to buy a flight to Baker Country. Air tickets.

Everything went smoothly. He successfully obtained a false identity (a mining tycoon) and then went to buy a plane ticket.

However, when he went to buy a ticket, he ran into a little trouble.

After checking Su Yu's ID, the ticket lady at the airport said apologetically: "Sorry, Mr. Newberg. A civil war is currently breaking out in Baker Country, and flights to Baker City around the world have been cancelled. You can follow Baker We will choose to go there later depending on the war situation in the country.”

What? Is there a civil war going on in the Baker Kingdom? Su Yu was surprised.

It was fine a month ago, why...

However, he did not show any surprise on the surface and said casually: "Is there a war in Baker Country? I really don't know. I just want to travel... Girl, why don't you recommend another place suitable for traveling? It’s a place!”

As he said that, Su Yu took out a thick stack of 100-yuan Lieyang coins and threw them at the window: "Consider this little money as a tip for you."

The check-in lady frowned angrily when she heard Su Yu call her "little girl" and wanted to call the security to pull this rude gangster away.

But after seeing the thick stack of Lieyang coins in the window, her unhappiness immediately disappeared.

There are at least more than 100 Lieyang coins in this stack, which is enough for her salary for several months!

"Boss, please go to the VIP room with me and let's talk slowly~"

The female conductor picked up the Fierce Sun Coin placed at the window, gave Su Yu a wink, then swung her slender waist and walked away.


An hour later, Su Yu got on a plane heading to the Santos Federation, the neighboring country of Baker Country.

After an hour of searching on the search engine, Su Yu almost understood the reasons and process of Baker's civil war.

This matter has to start with himself.

Su Yu left Skrull more than a month ago, killing Speaker Lenkert Cass, Deputy Speaker Gordon and Secretary of State Rice before leaving.

Not only that, more than 100,000 poor people in Trena City died because of him. Find bookstore

Speaker Cass, Deputy Speaker Gordon and Secretary of State Rice are the Skrulls who stand at the pinnacle of power in the entire Skrull planet. Of course, the lives of more than 100,000 poor people cannot be underestimated.

As soon as this incident happened, it immediately caused a huge shock in the entire Skrull world. At that time, media around the world covered the incident with overwhelming reports.

Su Yu's behavior aroused the indignation of some people of the Lenkert Alliance. They decided to unite with the Lieyang Empire and kill Su Yu at all costs to avenge the Speaker, Deputy Speaker, and Secretary of State, and wash away their shame.

Hence the "Gravity Funnel" plan, Operation "Lycoworm" and Operation "Green Crown Bird". (Su Yu doesn’t know this last one yet.)

But for other countries with the majority of the population (the population of the Lenkert Alliance only accounts for about 5% of the world), they do not share the same hatred, but are actually a little happy.

"You Lenkerts oppressed our country and sucked our blood. You will be punished this time! Naturally, aliens will come to deal with you!"

To put it bluntly, this is the true portrayal of people in most other countries.

Just like the "9.11" incident in Blue Star, most people said "sympathy" on their lips, but what they thought in their hearts was "they deserve it."

But while gloating about their misfortune, more Skrulls also turned their attention to Blue Star.

Blue Star humans actually carried out a terrorist attack, will they carry out a second or third time?

As the strength of Blue Star humans increases, this is bound to happen.

Also, Lenkert killed more than 100,000 poor people this time, but what about next time? Will civilians in other countries suffer as a result?

Countless feelings of worry spread among civilians in various countries. High-speed text hand-typing global game: Chapter list of tens of billions of power coins at the beginning

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