Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

58. Traces of the Skrulls, looking for 2 Skrull warriors

From the red ghost's soul fragments, Su Yu extracted a lot of useful information.

First of all, the red ghost was created using the energy from the "Yunlu Mountain Psychic Spring", which is the same spring where Su Yu used his helmet to obtain tens of billions of psionic energy.

Yunlu Mountain is very close to the woodland where Su Yu is located, only 10 kilometers away.

As soon as the red ghost was created, it was placed here.

Secondly, when the Red Ghost was born, a Skrull male and a Skrull female were heard arguing.

Su Yu had been in contact with the anti-federal government organization on the planet Skrull in his previous life and knew a little bit of the Skrull language.

It can be judged from the voice messages of the argument that the man speaking is Commander Skrull and the woman is his adjutant.

The focus of their argument was about Yunlu Mountain Spring Eye.

The amount of psychic energy emitted by Yunlu Mountain Spring Eye was greatly affected by Su Yu. After 24 hours, it only recovered about one-tenth, and it took about ten days to return to its full form.

Skrull male commanders are relatively weak.

Since he had not received instructions from his superiors, he planned to do nothing.

The female adjutant was tougher. She insisted on taking some actions, and she repeatedly mentioned the word "Muyun Company".

Muyun Company is the company where Su Yu works.

But the female adjutant spoke a strange dialect, and he couldn't understand anything except the word "Muyun Company".

In the end, the two reached an agreement and decided to do as the female adjutant said.

Of course, these quarrels were not enough to make Su Yu use foul language.

What really shocked Su Yu was the memory of the red ghost yesterday.

Yesterday afternoon, two Skrull warriors, a man and a woman, appeared in the woods at the foot of Su Yu, and the red ghost waved to them specially.

From the chat between the two Skrull warriors, Su Yu learned that they were going to "Muyun Company" to perform a secret mission.

This picture gave Su Yu a great shock!

The reason why Su Yu was shocked starts with the game rules set by the singer civilization.

The singer civilization provides protection to vulnerable civilizations according to its own rules of the game.

The behavior of the Skrulls to "occupy the spring and build a base" is considered a "sideline" in the rules of the game. The singer civilization turned a blind eye to this and acquiesced to the behavior of the Skrulls.

But this set of game rules has two bottom lines that the Skrulls must not break:

1. During this year, the Skrulls are not allowed to leave the psychic spring.

2. The Skrulls are not allowed to directly kill the Blue Stars unless the Blue Stars break in and use long-range means to attack the Skrull troops in the psychic spring.

These two bottom lines are related to the civilized authority of the singer.

In the first year after the great changes in Su Yu's previous life, no Skrull left the spring.

not a single one!

But in this life, he actually found the scene of the Skrulls going out from the red ghost's memory fragments! How could this not shock him?


"The Skrulls left the spring?! This is a big deal!"

The mountain wind blew in the forest, and Su Yu's clothes were blown violently by the mountain wind, but he fell into a daze.

Su Yu didn't know how to handle this matter because there was no precedent in his previous life.

Report to the singer's civilized supervisor?


Memory fragments cannot be preserved for a long time and cannot be used as evidence.

Report to the government?

Nope either.

Su Yu didn't want his true identity to be exposed so early.

Go to Muyun Company to look for those two Skrull warriors?

"Well, that's okay." Su Yu touched his chin and nodded: "I happened to have an appointment with Lao Wang to go through the resignation procedures at 9 o'clock in the morning. Maybe I can take this opportunity to find two Skrull warriors."

The two Skrull warriors who went out on missions were both First Order. The female wore no weapons, and the male wore a laser gun.

But Su Yu was not worried that these two people would dare to attack him.

Once they dare to take action, they are finished!

Thinking of this, Su Yu left the forest and prepared to return to the city.

Xiao Li, the bus attendant, picked up the guardrail on the curb and looked down carefully, but because the distance was too far, he did not see the fight between Su Yu and the ghost.


9:30 am.

The sales department office on the first floor of Muyun Building.

"Xiao Su, just sign here."

Department manager Lao Wang looked at Su Yu who was signing the resignation certificate with a look of reluctance: "Are you really not considering it anymore? If it's because of the salary issue, I can come forward and go to Mr. Li..."

"No need, Brother Wang." Su Yu signed the resignation certificate and handed it to him: "But before leaving the company, I have a small request. I wonder if you can agree to it, Brother Wang?"

"What request?" A trace of vigilance suddenly flashed on Lao Wang's face: "You don't want to take those wealthy female clients away, do you? Let me tell you, even if you are gone, I will not easily ......."

"Brother Wang, you misunderstood." Su Yu interrupted him with a smile: "I thought it had been a year since I joined the job. But during this year, I only stayed in the sales department on the first floor, and other departments upstairs I have basically never been there, and I want to take advantage of the last opportunity to visit other departments.”

"I thought it was something." Lao Wang was obviously relieved: "You go ahead. If people from other departments ask, just say that I asked you to go."

"Thank you, Brother Wang." Su Yu stood up, bowed slightly to Lao Wang, and then walked out of the conference room with the "Resignation Certificate."


After leaving the sales department hall, looking for Shuyuan, Su Yu was not in a hurry to act.

He first put his hand on the wall on the first floor.

A large amount of current surged out and quickly flowed along the wall towards the surveillance camera room on the same floor.


There was a crisp blast.

The surveillance system of the entire building is completely GG.

If the Blue Star government were to award Su Yu a title, it would probably be "Camera Destroyer".

After doing this, Su Yu began to explore the traces of the Skrulls layer by layer.

The Skrulls have green skin, and their appearance and body shape are quite different from those of Blue Star humans, but every Skrull has an innate skill - camouflage.

Skrulls can easily disguise themselves as humans and even become identical to the target human!

When a Skrull disguises himself as a target human, almost no one can detect that they are pretending except for that person's close friends and family!

The Singer Civilization once gave the Skrulls an evaluation - born spies, which was used to describe their abilities in this regard.

Although the Skrulls' camouflage abilities were unpredictable, Su Yu was still confident of finding them.

The reason is simple, because - psychic energy.

Now that the spiritual recovery of the entire Blue Star has just begun, it is impossible for normal Blue Star humans to have spiritual energy.

If Su Yu discovers that someone has psychic powers, that person will either be the resurrected ancient power or a Skrull warrior.

After the ancient power is revived, he will definitely not come back to work in this shabby company, so if you find someone with psychic powers, it is 100% a Skrull warrior.

Based on this simple reason, Su Yu began to search seriously in the whole building.

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