Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Five hundred and fifty-seven, goodbye Cindy Doppler

The current situation in Baker Country is like this. The two major forces are engaged in a fierce offensive and defensive battle around the capital, Baker City.

The strength of both sides is evenly divided, and neither side shows an overwhelming advantage.

"Tsk, tsk, the changes in this life are so great!" Su Yu on the plane was filled with emotion.

The Baker Country in its previous life was not so turbulent. At that time, Cindy Doppler became the democratically elected prime minister with a slight advantage in votes, and there was no civil war in the country.

As for why there is a civil war in this life, it is of course because of Su Yu.

The "butterfly effect" created by Su Yu not only changed the Blue Star beyond recognition, but the Scrooge Star was also affected a lot.

"But there's one thing I don't understand." Su Yu frowned and thought: "What's going on with the new king of Macaton Kingdom? Why did he stand up to support Cindy Doppler?"

"If I remember correctly, the Kingdom of Macadoon is a country with a majority of far-right conservatives? It's even more conservative than the Sun Empire. They actually support the far-left Cindy Doppler? The sun is really rising in the west. !”

The cat Chenxing transformed into a small purple-skinned electric mouse and stood on Su Yu's shoulder.

Because Prime Minister Cao once transformed into a small purple-skinned electric mouse to participate in a battle for the hilt. After the public video leaked, a large number of wealthy Skrulls rushed to buy the small purple-skinned electric mouse as pets. On the plane, even every few You can see a small purple-skinned electric mouse from your seat.

So Morningstar's transformation into a little purple electric mouse won't draw any extra attention.

After she helped Su Yu translate all the news, she sent a message: "Su Yu, I think we need to help Cindy Doppler win this war and help them unify the entire country."

Su Yu used his mental power to reply: "Yes, I think so too. But we must also be careful not to be discovered by the Skrulls. Morning Star, try to see if you can find out the troop deployment of Hans Rogge of the Progressive Party."

"Okay, I'll try."


At 8 p.m., the plane landed at Santos International Airport.

After Su Yu got off the plane, he found a hotel to stay in and paid for the room for 7 days in advance.

Two hours later, he released [Invisibility Technique] again and flew towards Baker City.

At the same time, Monk and Jennifer were having a phone call at the Skrull Military Base at Mount Elbert on Blue Star.

"Munch, what's the matter?" Jennifer asked on the other end of the phone.

"Jennifer, Su Yu appeared in the sky above the small base 1865." Monk answered and showed a video to Jennifer.

The video is exactly what happened at small base No. 1865. "Su Yu" stood high in the sky and looked down at the entire base. In the base below, Emperor Taizong and King Arthur joined forces to launch an attack on the base.

Base No. 1865 is the "Hengsi" psychic spring located in the Hengduan Mountains.

Because of Su Yu's relationship, all small bases in the entire Huaxia Kingdom have reduced their defense facilities and stationed personnel.

Take the "Hengsi" psychic spring as an example. There are only two spaceships left in the base (there were a total of 11 spaceships in the base when Su Yu attacked the Lingwu Mountain Spring), and one of them is still on standby to provide the stationed officers with an escape. of.

The defense of this small base was weak. Emperor Taizong and King Arthur demolished it quickly, and it didn't take long for the base to be completely occupied.

But Munch and Jennifer didn't care about this. Their main concern was Su Yu suspended in the sky.

Jennifer nodded after looking at the screen: "Since Su Yu has appeared, it means that he has not come to our planet Skrull yet... I will report to His Majesty right now. You continue to monitor and notify me if there is any news. .”

"Okay, but Jennifer, can I ask you something?" Munch said suddenly.

There was a layer of vigilance on Jennifer's face: "What do you want to ask? If it's about that, I'm going to hang up!"

"It's not about that aspect." Munch smiled: "What I want to ask is when will Victoria come to Blue Star? Is there a specific time? I can do the greeting work."

"What's the specific time..." Jennifer thought for a while and replied: "If nothing else happens, it should be about 3 o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow."

"Okay, got it." Munch replied.



At two o'clock in the morning the next day, Su Yu and Chenxing arrived at the outskirts of Baker City.

The scenery in Baker City now is completely different from the last time Su Yu came here.

The air in the suburbs is filled with soot particles that ordinary people would choke to death if they walked on the road.

The sounds of gunfire and missiles streaking across the sky were heard in the distance.

The stratosphere and above are filled with psychic remnants left behind by high-level warriors after their battles.

Along the way, Su Yu saw dozens of dark pits on the ground that were 40 to 50 meters deep and were blasted by missiles.

These scenes are like the end of the world, and the intensity of the war is beyond many people's imagination.

But these didn't have much to do with him, and he continued to sneak into the city.

As he advanced, he also discovered many "psionic detection devices" set up by both sides of the war, which were mainly used to detect secretly infiltrated spies and assassins.

Fortunately, Su Yu had high strength and the blessing of [Enhanced Invisibility Technique]. He easily avoided all detection devices and completely exposed his whereabouts.

An office on the second floor of Cindy Doppler's residence on Great Lake in Baker City. Find Shuyuan www.

It's late at night, but the lights in the office are still on.

Cindy Doppler, wearing a military uniform, drank Lycoworm juice to refresh herself while studying the battle situation on the front line and thinking about how to fight the war next.

The support of dozens of high-level experts and a large number of advanced weapons from "G2" made him feel even more stressed, and what troubled him the most was the reaction of "that one".

The "one" he was thinking of was the god-level powerful Cecilia known as the "Valkyrie".

Cecilia was born in the Kingdom of Baker.

Although she was not supported by the resources of the Baker Country and grew up as a free person, the Baker Country has always regarded her as the pride of the country, and she has a very good relationship with the Baker Country.

However, after the civil war in Baker, Cecilia never expressed her position.

Cindy Doppler had been worried about the adult's reaction.

If she suddenly expressed her support for Hans Groh, then she would be passive on her side.


Just as he was thinking, a figure of a Blue Star human with a small purple-skinned electric mouse standing on his shoulders gradually appeared in front of him.

The Blue Star human said to him in very standard Skrull Common: "Long time no see, Cindy Doppler!"

"It's you... Mr. Sky Wings!" Cindy Doppler was shocked.

He only received the information two hours ago: Su Yu appeared at the small spring base No. 1865. Why did he come to him so quickly?

But he immediately put on a smile and said with a smile: "Welcome to Baker Country, my friend."

While speaking, he turned the power of the shielding circle in the room to its maximum level to prevent anyone from eavesdropping on his conversation with Su Yu. High-speed text hand-typing global game: Chapter list of tens of billions of power coins at the beginning

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