Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Seven hundred and eighty-seven, information about Prime Minister Cao’s whereabouts was leaked

Chapter 787 News of Prime Minister Cao’s whereabouts was leaked

"Then continue to pay attention." After saying this, Manina XIII wanted to hang up the call.

But at this time, Xion said on the phone: "Your Majesty, should we take action?"

"Take action? What do you mean?" Manina said she didn't quite understand.

"What I mean is sending people to the Anka Kingdom." Xion explained: "Now the Anka Kingdom has encountered major changes, and we urgently need to stand up to maintain stability.

If our people arrive before the Lencts, they may be able to better win over the Ankh Kingdom, which will be extremely beneficial to the diplomacy of our Sun Empire. "

After listening to Xion's words, Manina XIII did not answer immediately, but fell into deep thought.

About two minutes later, he spoke to the AI ​​system in the study: "Sunshine, show Cao Cao's real-time action route map."

"Okay master." AI Sunshine replied immediately. Soon, the entire 3D map of Skrull was displayed in front of him.

Red threads appear in the northern hemisphere of the 3D map. These threads are the trajectory of Cao Cao's recent movements.

Manina III and Plante have been chasing Cao Cao, but Cao Cao's "One Leaf Blind" spell is too powerful and they have never been able to catch up.

Neither Plant nor the two of them hid their auras and directions. The red thread on the map was drawn based on the directions of their two auras.

Manina looked at the map.

He discovered that Prime Minister Cao was now in the center of the Wild Continent, which was also the area where the monsters in the Wild Continent were the strongest and most densely populated.

Moreover, it has been almost a day. Prime Minister Cao has no plans to come to the Skrull land and has been wandering in the wild continent. This makes him feel at ease a lot.

So Manina said during the call: "Xiong, I will go to the Anka Kingdom in person later. Please inform the King of Anka for me and tell me that I will go there immediately."

Manina vaguely felt that something was wrong with what happened in the Anka Kingdom. The timing of this incident was very weird.

The main reason is that basically they are the only ones in the Lieyang Empire who have the motive and ability to attack Crown Prince Anka and the big businessman Lenkte.

Since it wasn't their Lieyang Empire that was responsible, then who was causing the trouble?

Manina wanted to see it for himself.

Hearing His Majesty the Emperor's words, Xion was immediately surprised: "But Your Majesty, Cao Cao has not yet been controlled by our god-level, and he poses a considerable threat to your life and safety. If it is not necessary, I suggest you It’s safer to stay at home.”

"It's okay." Manina smiled calmly: "I just saw Cao Cao's real-time action route. He has been active in the Savage Continent and has never left. The Savage Continent is hundreds of thousands of miles away from the Anka Kingdom in the southern hemisphere. Don't worry. He'll get there."

"Then...well, I will inform King Anka right away." Since His Majesty has made a decision, Xion, a minister, had no choice but to agree.

An hour later, at 5 p.m., Manina XIII took his exclusive antimatter aircraft and headed to the Kingdom of Anka.

His style of doing things has always been so straightforward and non-sloppy. In addition, his own strength is also very strong (up to the seventh level), so he does not need to carry security personnel, so he can go wherever he wants.

But just when the aircraft entered the territory of the Anka Kingdom, he suddenly received an urgent message from Xion: "Your Majesty, it's bad! Cao Cao's appearance on Skrull was posted online! Now the entire Internet public opinion is out of control. Got it!"

"What did you say?!" Manina was shocked: "Which bastard leaked the secret?"

"Yes...yes..." After hesitating for a long time, Xion said during the call: "It was Lady Cecilia who leaked the secret. She asked Cindy Doppler to replace her and put the news of Cao Cao's appearance on social networking sites. published on.”

Xion said, and also sent a screenshot of Cindy Doppler's message posted on the social networking site.

Cindy Doppler said this on social networking sites: "People of Baker Country, fellow Skrulls.

I just received a message from Lady Cecilia that Blue Star’s top powerhouse, Cao Cao, the eighth-level peak powerhouse, came to our planet Skrull. Currently, seven god-level powerhouses are working together to hunt him down.

No matter who it is, it is best not to go to the Savage Continent today to avoid accidental injuries. If Cao Cao leaves the Barbaric Continent, I will notify everyone as soon as possible, so please don't panic. "

Cindy Doppler's account has more than 40 million followers on the entire social networking site, and she is quite famous.

If an ordinary person posted a message, no one would see it, but the message he posted was immediately forwarded in large numbers and became known to the entire Internet.

As soon as the news was announced, it immediately caused a huge discussion on the entire Internet... No, it should be said to be a big panic.

The Internet was already very active during this period, and everyone was eating the "melon" of the Anka Kingdom. Unexpectedly, there was a bigger melon waiting for them!

Cao Cao actually came to Skrull!

Cao Cao's strength reaches the peak of god level. If he wreaks havoc in the Skrull cities, life will be devastated wherever he goes. Who knows how many people will die.

After knowing this news, the Skrulls who were still in the wilderness fell into extreme fear, and they tried their best to leave the wilderness;

The Skrulls on other continents aren't much better.

The news of Cao Cao's appearance seemed to tell them that an anti-matter missile was hanging over their heads, but they didn't know whether it would explode.

It's okay if it doesn't explode, but if it explodes, you'll die without a burial!

The entire online environment was plunged into extreme fear. Netizens were discussing crazily and praying that Cao Cao would not come to them. The online world was in chaos.

Manina was even more furious when she saw this screenshot. Find Shuyuan www.

What he was most worried about in the past two days was that Cao Cao's arrival on the planet Skrull was leaked.

Many Lieyang executives knew about this, but everyone had a tacit understanding not to tell anyone about it, and half of those who secretly said it on the Internet were immediately deleted.

But Cindy Doppler is different.

After all, Cindy Doppler is the leader of the Baker Nation and has more than 40 million fans. By the time the network reviewers discovered the message he posted, it was already too late to delete it.

Manina was furious and shouted at Xion on the plane: "Why would Cecilia do this? Doesn't she know that this will trigger panic among the people?"

"This... I don't quite understand." Xion replied timidly: "Lady Cecilia is a god-level powerhouse after all. Maybe they have their considerations in doing this?"

"Xiong, contact the ancestor immediately, I want to know what is going on!" Manina said with a dark face.

"Understood." Xion replied immediately.

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