Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Six hundred and forty-five, preferential treatment for prisoners

Seeing Su Yu turn around and want to leave, Lan Qi suddenly thought of something, so he stretched out his hand to stop him: "Wait a minute!"

"Is there anything else?" Su Yu turned around.

"That's it. Regarding our compatriots you captured, as the commander-in-chief, I have the obligation to redeem them. Are you willing to agree to our redemption request?" Lan Qi asked.

He thought of his brother Rambo who was captured by Su Yu seven days ago. Rambo was seriously injured before he was captured, and he didn't know how miserable his life was now.

What Lan Qi didn't know was that his brother's injuries had actually completely recovered, and he was now happily playing 5v5 basketball with his fellow inmates in the prisoner of war camp. He was so happy that he almost forgot about the planet Scrooge.

Hearing Lan Qi's words, Su Yu frowned slightly. It was not a good time to release these prisoners of war now.

There are currently more than 70,000 Skrulls detained in prisoner-of-war camps, and this number is still increasing.

For such a large number of prisoners of war, the coalition government did not abuse and enslave them, but gave them very high preferential treatment.

In the prisoner-of-war camp, Blue Star soldiers who mastered the Skrull common language worked hard to communicate with the Skrulls, leading them to learn about Blue Star and the friendly Blue Star people through video TV.

The instructors of the prisoner of war camps will also take the Skrulls in the camp to visit human cities, villages, and famous mountains and rivers again and again to let them experience the beauty of Blue Star and the goodwill of mankind.

At first, these Skrulls looked down upon humans very much, thinking that humans were just ants and should only be crushed to death.

But after learning about the culture and life of Blue Star humans, they discovered that Blue Star humans are also living people, not very different from them hundreds of years ago.

In addition, the instructors also held music festivals with the captives, taught them how to play basketball, and even held sports games for them.

The winner of the sports meeting will receive an exquisite crystal medal, which can be exchanged for the top-notch cultivation techniques on Star Scrooge!

These top cultivation techniques were brought back by Su Yu. For Su Yu, it was easy to obtain, but for most of the Skrull soldiers in the prisoner of war camp, it would be impossible for them to obtain this level of skills even if they spent their entire lives as soldiers!

Therefore, the Skrull soldiers who got the skills were very happy, and their favorability towards the Blue Star humans skyrocketed.

And subtly, the instructors also instilled some ideas into the Skrulls: "Blue Star humans are kind, and ordinary Skrull people are also kind.

However, the Skrull's upper-class dignitaries forced ordinary Skrulls to fight in bloody battles for their own selfish desires.

All the benefits of winning the war belong to the powerful. Ordinary Skrull soldiers bleed and sweat on the front line, but they can't get any benefits even if they fight for their lives.

Therefore, we should pull back from the brink and stop working for the aggressive war launched by the upper class! And we must call for an end to the war!

The reason why the coalition government did this was of course to arouse the anti-war sentiments of the prisoners.

It will definitely be beneficial to Blue Star if these prisoners can bring their anti-war ideas back home.

But the most critical problem is that many prisoners came to the prisoner of war camp for a very short time, and they have not had time to experience the friendliness of the Blue Star people and be instilled with anti-war ideas.

If they were released now, many of the captives might not be effective.

Seeing Su Yu frowning and thinking, Lan Qi did not disturb him and just waited silently.

At this moment, he suddenly received a call invitation from His Majesty the Emperor.

He apologized and quickly went to find a quiet place in the base to answer the phone.

Three minutes later, Lan Qi returned to the spring.

He looked at Su Yu and said seriously: "Your Excellency Su Yu, are you willing to let us redeem the prisoners?"

"Of course I am willing, as long as I have enough gold."

"That's right. There was an emergency just now. Can the capture of the prisoners be postponed for a month?"

"Delay?" Su Yu frowned, showing displeasure.

"Yes, our government does not have enough gold to recover so many captives, and it will take a month to turn around." Lan Qi explained patiently.

In fact, the real situation is - the one-month delay is not due to capital turnover, but because His Majesty the Emperor just told him through the communication device that he wanted to spend less money to redeem the prisoners.

Now there is no doubt that the price for ransoming captives is high.

But after the "explosion mining" plan was successfully implemented a month later, Blue Star humans' winning rate dropped significantly, and they could take back the captives at a lower price.

Su Yu was very in favor of postponing the redemption of prisoners, so that they could have more time to do ideological work for the prisoners.

However, he did not show it on the surface, but said sternly: "Then how to calculate the placement fee, food fee, entertainment facility fee and other expenses for the captives in this month? We can't feed tens of thousands of mouths, can we?"

"Don't worry, these fees can be added to the total cost." Lan Qi assured.

"Okay then, let's talk about the prisoners again in a month."

Su Yu turned around and flew away without looking back.


Seeing that Su Yu finally ended the negotiation with the Skrulls, the barrage began to discuss again:

"The Skrulls actually want to delay the recovery of the prisoners for a month? What do they think?"

"I don't know, I always feel like there's a conspiracy in this matter."

"Could it be that the Stru people want the captives to eat and drink in our Blue Star and deprive us of poverty, right?"

"Who knows?"

Now Su Yu has come to Fujiwara Chika and said goodbye to her: "Prime Minister Fujiwara, I'm going to leave first. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you the reason for coming in advance and kept you here for so long."

"Oh, it's okay." Chika Fujiwara shook her head gently.

But at this moment, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Su Yu with a firm look on her face: "Su Yu, there is something I want to tell you."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Su Yu was slightly startled.

Chika Fujiwara turned her gaze to the mobile phone behind Su Yu: "Can you turn off the live broadcast room? I want to talk to you about this alone and don't want others to know."

"Of course." Su Yu put the phone into the necklace without thinking.

Of course, the mobile phone signal could not penetrate the necklace, and Su Yu's live broadcast stopped instantly.

However, what he didn't know was that the moment he turned off the live broadcast room, the barrage in the live broadcast room instantly increased several times!

Some of the barrages are saying "???", "Why did it stop suddenly?", "Open the door!"

There are also some comments that are extremely exciting:

"What does Prime Minister Chika Fujiwara want to say to President Katsura?"

"You don't want to confess your love!"

"I really can't tell. I'll look for Shuyuan Is there any woman in the world who can resist Mr. Ke's charm? He even hooked two of them in the game world."

"Confess your love? Promise yourself to ask Mr. Ke to help her save the country? Is this the ancient plot of 'selling your body to bury your father'?"

"Alizee, Tina: Don't even think about it!"


Of course, Su Yu didn't know the distorted ideas of netizens.

He casually held up a "sound isolation barrier" to cover the two of them, and then looked at Fujiwara Chika: "Prime Minister Fujiwara, no one is eavesdropping now, can you say it?"

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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