Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Five hundred and sixty-nine, Long Lincheng

Soon, the dice stopped.

Seeing the side of the dice facing upward, Su Yu and Chen Xing's hearts suddenly skipped a beat.

Because this number is exactly "one"!

In other words, if he goes to the Renkert National Library now, there is a high probability that he will never come back?

"Su Yu, I think we should change places." Chenxing stretched out her paw and gently stroked his neck.

"Okay, let's go somewhere else." Su Yu is not a stubborn person, and he will not make fun of his own life.

However, he still said: "Whenever the value of the dice rolled is above four, we will go to the Lenkert National Library."



Six hours later, Su Yu took a plane to Longlin City on the east coast of the Lieyang Empire.

To the east of Longlin City is the endless sea, and across the sea is the famous "Dragon Island".

Dragon Island, referred to as Dragon Island, covers an area of ​​100,000 square kilometers and is the size of three Hainan Islands combined. It is the place where the dragon clan of the Skrull World survives and breeds.

There are about 20,000 dragons living on Dragon Island, including blue dragons who are good at psychic spells, black dragons who are good at physical combat, red dragons who specialize in fire life, white dragons who specialize in mental attacks, and dragons who are good at healing and dreams. Green Dragon.

The overall strength of the Dragon Clan is very strong.

Among them, mature individuals have at least fourth-level strength even if they do not practice, and there are as many fifth-level and sixth-level ones as crucian carp crossing the river.

The Dragon King "Kadrigos" is one of the fifteen most powerful gods on Skrull!

It is said that in ancient times hundreds of thousands of years ago, the dragons ruled the entire world. However, for unknown reasons, the fertility rate of the dragons dropped significantly and the growth cycle was greatly prolonged. In the end, only 20,000 dragons were left, lingering on this small island.

Dragon Island is very close to the Lieyang Empire. The closest point is only fifty or sixty kilometers away. The advanced dragons can cross the strait with just one dive.

Because of this, the biggest dream of children in the Lieyang Empire is to partner with a giant dragon when they reach adulthood at the age of 18.

The dragon clan does not reject forming partnerships with the Skrulls.

Every year on this day, a group of underage young dragons would cross the strait and come to the land, and partner up with the talented or powerful and wealthy young talents in the Sun Empire.

The Lieyang royal family can be said to be the main force in making friends with the dragon clan. The eldest and second sons of Manina XIII both made dragon partners when they were 18 years old, and the relationship between the two parties was very harmonious.


The current time in Longlin City is also seven o'clock in the morning.

When Su Yu arrived here, he was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him.

After leaving the airport and walking on the street, there were huge crowds of people everywhere, crowding all the roads in the city.

The floating cars overhead were packed one behind the other, like candied haws of apples, blocking out the sky and the sun.

To put it bluntly, if Su Yu casts a large-scale attack spell at this time, I can at least kill tens of thousands of Skrulls.

Chenxing was also startled by the spectacular sight in front of him, and sent a message to Su Yu: "Nemesis, what are they doing?"

"It should be that the 'Dragon Arrival Ceremony' is about to start, and they came to see the fun." Su Yu speculated.

"'Dragon Arrival Ceremony', what is this?" A big question mark appeared on Chenxing's little head.

Su Yu rubbed her little head and replied with a smile: "The 'Dragon Arrival Ceremony' is a ceremony where the Skrulls and the dragon clan sign a contract and become partners. All Skrull citizens aged 18 can participate."

The children of the rich and powerful are in the infield, and the children of the common people are in the outfield.

When the young dragons arrive at the ceremony, they first select in the infield, and then go to the outfield to select. If there is really no suitable one, they will not choose.

Every year, two or three children of common people would be chosen by the dragon to form partners and step into the powerful class.

Let's put it this way, for ordinary people, it feels a bit like buying a lottery ticket in our world. "

"Oh, so that's it. It's a good time for us to catch up." Chenxing nodded.

At the same time, she quickly jumped from Su Yu's left shoulder to his right shoulder, avoiding the hand of Aunt Scrooge who thought she was cute and touched her.

"Nemesis, should we go to the ceremony site to see it?" Chenxing suddenly said: "If you miss this opportunity, you will never have this opportunity again."

"This..." Su Yu's original plan was not to visit the ceremony.

What he originally wanted was to sneak directly to Dragon Island, find a way to get familiar with the dragons around Dragon Island, and then step into the core area of ​​Dragon Island.

But since Chenxing wants to see the ceremony, let's do it. It won't take much time anyway.

Besides, the humans in Su Yu's previous life didn't do much research on the Dragon Clan and didn't understand the Dragon Clan's habits at all. It would be a good choice to help them learn more about it.

Thinking of this, he agreed to Chenxing and took her towards the location of the ceremony - Longlin Square.

Longlin Plaza is built on the seaside, facing the direction of Long Island.

There is a large round platform of 6666 square meters at the eastern end of the square. On the round platform are more than 300 Skrull youths who have just come of age this year.

This round platform is called the "infield" by the Skrulls, and only children of powerful families are qualified to stand here.

The outside of the round platform is naturally the outfield.

Standing on the outfield were at least six to seven million 18-year-old Skrulls who came to try their luck.

Longlin Square is originally a very large square, otherwise it would not be able to accommodate 600,000 to 700,000 people. But now the whole square is still packed.

Fortunately, not all 18-year-olds in the country would come here. Otherwise, with the total population of the Lieyang Empire of 500 million, the square would not be able to stand even if it were expanded 10 times.

Outside the square is naturally the auditorium.

Most of these spectators are parents of children in the square, and some are tourists who come to watch the fun. Many of them set up telescopes, ready to take in the majestic appearance of the dragon.


There are not only class divisions in the inner and outer courts of Longlin Square, but also class differences in the inner courts.

Standing in the center of the field were eight children from the royal family. They were chatting and laughing with the people around them arrogantly.

The peripheral members of the royal family are the children of court officials, ministers at all levels, and generals. They are not as powerful as the royal children in the center.

One of the royal family members looked at the sky in the distance and said, "The Dragon Clan should be arriving soon, right?"

"Well, it should be arriving soon." Fawning voices immediately appeared around him: "It stands to reason that the young dragon should have arrived half an hour ago, but for some reason I haven't seen the dragon shadow yet."

"Do you think how many of us can be chosen by the dragon this time?"

"The quality and quantity this year are similar to previous years. In previous years, there were generally 20-30 in the infield and 2-3 in the outfield. This year it is estimated to be similar."

"But since Prince Charles is here this year, Prince Charles will definitely be chosen! Except for him, the rest of us are not stable. I hope we have good luck."

"Yes, I hope Lady Luck will visit me!"

"I wish His Royal Highness Prince Charles to be favored by the most noble young dragon!"

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