Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Six hundred and twenty-five, the Skrulls take action again

"Understood!" Carrog quickly replied.

It's now time, no matter how many people you kill, it doesn't matter, as long as you can save your own life.

"As for the others..." Manina looked out the window and said slowly: "Anna Plant was demoted to an ordinary noble concubine and cannot have contact with any male, not even insects, for the next 200 years;

Lan Qi's brother Rambo was sent to serve on the Blue Star front line... let's just send him to the Himalayas and let him make up for his mistakes there;

As for Sarah, give her some reward to shut up. If she dares to tell anyone else about this again, I will cut off her mouth! "

The "Sarah" in Manina's mouth is the concubine who just exposed the affair of Princess Anna Plant.

Of course she didn't say it accidentally, but deliberately said it to let Manina know.

Manina knew Sara and just had to shut her up.

"Okay, that's it, go ahead and do it!" Manina waved his hand, signaling Karog to leave.

Carrog was granted amnesty.

He breathed a huge sigh of relief and quickly got up and ran outside. As he walked, he said: "Your Majesty, I will do it right now! I guarantee that all the insignificant people who know about it will disappear within one day!"

"Wait." But then Manina suddenly turned around and called him directly.

Kalog's face instantly became extremely stiff, and this stiffness spread from his face to his whole body.

He turned around stiffly and forced a smile: "Your Majesty, what else do you want?"

"Call Lan Qi over, I have something to tell him." Manina ordered.

"Understood!" Carrog replied immediately, closed the door and left the room.


Ten minutes later, Lan Qi came to Manina's palace worriedly.

As soon as he saw His Majesty the Emperor, he immediately knelt down and said sincerely: "Your Majesty, I am sincerely sorry for my brother's behavior. My brother's behavior is really unforgivable... .”

"Okay, don't talk about him." Manina looked down at Lanqi who was half-kneeling on the ground, but there was an unusual and pleasant flavor in his color: "I have ordered your brother to be transferred to Blue Star's Himalayas. Mountains, where I hope he can atone for his sins."

Lan Qi: "!!!"

When he heard the word "Himalayas", Lan Qi's face instantly turned ugly.

He has been paying attention to the movements of the Blue Star monks and knows that the Blue Star monks are about to launch an attack on the Himalayas the day after tomorrow.

Although his brother's strength is not weak, his sixth-level peak strength is considered the core strength of the entire expeditionary force.

But his brother faced Prime Minister Cao, who was at the peak of god level! They are Su Yu's tribe who are like the Great Demon King!

It can be said that his brother will definitely die after he has just met him. His Majesty the Emperor has undoubtedly sent him to die!

But there was nothing Lanchi could do.

His family has made a decision to completely cut off Rambo and not recognize him as a member of the family. They must sacrifice Rambo to preserve the entire family.

Even if he and his brother had a good relationship, he might have to see his brother die on Blue Star this time, and a lot of sadness suddenly surged in his heart.

Manina Thirteenth was a little happy. He seemed to have seen Su Yu playing Rambo to death like a cat playing with a mouse. This really made him feel bad.

He looked at Lan Qi, who was still kneeling on the ground: "Get up. By the way, how is Blue Star doing now?"

In the past few hours, Manina had been dealing with the "fire in the backyard" and completely forgot about the war on Blue Star. Now he suddenly remembered it, so he asked.

"Your Majesty, the current situation of Blue Star is very bad." Lan Qi put all distracting thoughts to the back of his mind and recounted all the achievements of the Blue Star monks during this period.

Manina was immediately shocked tonight: "What? 177 springs? We lost 177 springs in one night?"

He had imagined that the Blue Star cultivator would be very fast, but he never expected that the Blue Star cultivator would be so fast! Daytime.

"Yes, Your Majesty, this is real data." Lan Qi said with a serious look: "Because we have been adopting a non-resistance strategy during this period, the Far Zhou Army did not support these alliance springs, and Sir Stim will not do it without your order. He acted without permission, which is why we ended up like this."

"This... is a bit troublesome!" Manina frowned and began to think of countermeasures.

The comrades of the Blue Star monks are too fast, and most importantly - they cannot be allowed to continue occupying without resistance like this.

Otherwise, there are 177 psychic springs in one day, and there are a total of 3,733 psychic springs on Blue Star. It only takes about 20 days for the Blue Star people to take away all of them. Then how can they implement their "explosion mining" plan? They will be absolutely passive.

Therefore, we must invest heavily in stopping the Blue Star monks from continuing to expand and maximize our "explosion mining" plan. This will always be more beneficial to the entire war.

"Lan Qi, what is the Blue Star monk's plan for the next few days? Do you know this?" Manina stared at Lan Qi with a burning gaze.

Lan Qi quickly replied: "I still know something about this. From the analysis of some intelligence we have found out, there is a high probability that they will go to the Lesser and Lesser Hinggan Territory and Changbai Mountains in northeastern China tomorrow, and they will attack the Himalayas the day after tomorrow."

Having said this, Lan Qi couldn't help but feel a sharp pain in his heart.

What if you become the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force? He can't even protect his own brother.

Maninasei didn't notice anything strange about Lan Qi. To be honest, he had almost forgotten about sending Rambo to the Himalayas.

He said seriously: "In this way, the expeditionary force will be notified to make first-level strategic preparations, and I will personally remind several god-level people to prepare.

We will strategically abandon several mountain ranges tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow we will officially start fighting with the Blue Stars in the Himalayas, delaying their attack speed and buying time for the 'explosion mining' plan. "

Due to the relatively low altitude of the Greater and Lesser Xing'anling and Changbai Mountains, there are not many springs in total. There are only 50 springs in the three mountain ranges combined.

The Himalayas alone have more than 130 springs, more than the Kunlun Mountains.

That's why Manina will strategically abandon those springs tomorrow and prepare for the war delay strategy the day after tomorrow.

Lan Qi was overjoyed.

If the occupation situation is still like today, his brother will definitely die in the Himalayas!

But if His Majesty really wants to set up defenses in the Himalayas and compete with the Blue Star people, his brother might still have a glimmer of hope! If I'm lucky, I might be able to come back alive!

So Lan Qi quickly said loudly: "Okay, Your Majesty, I will arrange it right away! It must be completed within one day!"

"Okay, go ahead." Manina waved his hand with satisfaction.

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