"Grace, where is Target 1 now?"

In the palace of the Kingdom of Makaton, Makaton III, wearing a gorgeous royal uniform, asked the AI ​​system in the palace.

This "Makaton III" is of course Senior Zhu. As for the "Target No. 1" he mentioned, he refers to Zhong Feng.

Senior Zhu has been paying attention to Zhong Feng's overall movements and knows that he has recently been "committing crimes" in several small surrounding countries.

According to Zhong Feng’s latest trend analysis, Zhong Feng is likely to come to his territory, the Kingdom of Makadon.

So Senior Zhu was already prepared to meet this Blue Star player (he didn't know he was Zhong Feng yet).

ai Grace immediately replied after hearing this: "Reporting to Your Majesty, Target No. 1 has left the Brown Empire and entered our country, but we are unable to capture his specific whereabouts."

"Well, show us the entire route map of Target No. 1." Senior Zhu gave the order.

"Okay, Your Majesty."

The information flow controlled by Grace gathered in the room and quickly opened a 3D map in front of Senior Zhu.

This map is the regional map of the 20 small affiliated countries in the south of the Lieyang Empire. If calculated in terms of area, these 20 small countries combined are almost the size of Blue Star India.

Zhong Feng's route of action is clearly depicted on the map.

Of course, this is a simulated route, a route deduced by the AI ​​system based on the location of Zhong Feng’s victim. The actual route is much more complicated.

Senior Zhu looked at the map seriously.

He found that Zhong Feng's route of action was very complicated, like an antelope hanging its horns, and no rules could be drawn.

In fact, this is the effect Zhong Feng deliberately wanted to achieve.

He has committed so many major crimes in so many small countries, and there are countless dignitaries in small countries who want to find him and regain their lost property.

He must devise a complex course of action to prevent his enemies from predicting his actions and causing him trouble.

Senior Zhu stared at the whole...

Roadmap, lost in thought.

After 10 minutes, he came to the conclusion that there were as many as 6 possible routes for Zhong Feng to enter the Kingdom of Makaton!

And he can only go to 3 of them at most.

"Then let's use the elimination method." Senior Zhu sighed.

He waved his hand and used his mind to draw the six routes on the map, and then said: "Grace, analyze the final destinations of these six routes."

"Understood, Your Majesty."

The six roads on the 3D map began to extend independently. According to Zhong Feng's stealing habits, the routes eventually spread to five places.

Senior Zhu looked at these five places in detail.

Two of the routes intersect and ultimately lead to Machadon Palace;

Three of the remaining four points point to the large cities in the eastern part of the kingdom, where the kingdom's major local forces are mainly located;

Article 4 points to the western mountainous area of ​​the kingdom.

Senior Zhu thought to himself: "If we use the elimination method, we can eliminate the road in the western mountainous area and the two roads leading to the palace.

This Blue Star player is unlikely to come to the palace. After all, he must know about his alliance with Cindy Doppler and will not fight his own family.

That is to say, if you control the remaining three roads, you will have a high probability of running into this Blue Star player! "

"La Grana Pass, Chinhui Ridge, Bourbon Valley."

Senior Zhu wrote down these three key place names. Then he flashed and left the palace.

In an inaccessible valley outside the royal capital, he performed the Taoist miraculous technique of "One Qi Transforms Three Purities", split his body into three, and flew towards these three roads respectively.

An hour later, Laglana Pass.

Zhong Feng transformed into a red-crowned bird and mixed with a large group of crested birds, preparing to enter the hinterland of the Kingdom of Macaton.

This is the best concealment method he has concluded - blending among a group of native birds, all actions will be undetected, and it is extremely difficult for the Skrulls to detect...


But just as he passed the mountain pass, he suddenly discovered that there was a high-level Skrull strongman standing in the mountain pass!

This Skrull strongman is very gorgeously dressed, and the facial patterns on his face also have royal characteristics. It is obvious that he comes from the Macaton royal family.

However, Zhong Feng did not take this strong man to heart.

"He can't find me." Zhong Feng thought confidently:

"It was exactly the same scene yesterday in the Brown Kingdom. The seventh-level strong man from the Brown Kingdom got stuck on the path I must pass and wanted to catch me, but I still flew over his head leisurely and could not detect my existence at all. So leave the Skrull alone."

Skrull is actually a planet with relatively scarce psychic resources. The entire planet's psychic resources are only one-fifth of those of Blue Star.

Due to scarcity, the Skrulls are unable to play so many tricks in psychic abilities and do not have in-depth research on "spell recognition".

So they couldn't identify Zhong Feng.

But the person standing at the mountain pass now is not the strong Skrull, but Senior Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu from Blue Star!

Senior Zhu is a strong man who grew up in the era of Blue Star's end of law. He defied the will of heaven and changed his destiny. Both his talents and abilities are as impressive as ancient times!

He had an extremely profound understanding of identifying a group of birds. When he looked at the flock of birds with his spiritual eyes, he immediately discovered the location of Zhong Feng among the vast flock of birds.

"Sure enough, I guessed it right! He indeed took this path." Senior Zhu smiled.

Senior Zhu first cast a shielding spell, and the thick spiritual mist spread rapidly around his body, filling the entire valley entrance in a few seconds.

These spiritual fogs can effectively obscure their movements from being seen by spy satellites in space.

Then, Senior Zhu took out two large bronze bells from the storage space.

dong dong

The big clock vibrates autonomously, and sound waves invisible to the naked eye hit the flock of crown birds.

quack quack

The crested bird flock simply cannot withstand...

He could withstand such a violent sound wave and was knocked unconscious immediately after being hit by the sound wave, falling to the ground with a splash.

This group of crown birds is generally only at level 23, and the leader is only at level 4.

None of them could survive the sonic attack, and they all fell towards the ground.

Soon, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com, only Zhong Feng, the "crown bird", was left flapping its wings foolishly in the sky.

His position has been exposed.

Zhong Feng was shocked! He had no idea that he would be exposed in this way.

But after seeing the two big bronze bells, he quickly felt relieved.

The Skrulls do not use bronze to make magical instruments, and the patterns on these two large bells are obviously magical instruments commonly used by ancient monks of Blue Star.

Two ancient Blue Star magic weapons appeared on the Skrull planet. There is only one truth - the Skrull high-level powerhouse in front of him must be a Blue Star person in disguise!

And Zhong Feng, who can use these two big bells, can only think of one - Zhu Yuanzhang and Senior Zhu!

The person in front of me must be Senior Zhu! Computer version, Baihe is free and the fastest update, no anti-theft, no anti-theft.

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